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Messages - eldron

Any news on this yet? Would like to try the new version that was released today.
the track size and colour can be configured for each track or each folder. So you need to check what folder your track is in and what settings apply to that folder.
Or you can switch off the folder settings for that track and apply individual settings.
If you changed the settings for track record (in the Settings Menu) - that only applies to tracks that you record with locus and only whilst they are being recorded. As soon as you save them, the folder settings apply.
Sounds a bit confusing, but makes sense and the folder settings are very useful.
Two very popular sources for Vector maps would be:
and a German project:
You will also need the fitting themes, which are available on the websites.
The advantage of vectormaps is that you can change the themes, depending on what you want to do with the map (hiking/biking, day or night use, high contrast etc.)
Hi Zylon and welcome to this forum and to the world of locus ;-)
Have you had a look into downloading a vector map instead of a tile (raster) map?
Using a vector map has some advantages, as you can download a map for all of Germany at once (only around 1GB in size) and use different themes on it.
Vector Maps have lots of advantages, but do have 2 downsides as well - They load slower when scrolling or zooming in/out (especially on older phones with slower processors) and they sometimes have little issues with displaying street/town/city names.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Bluetooth GPS
May 06, 2014, 22:01:13
Does Locus show the current accuracy when using the Glo?
I tried a different Bluetooth GPS device once and it connected fine with locus, but Locus didn´t show the accuracy.
Hi Menion
I would like to continue beta testing, but I am not willing to join google+ . is there a way at the moment to do so?
In an earlier Post you said that you could add a way (a google group) to allow people to download the test versions without using google+ .Does that exist yet?
It was never necessary to transfer files from your computer to your phone to install the test version.
You just had to open the locus forum on your phone, download the file and install it...
I really don´t see the great advantage of this new system.
I really don´t see the problem with the old way of distribution...
It took about 1 minute to download and install the latest version - without having to register with g+ .
So my vote would be to keep it the way it was or to offer both ways.
I really like the new track record screen - all the information you need at one glance and in big letters!
But i do agree with the others - it would be great to see if a track is being recorded or paused without having to check in the track record screen.
Personally I would even prefer to be able to pause/continue track recording from the main screen with just one click.
And thanks for swapping the coordinate buttons back to how they were - makes much more sence like that!
I´d like to welcome you in the world of locus and in this forum ;-)
I am sure you will be more and more fascinated by locus, the more you use it. And also by the great support and continuous development of this app.
So how is the Garmin Monterra? Is it worth the money?
I mean it does come with quite a hefty price tag. I must say I am a bit surprised that garmin didn´t include a telephone function for emergency calls.
also ich fand das ganze eigentlich recht unkompliziert:
App herunterladen und beim ersten Start wird als erstes abgefragt wohin die Daten gespecheichert werden sollen. Hier einfach die SD Karte auswählen (die Datenpakete sind recht groß), wo Brouter dann automatisch ein Verzeichnis anlegt.Dann den Downloadmanager starten, ich glaube beim ersten Start öffnet der sich automatisch.
Wichtig - Mir ist gerade aufgefallen, dass der Downloadmanager nur angezeigt wird, wenn Wlan aktiviert ist, zumindest bei späteren Starts der App.
Als erstes wird abgefragt wohin du die Daten speichern willst. Dann öffnet sich eine Weltkarte und du musst soweit reinzoomen, bis du über der Landkarte ein Raster aus Vierecken siehst.
Durchs klicken auf die Vierecke werden diese ausgewählt, also die Routingdaten für diesen Bereich zum herunterladen markiert. Durch merere Klicks auf ein Viereck wählt man aus, ob man alle Daten oder nur das "full" bzw. das "Carsubset" Paket herunterladen will.
Der Download dauert recht lange, da die maximal Downloadgeschwindigkeit beschränkt ist. Also an dieser Stelle eine Folge seiner Lieblingsserie anschauen und abwarten.
Danach kann man Brouter schließen und in Locus in den Routingeinstellungen Brouter auswählen und sich über Offlinerouting freuen.
Quote from: gynta on April 02, 2014, 00:30:00
Hm, in this case..
..nice again for GC community..
Years ago a forum user wrote, he fears, Locus will be a poor GC tool in next time...
I think now, he was not soo wrong.  ;)
60% work is GC stuff. ::)
Well if that´s the case, then Locus is the best "poor" GC tool I have ever seen ;-)
It´s a big notch above all other Geocaching apps I have ever tried.
I might be wrong, but I would guess that a big part of the Locus userbase are geocachers, so maybe some development in that directed is justified ;-)
ich habe nur mit Rad- und Wanderrouting getestet, wo die Routenberechnung wahrscheinlich etwas komplexer ist, da es mehr Möglichkeiten gibt. Ausserdem hängt die Berechnungsdauer ja vermutlich auch vom verbauten Prozessor ab und mein Handy ist weder Oberklasse noch neu.
Wegen dem Timeout - in der App Beschreibung steht halt, dass die Brouter App längere Strecken berechnen kann, während die Dienste-Schnittstelle einen Timeout von 60 Sekunden hat. Für mich klingt das so, als gäbe es in der eigentlichen App keinen Timeout. Daher bin ich mir irgendwie nicht ganz schlüssig was denn nun den Timeout verursacht und warum es überhaupt einen Timeout gibt...?
Während ich den Text geschrieben habe, habe ich mal die Auto-Routingfunktion getestet. Bei einer Strecke von 95km (Luftlinie) habe ich die Timeoutmeldung erhalten.
Jegliche Streckenberechnungen waren direkt aus Locus und nicht in der Brouter App.
Beim download der Routinginfos habe ich beide Datein heruntergeladen (also auch das carsubset).
the second name bar makes sense, when the name of the point is quite long - which is not unusual with geocaches.
The top bar in the geocaching point screen has some additional symbols (for hint and logging) and has therefore got less space for the name of the POI. On my phone it´s a difference of about 15 letters.
Also, the second bar displays the cache symbol (Tradi, Multi, mystery etc.). So from a geocacher´s point of view the second bar does make sense ;-)