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Messages - eldron

I renamed the shader cache folder and had another look at the map, but the hillshades where still wrong.
Afterwards I had another look at the newly created shader cache folder and the 3 subfolders where there, but empty. So by the looks of it no new cache files were created.
I´m just posting this in case it helps your bug hunt, for me the problem is solved, as I can use the openandro map for now and I´ll just wait for the Locus Map to be fixed too.
Once again I´m amazed by the level of support that this community and the developer delivers!
I just tried Sonnys hgt file and it works like a charm - thanks a lot!
Interestingly enough Locus seems to ignore the hgt file information for the hillshades when using a locus map. With Sonnys hgt file i get the correct hillshades on the openandro map, but not on the locus map.
Is it correct, that the 1" files have a higher resolution than the 3" files (by factor 3), but in return are much larger in filesize (almost factor 10)?
@ Sonny
I actually tried to download the directly to my phone when i got back from the hike (from your DTM Germany 1" v1 folder), but it didn´t show up in the list. I think my phone had a problem to display the google drive content correctly, as it went from N50 straight to N54 in the list, with no N51 Files. I just opened the folder on the computer and all the files are there.
I´ll have a look at the files when i get home and download them on the computer this time instead of trying it on the phone.
Thanks a lot for your reply and for all your hard work to combine the elevation data from all the different sources and most of all for sharing your data with everyone. I´ll make sure to send a donation to you.
I actually checked sonny's website to download his srtm files to see if they are correct, but couldn't find any files for the area. But that might have been my bad, i find his website quite confusing.
I wouldn't mind using the openandro map, but the problem is that I really like the map shading and that depends on the srtm altidute data and not the map data. As you can see on the openandro screenshot,the contour lines are correct, but the hillshading is off, as well as the screen center info.
It's a real shame that there's no proper altitude data available for Germany, other countries are doing a much better job at that.

The locus map I used during the hike was from 2016, but when I got home i purchased the latest Locus map of the region to double check, so that one was up to date. The Openandro Map was also up to date, as I downloaded it the same evening to compare it to the locus map.
According to the map details in locus the locus map is from the 27.04.2021 and the Openandromap is from the 30.04.2021 . In both cases it´s the "Sachsen-Anhalt" map.
Troubles & Questions / Incorrect altitude data
June 06, 2021, 17:24:23
on a recent hike I came across some incorrect altitude data in the map contour lines and also in the srtm data. I noticed this because according to the map the path that we were on should have dropped from around 400m altitude to around 230m within a distance if 100m - which would have been a pretty steep drop. But in reality this was not the case.
When we got home I had a closer look and the first thing I did was to update the map, as it had been 4 years old. But the new map contains the same mistake.
I have also set locus to always display the altutide in the screen center, which was also wrong. So i renamed the srtm folder and re-downloaded the srtm files (via map download and also via the point details screen) - again, the altitude was still wrong.
So I downloaded openandromaps map of that region and I was surprised to see, that the contour lines in the openandromaps where correct.
I have attached two screenshots - the first screenshot shows the correct contour lines (openandro map) and the second shows the incorrect contour lines (locus map). The altitude info (red number in the center) is incorrect on both screenshots, as it´s using the srtm data which is also incorrect.
So I was wondering if this might also apply to other regions and why openandromaps has the correct data, even though both maps are based on openstreetmap data?
Maps / Re: Increase map resolution
July 02, 2019, 22:03:45
I have now tested the new "optimise" feature and I find it very useful. I´d prefer to be able to set the zoom level myself though, as optimise chooses 300% and i´d prefer a bit less. Maybe we´ll get that in some future release.
I´d also prefer if the "global map" would only kick in for offline maps, as I am not sure how useful that feature is when you are using an online map.
Maps / Re: Increase map resolution
July 02, 2019, 21:16:51
Well, once again Menion was too fast.
I hadn´t updated Locus for maybe two month and it looks like the feature I was looking for was implemented in the meantime.  :D
Maps / Re: Increase map resolution
July 02, 2019, 21:09:40
Hi John,
thanks for the quick reply, but I don´t have either of those settings. Under Maps>Advanced I only have "Increase Map Resolution" (which is the same as the quick button that I am using and has the disadvantage that it also increases the vector map resolution), "Map Shading" and "Map Color Mode".
So I am not sure where to find those settings...?
Maps / Increase map resolution
July 02, 2019, 20:52:35
I was wondering if there is a way of increasing the map resolution by map type or for individual maps.
Because of the screen resolution on my phone all online maps and downloaded (non vector) maps have tiny writing, so I always use the "increase map resolution" quick button. It´s great to have that, but for me it would make more sense to just have a setting that always increases the map resolution when a raster map is loaded - or at least a way of setting this in the map options.
I also use a raster map as my global map, as it works much better (loads faster and the city names are shown properly). So every time I zoom out I can´t read anything until I use the quick button.
Am I just missing some obvious setting or is this not implemented yet?
Quote from: Locustrier on April 26, 2019, 14:22:51
Ich hätte kein Problem 50 Euro für eine App zu zahlen, wenn ich dafür nicht ewig Fehlerreporte schreiben müsste und dann die Reparaturen mehrmals nachgefixt werden müssten.

Also wenn ich überlege, was ich an Zeit reingesteckt habe, damit Menion kapiert hat, was für Daten googlemaps mit Locus austauscht, damit der Austausch zwischen den beiden Apps sinnvoll funktioniert. Aber bei Victor von Osmand habe ich mich auch schon gewundert, was ich ihm alles testen sollte, damit eine Funktion läuft.

Ab und zu frage ich mich, ob man Appentwickler wird, weil einem nichts anderes übrigbleibt.

Ich habe beruflich viel mit Microsoft Produkten zu tun und wäre heilfroh, wenn dort auch nur annähernd so schnell auf Fehlerberichte (auch sehr ausführliche) reagiert werden würde wie bei Locus. Und ich wage zu behaupten, dass Microsoft etwas mehr Ressourcen zur Verfügung hat. Teilweise sind Bugs aber, trotz vielfachen Reports und teilweise sogar vorhandenen User-Workarounds, auch nach Jahren noch vorhanden - und leider nicht nur unbedeutende Bugs.
Ich würde sogar so weit gehen zu sagen, dass mir nur wenige Apps / Programme bekannt sind, bei denen derart schnell auf Fehlerberichte reagiert wird.
Dazu ist der Entwickler sogar noch offen dankbar über Feedback und Fehlerberichte und sehr aktiv im Forum.

Wenn ich dann noch bedenke, was Locus alles an neuen Features, Funktionen und Verbesserungen erhalten habe, seit ich es vor vielen Jahren gekauft habe bin ich durchaus bereit erneut dafür zu bezahlen.
Are we talking about vector maps or tile maps?
For Vector Maps you can increase the text size under Settings->Maps->Map objects->Text size and Icon size under Settings->Maps->Points and Tracks->Map icon size .
You can also increase the general map resolution (which to me only makes sense for tile maps) under Maps->Advanced features->increase map resolution. You can also put a Quick Settings button for this in your sidebar on the main screen to be able to toggle the map resolution with just 2 clicks. I use hat quite often, when I´m changing between vector maps and tile maps, as the tile map text and icons is too small on my phone. I think that has to do with the screen resolution of the phone you are using.
Free chat / Re: Huawei P20 Pro with Locus
June 13, 2018, 22:17:01
Thanks Menion,
I´ve already read that thread, but was hoping that I could reproduce Patrick´s solution, who posted that it worked for him after the latest huawei patch. I do admit though, that it would be a bit of a worry to know that the next patch could break locus functionality again.
So the next hope is that you´ll find a way to fix the problem ;-)
But it would all be no good anyway, if the GPS on the P20 Pro had other issues. The only review I could find online (on was not too positive about the GPS. But I don´t like to rely on just one source. So maybe someone here can pass on his/her experience with the P20 Pro...?
Free chat / Huawei P20 Pro with Locus
June 13, 2018, 18:38:23
I´m thinking about buying a Huawei P20 Pro, but one of my main criterias would be that the GPS runs smoothly. So if anyone here is already using a P20 Pro I´d be very grateful if you could answer a few questions:
1) How good is the GPS accuracy?
2) Does the P20 Pro support Galileo? I googled this one and found very contradictory statements.
3) Any known GPS / Locus issues with the P20 Pro?
It says on his website that he is taking some time off from the 23rd of April until the 24th June. Maybe that´s why you can´t reach him?