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Messages - Bucky Kid

No, sorry this is bad bug making the asp unusable after first map movement.  Regardless which kind of nap I open. I need l working ocus tomorrow, please.

Version, as soon as I make first movement through the map, the viewport center becomes uncontrollably switching between several positions. There's no other way to stop it that shut down application. I wonder nobody else reported this fatal misbehaviour.
Phase menion provide download link for previous test version

Sent from LT22i using Tapatalk

This dancing effect is terrible bug. It makes me insane, download link for please Somebody make mirror of previous test version please.

Sent from LT22i using Tapatalk
Hi mention,
I think this is a minor bug of latest test version: when switching to vector map from personal map at high zoom level (18 and above), nothing draws. I have to zoom out/in to start map rendering.

Sent from LT22i using Tapatalk
Troubles & Questions / Re: Calibrate a map
October 10, 2013, 15:17:35
If you can download the map again and it only shifted against coordinates, I bet it's better create OruxMaps SQLite format instead. Then you can easily permanently recalibrate the map in text editor (all calibration data are placed aside the database). But I too like an tutorial for recalibrating existing offline maps directly in Locus if that's possible.
mám taky menší problém s quick map switch a nechce se mi kvůli tomu zakládat nové téma:
Používám QMS pro změny map namísto manažeru map a s postupem času se s ním práce spíš zhoršuje, důvod je nahoře stále narůstající seznam všech online map které jsem kdy otevřel a přitom online používám nejméně často. Čímž se dostávám k jádru problému, pro najetí na osobní a vektorové mapy které používám nejčastěji musím už notně posouvat seznamem dolů. Bohužel jsem nenašel způsob jak nepoužívané online mapy dostat ven ze seznamu, asi to ani nejde a to ani když online mapu vypnu globálně (Mapy pokročilé > Online mapy). Sice se dá seznam ten collapsnout ale není to úplně ono takže bych měl menší návrh jestli by šlo udělat
1) možnost přeuspořádat kategorie map v rychlém přepínači podle vlastní intenzity používání (tj. možnost odsunout online mapy až na konec)
2) možnost manuálně odstranit online mapu ze seznamu rychlého přepínače (např. dlouhým podržením prstu na položce), eventuelně u konkrétní online mapy umožnit někde zatržítko aby se po příštích použitích už nepřidávala do rychlého výběru nebo jako podle mě nejoptimálnější způsob naopak přidávat do rychlého výběru jen mapy u kterých tato možnost bude povolená (defaultně by byla nepřidávat)
Quote from: balloni55 on October 02, 2013, 09:06:57
i hope i do not missundersand you
You can change the POIicon ore the foldericon by long click on the grey underlaid icon and select anotherone
Oh I'm afraid I meant quick POIS, not regular POIs, those on picture. I try long press on it and there seems to be no editable properties available.

If somebody else finds this greatly expanding potential of mapitems, please vote+ here:
After some testing I don't find any bugs, this looks to be very good version, but I would very appreciate if quick POI categories could have their own icon assigned so that they appear in the map with real sign instead of generic "i" , that would enable instantly dentify the icon meaning without having to open waypoint details first (especially useful when two or more categories are shown)

Sent from LT22i using Tapatalk 4 now Free

I have yet one idea for next public version: make the info panel state distinctive: I.e. remember own choice for GPS off, own choice for GPS on, own choice for GPS on with guiding etc., so that user doesn't have to switch by self preferred panel after each Locus state change.

Sent from LT22i using Tapatalk 4

[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: Zaznam trasy - pausa
September 24, 2013, 10:41:12
Quote from: pampo on September 24, 2013, 00:37:21
Super sprava. Dakujem za odpoved. Este pridam fotku mojich "lavych" prstov aby bolo uplne jasne ako omylom stlacam pausu. :(

A co si panel pro nahrávání zavřít? (křížek úplně vpravo). Sice tak nebudou okamžitě dostupné funkce pro ovládání ale nedojde k nechtěnému zastavení záznamu. Já ho hned taky zavírám po zvolení profilu a spuštění záznamu. Potom nejbližší akce se záznamem je zpravidla až úplné zastavení a uložneí, což už mě ty tři kliknutí navíc nezabijí (2x pro otevření pravého panelu a 1 pro otevření lišty záznamu). Navíc se dá myslím záznam zastavit i přímo kliknutím na widget takže defacto ta lišta záznamu je tam po spuštění zbytečná. Možná by stálo za úvahu přidat do nastavení volbu k automatickému schování lišty po spuštění záznamu a pak znovuotevření až po vypnutí GPS nebo vůbec (nebo přidat k pauze potvrzovací dialog, možností je víc).
Quote from: menion on September 04, 2013, 12:57:05
21.9.2013 - Locus

changes to 2.15.4
- big GUI rewrite
- fixed MapQuest routing
- many small bug-fixes
Hi menion, I have several suggestions:
1) could you please yet a bit increase the upper level for maps shading to 17?
2) Could you change the selection color in dialogs from pink to something other? ;)
3) Bug: FC when switching in maps manager sorting from alphabetic to smart selection.
4) Maps rendering (no shading) and opening dialogs seems something slower than in 2.15.1, but maybe it's only feeling
The problem with not loading tiles on raster maps seems to be fixed.
Thanks for fixing the unwanted zoom bug
Quote from: KaHeMu on September 21, 2013, 13:38:43
for me the former one was more clear.

Yep I find the old design nicer too, if I could wish preserve both interfaces upon user's choice.

Sent from LT22i using Tapatalk 2

I'm trying the personal maps shading now on test map without relief and can't get it to show.
Is the feature limited to certain zoom ranges only? Using mostly raster maps at zoom levels 15 and 16.
The same on vector maps, zooms 15 and above don't show shading. Is this because of technical limitation or high performance load?
Maybe the autogenerated relief is too coarse at high zoom levels? I can't say.
I think you are describing the known bug of Locus 2.15.x: The fix is already working on.
Does the slowness problem have only with GEMF format? I don't encounter any slower loading of GEMF maps relative to SQLite.
Navigation & Guidance / Re: Navigation on all tracks
September 10, 2013, 09:19:34
Hiyas and thanks to menion for this great feature. I had similar idea in the past already so I wanted to make a couple of suggestions to improve this:
1. allow user to edit the navigation commands at way-points where necessary and mass delete the auto-generated navigation commands by Locus where they're superfluous (or just offer choice to add manual navigation commands by user from scratch). The reason is someone (like me) can use dense routes to follow the trail shape accurately. My idea is that user should not to be flooded by needless voice instruction to avoid then missing truly important way-point. Instead that I would prefer to place navi commands only at points where they're necessary (regardless on current trail shape).
2. I don't know how the voice navigation works but I think it' would be nice if Locus spoke out an notification of route change in some advance and then again very close to the point of direction change like it is done in classic car navigations. It would also be useful if user could choose count and distances of voice notifications preceding the navigation point and if Locus offered a possibility of vibrating event at the same time.
3. Hopefully this useful feature will soon be included in public version of Locus  ;D