What does the new "Load Track" button in the track list do?
It marks the tracks as visible, but that´s what the eye is for, isn´t it? so is it just another way to show the tracks on the map or does it have a different function?
The new track overview is a nice idea, you have some important information at a glance. But I am not sure if the question mark is a good choice when no map is shown.
Locus also crashed once, whilst i was playing around with the tracks and track overview. I think i marked some tracks and hit "load tracks" when it crashed, but i am not sure and so far it hasn´t happened again.
It marks the tracks as visible, but that´s what the eye is for, isn´t it? so is it just another way to show the tracks on the map or does it have a different function?
The new track overview is a nice idea, you have some important information at a glance. But I am not sure if the question mark is a good choice when no map is shown.
Locus also crashed once, whilst i was playing around with the tracks and track overview. I think i marked some tracks and hit "load tracks" when it crashed, but i am not sure and so far it hasn´t happened again.