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Messages - john_percy

Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Themes] Volatile-Bundle
February 12, 2013, 00:17:10
QuoteBTW: do you understand why this way has layer=-1 ?? (from point of view of OSM data)
I'm sure that's because it goes under the A5 - but I don't think that's the right way to do that.
However, as far as I could see the problems with Milton Keynes were all connected with Layer = -1. If the park or residential area are not rendered, the roads (and stream) are all there, so they are not under the blue polygon.
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Themes] Volatile-Bundle
February 11, 2013, 15:27:43
That is better, as the main A5 road is shown, but the more minor link roads are still obscured by the park - most obviously the one coming in from the left of the screenshot to the junction by the cursor. There is another minor road covered by a residential area to the top right of the screenshot as well as the stream running through the park (as well as the woodland in the park, which is a different issue, mentioned earlier in this thread).
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Themes] Volatile-Bundle
February 11, 2013, 12:07:56
Demonstrating Layer = -1 problems around Milton Keynes (UK) and the resolution with a semi-transparent park area.
[attachment=1:3pfwrzmr]2013-02-11 09.17.22.jpg[/attachment:3pfwrzmr][attachment=0:3pfwrzmr]2013-02-11 09.16.32.jpg[/attachment:3pfwrzmr]
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Themes] Volatile-Bundle
February 11, 2013, 00:00:35
Quote from: "koksch"Some streams are covered by areas (wood, meadow, ...). So the Prießnitz in Dresden at N 51°04.588', E 13°45.701'. (After outcommenting the rules for forest, wood, ... one can see these streams on the map.)
The Layer = -1 issue comes up elsewhere in UK maps. My suggestion for resolving it (in part) is to use a partially transparent fill for areas, both colour and image fills. It seems to work acceptably.

For example:
<rule e="way" k="leisure" v="park|garden|golf_course|common|green">
<area fill="#408EC117" stroke="#6fc18e" stroke-width="0.2" />

(Screenshots to follow)

Edit: Updated zip file of these themes is at viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2915#p19296
Themes - Vector maps / Re: Internal Turist Theme?
February 05, 2013, 16:30:51
Menion: I will *try* to be patient ;-)
Currently, the "sea level" contour line disagrees with the coastline. My workaround is to simply amend the theme to hide the elevation=0 contour line, relying on the fact that the tag mapping does not add elevation data to this line. This won't work in areas where the land comes down steeply to sea level as other contour lines may stray into the sea area. And if you use a map with sea tiles from OpenAndroMaps, then this is not needed - those maps seem to hide the zero elevation contour line by default.
Is there a better way of doing this?
<!-- contour lines level 12 -->
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="*" zoom-min="12" zoom-max="12">  
  <rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="elevation_minor">  
<line stroke="#60800000" stroke-width="0.3"/>
  <rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="elevation_medium|elevation_major">  
<rule e="way" k="ele" v="*">
<line stroke="#60800000" stroke-width="0.6"/>
<!-- contour lines level 13 -->
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="*" zoom-min="13" zoom-max="13">
  <rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="elevation_minor">  
 <line stroke="#60800000" stroke-width="0.2"/>
  <rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="elevation_medium|elevation_major">  
<rule e="way" k="ele" v="*">
 <line stroke="#60800000" stroke-width="0.5"/>
<!-- contour lines level 14-->
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="*" zoom-min="14" zoom-max="14">
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="elevation_minor">  
<line stroke="#60800000" stroke-width="0.15"/>
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="elevation_medium|elevation_major">  
<rule e="way" k="ele" v="*">
<line stroke="#60800000" stroke-width="0.4"/>
<pathText k="ele" font-style="bold" font-size="10" fill="#60800000" stroke="#60ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<!-- contour lines level 15-->
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="*" zoom-min="15" zoom-max="15">
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="elevation_minor" zoom-max="15">  
<line stroke="#60800000" stroke-width="0.12"/>
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="elevation_medium|elevation_major">  
<rule e="way" k="ele" v="*">
<line stroke="#60800000" stroke-width="0.3"/>
<pathText k="ele" font-style="bold" font-size="10" fill="#60800000" stroke="#60ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<!-- contour lines level 16 -->
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="*" zoom-min="16" zoom-max="16">
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="elevation_minor">  
<line stroke="#60800000" stroke-width="0.08"/>
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="elevation_medium|elevation_major">  
<rule e="way" k="ele" v="*">
<line stroke="#60800000" stroke-width="0.2"/>
<pathText k="ele" font-style="bold" font-size="10" fill="#60800000" stroke="#60ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<!-- contour lines level 17 and above -->
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="*" zoom-min="17">
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="elevation_minor">  
<line stroke="#60800000" stroke-width="0.06"/>
<rule e="way" k="contour_ext" v="elevation_medium|elevation_major">  
<rule e="way" k="ele" v="*">
<line stroke="#60800000" stroke-width="0.15"/>
<pathText k="ele" font-style="bold" font-size="10" fill="#60800000" stroke="#60ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
Sea level contour line, before and after (there are other differences between the themes)
[attachment=1:the7iu35]2012-10-31 14.05.21.jpg[/attachment:the7iu35]
Zero level contour line hidden in OpenAndroMaps sea tile maps:[attachment=0:the7iu35]2012-10-31 14.06.05.jpg[/attachment:the7iu35]