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Messages - john_percy

Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
June 03, 2023, 14:03:02

Disused route: name has gone, but route still shows as nwn. The two routes that run there are both lwn.
Edit: or look here where there is only the one route and the route still shows but is nameless! geo:51.37445,7.63300?z=19

Tunnel unchanged
Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
June 02, 2023, 14:12:14
@voldapet Are you able to make maps available for testing purposes as before?

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
June 01, 2023, 00:19:34
I'm attempting to follow the instructions for a custom poi theme. I've just downloaded the latest beta.
I have a theme file "Voluntary V5 LE.xml"
I'm attempting a poi theme file "Voluntary V5 LE_vol-multi.poi.xml" for a style "Multi" with a layer id "vol-multi".
a) the poi theme shows up in the list of selectable themes. I'm sure that's not desirable.
b) it doesn't seem to have any effect

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Maps / Re: World base map goes crazy
May 24, 2023, 11:46:27
It could be to do with discontinuity over the Greenwich meridian which I remember has caused problems in other maps.

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Maps / World base map goes crazy
May 23, 2023, 20:43:29
The Locus World Base Map goes crazy on the M25 orbital motorway around London. See the two screenshots. The first is World Base Map, the second(correct) is OSM data.

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Quote from: TrulloF on May 20, 2023, 10:33:30Offline LoPoints still don't respect theme definitions and always overlay icon definitions in v4 themes with Locus default icons. That's true for all themes like Voluntary and other custom themes. With v3 maps the behaviour is different in the way that offline  LoPoints are depicted as defined by the theme and not as extra overlay.
I believe there is a possibility that @Menion will open up the icon theme in the future, which would allow third party themes to style the poi icons as previously.

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Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Voluntary
May 19, 2023, 15:31:56
Sorry, I completely forgot to upload the graphics for OSMC. Hopefully now corrected!
Screenshot is v5 on OAM on my phone, so it does work!

Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Voluntary
May 18, 2023, 23:45:52
The latest version of the Voluntary themes now supports OAM maps and both new and old LoMaps.
It also supports OSMC hiking trail markers (in Hiking style). See link below.

Voluntary and Velocity themes -

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Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
May 18, 2023, 14:58:19
I think this particular example of a disused route ought to fail on a check on the relation for type=route, which I am sure you need to do in any case when preparing the map. I don't think this usage is documented but there are a whole host of ways of tagging lifecycle stages:
Edit: I could imagine type=disused:route as a possible interpretation of the wiki but that may not be allowed syntax.

Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
May 18, 2023, 12:34:08
Also Blue Pedalway ought not really to appear on the map as its state is only "proposed".


Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
May 17, 2023, 11:12:10
Also Höhlenweg X4, N 51.37576°, E 007.63249° is a route of type=disused_route but shows on the map.

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Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
May 17, 2023, 00:00:21
Does highway=construction flow through to lm_highway=construction? I suspect not.
I don't think it affects the internal theme adversely but it does affect my Voluntary theme in terms of route marking offset and width etc.

Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Voluntary
May 13, 2023, 17:02:23
In my experience it's usually caused by portions of the map being rendered twice, due to having two overlapping maps covering the same area and Automatic map loading turned on for Vector maps (Offline).

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Quote from: Viajero Perdido on May 12, 2023, 18:41:42In the current non-beta LM4, I can't find any themes in the store.  (I answered a question in another thread related to themes, so I was curious.)  I spent some time in the store totally lost, then found the "+" icon at the bottom of the theme switcher, which brought me to an empty page on the store.
*None* of the themes in the store would work with the new LoMaps! I don't know what the plans for the store are.
However the Voluntary theme is now compatible with old and new LoMaps as well as OAM maps. You can download it from

Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Voluntary
May 13, 2023, 13:39:45
Yes, the lines are due to transparent tiles overlapping slightly. If you remove the transparency, the lines will go - as long as you have no strokes there.
The tiles don't overlap at certain zoom levels so the problem is limited to certain zoom levels.