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Messages - john_percy

Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Voluntary UK
September 29, 2017, 16:08:55
Voluntary theme has been updated. The new version is available in the first post, or through Locus Store in the app.
The main enhancements are:
- Option to show "difficult" paths in LoMaps and maps from OpenAndroMaps
- Names for archipelagos, islands and islets in latest maps from OpenAndroMaps (from 1 Oct 2017)
- Minor but important changes in the order of rendering of one-way streets, route overlays, railways, aeroways, ferries and bridges; white underlay for paths on bridges; revised border rendering.

The following users thanked this post: Haggi, Magellan, Viajero Perdido,
Vector maps have themes which have different style options, selected either by drop down menus or check boxes.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
For presets, can we have styles as well as themes, please.
The following users thanked this post: michaelbechtold
Quote from: Andrew Heard on January 27, 2017, 10:32:15
Nice to have map themes now included.
For me, it would be nicer to have map styles as well as themes included.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on January 27, 2017, 10:32:15
Because each preset can have own independent set of settings I imagine could cause user confusion. Seems user will generally need to have settings identical in each preset (for example I am testing with 3 presets Cycling/ Driving/ Default). There is not going to be large number of settings to choose from so could the initial choosing of set of settings be removed - each preset just has all possible settings? User simply decides on the value of each setting.
That change would need a three-position switch (on | off | no change) for each setting which is what the present arrangement achieves.
The following users thanked this post: michaelbechtold
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Voluntary UK
January 26, 2017, 14:51:42
I've adjusted the styles for the theme so that Cycle, Hiking, City and Road styles function almost as presets with a limited range of tailored options, while Multi and Yellow have a fuller (but manageable) range of options. Locus remembers the settings of the overlays for each style (Neat, Menion!).
The key (same link as post above: ) has also been updated.
Voluntary Cruiser is included here for completeness but is not intended for use with the Locus app.
This is still beta, but almost ready for release.
The following users thanked this post: Magellan
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Voluntary UK
January 16, 2017, 23:10:03
I've reworked the Voluntary theme significantly to take advantage of selectable overlays in themes. Display of hiking, cycle and mountain bike routes can now be switched on or off, as can highlighting for each of them. I've limited the number of options shown to aid ease of use. As far as possible this works for both LoMaps from Locus Store and maps from OpenAndroMaps.
There are other improvements, including embankments and dykes and cycle tracks and lanes on OpenAndroMaps and a Yellow version to help when using overlays such as Strava (see
I have also provided a slightly more limited version for Cruiser and Orux. The "bugfix" version has been retired.
As this is the first release with these features, please treat this as a beta and let me have your comments, please. Once I'm sure it is working well, I'll upload it to the first post as usual.

Hilit hiking trail | Hilit cycle trail | Velocity

Downloadable key:

The following users thanked this post: LocusUser#1
With the present user interface, changing overlays is rather complicated. The current overlay has to be removed with the "Remove" button , then a new one has to be selected with the "Select" button. As the overlay can be simply switched on and off, either with the eye icon on the map Layers slide-out menu or the switch on the Map Overlays pop-up screen, the "Remove" button is someone superfluous. I suggest either (a) click on the overlay name to change to a different overlay or (b) change the "Remove" button to "Change overlay" button. That reduces clicks by one.
The following users thanked this post: michaelbechtold
Another place where the data manager screen is described incorrectly. It doesn't deal with local files any more.

The following users thanked this post: Menion
Maps / Re: [Overlay] Google Traffic Overlay
July 22, 2016, 23:40:18
Use M******n:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provider id="80300" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
      <mode>Traffic - M******n</mode>
      <extraHeader><![CDATA[User-Agent#Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21]]></extraHeader>

Edit: Out of respect for terms of use, I have obfuscated the url and the name
The following users thanked this post: gynta
Themes - Vector maps / [Theme] Voluntary
March 04, 2013, 18:22:01
Theme last updated 22 January 2024. Download and install from

The Voluntary themes support OAM maps and both new and old LoMaps.

The Voluntary theme is designed for clarity of display. Its colours are based on UK Ordnance Survey conventions and will be fairly familiar to British users. Even if you are not British, the colours and styles will probably work well for you. It automatically scales for devices with displays of different resolutions and symbols enlarge smoothly for higher zoom levels. The zoom levels at which various features appear has been adjusted to provide optimal information and reduce unwanted clutter.

You can choose Hiking, Cycle, City, Multi, Yellow or Transparent style when you select the Voluntary UK theme.

The styles take advantage of switchable options. Display of hiking, cycle and mountain bike routes can now be switched on or off, as can highlighting for each of them. The number of options shown is relatively limited to aid ease of use. Cycling, Hiking, City and Road styles function almost as presets with a limited range of tailored options. Within these particular styles the display is subtly tailored to its purpose: for example, Road displays junction and road numbers better; Cycling has a better display of cycle routes. Multi, Transparent and Yellow have a fuller (but manageable) range of options. Locus remembers the settings of the options for each style.

The City style is aimed at use in large cities such as London and has a less cluttered (and slightly faster) display at low zoom levels. Colours in the Yellow theme are more muted and are aimed at use with overlays.

A "Transparent" style turns off the map background and enables use of a vector map as an overlay on top of a satellite image in Locus. Similarly the "background" checkbox in the Yellow style can be used to achieve the same effect.

Generally, blue dashes are cycle ways, green dashes represent dual use both on bike and on foot (bridle paths in the UK), and brown shorter dashes use on foot only. Blue blobs are cycle routes, green blobs are hiking routes. Mountainbike trails are shown by violet blobs. Cycle routes are also indicated by blue dashes on the roads. Hiking, cycle and mountainbike routes can be emphasised by selectable overlays.

The theme is designed to work well with both LoMaps from Locus Store and maps from OpenAndroMaps. Footpaths, bridleways and cycleways are indicated on the map by dashed lines where they follow the path of a mapped track or pedestrian way if the map supports it. On maps from OpenAndroMaps, blue dashes on roads are either cycle routes or roads with cycle tracks alongside, while shorter blue dashes on roads show cycle lanes in the road.

The Locus package includes two flavours: one that works with older LoMaps (LE) and one that works with the newer LoMaps as well as Mapsforge maps, such as from OpenAndroMaps (V5 LE). The appropriate theme appears according to the map selected.

Also included is the visually-similar Velocity theme for a simpler display with much faster drawing.   

The package is also available in  versions for other apps such as Cruiser, Orux Maps, etc.

o V5 for latest versions of Cruiser, Orux etc
o V5- for apps that cannot display text on curved paths
o V4 for apps that cannot scale dotted and dashed lines.

Voluntary and Velocity themes can be downloaded and installed from

Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Themes] Volatile-Bundle
February 12, 2013, 19:12:46
Quote from: "voldapet"It depends which theme do you use and data of vector map (release date). There is new map with date:  31.1.2013, which contain mentioned blue polygon.  It is rendered with these instructions:
<rule e="way" k="*" v="*">
<rule e="way" k="natural" v="sea">
<area fill="#b5d6f1" />
<rule e="way" k="natural" v="nosea">
<area fill="#50F3F3F3" stroke="#F3F3F3" stroke-width="1.0" />
I am using a map with release date of 2012-12-10 from - where is the later map from?

Quote from: "jusc"The stream isnĀ“t shown too with your theme(s) as far as I can see. So we have to make more tags more transparent I think?
It is now visible in both versions of my theme. The patterns need to be partially transparent as well, which I had already partly done in the brite version. I attach the updated themes.
My original reason for making the landuse/wood patterns transparent was for areas in the UK where park and woods overlap, which is just what koksch was finding in Dresden area. The problem with this stream is different, Layer = -1.
The following users thanked this post: bearkvarc