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Messages - voldapet

Wishlist / Re: GPS auto SRTM altitude
March 03, 2014, 08:47:32

I'd suggest to download Geoid model and use automatic correction:
Open Altitude Manager
Enable Altitude offset
tab offset check "Automatic correction"
Confirm changes using "SET" button and confirm downloading Geoid file (if missing)

Would you test if are GPS altitudes better (with automatic offset settings), please?
Maps / Re: Vector maps - library improvements
March 02, 2014, 17:45:13
You wrote that you have created the map with hiking trails. So it looks like that you've been successful  with generation, am I right?
Menion already wrote how to overlay two maps, but please note: OpenAndroMaps such as Locus vector maps from store contain the hiking trails. From my point of view is not needed to overlay map but only customize the theme for rendering vector maps. Can you give me some clue what you want to achieve, please?
Thank you for message and sorry for troubles.
Mentioned map was really broken. I've removed it from store and started new generation. It's quite huge map so it takes couple hours. Tomorrow should be map again available.

Thank you
Mozna bych to upresnil...nejde o mapy "Od Garminu", ale o mapy, ktere pouzivaji format *.img  (coz je format vytvoreny Garminem) . Vsechny otevrene mapy, ktere jsou ve formatu *.img by mely fungovat v Locusu. Pisu mely, protoze format neni v Locusu stale plne podporovan. Vsechny ostatni mapy, ktere je nutne instalovat pres MapSource neni mozne pouzit v Locusu
Additionally to previous posts: Locus does not provide any Safe routing feature. Navigation routes are computed on the remote servers and servers which are used in Locus does not allow nautical routing (feel free to correct me).  Maybe the solution is to prepare navigation in third parties SW > export route as GPX and then import GPX file into Locus ans use it for navigation.
OpenCPN SW looks quite promising  (in case that you want to use free solution).
Please check OpenSeeMaps (Menu > Maps > Online > OSM) which can be downloaded for offline usage. But also these maps can not be used for navigation - only as static maps for your manual planning.

Please note: vector maps works offline but does not contain any information for navigation. And vector maps at are not created by Locus team and they are quite old (sorry Matthias :). You can download the latest vector maps from Locus store or from different site (eq. OpenAndroMaps).


There are two possibilities
please open Menu > Data > Ponts / Track

1. Tap on the icon of folder to hide or show all track/points in particular folder

2. Tap on the name of folder and then uncheck or check track or points.
Nové mapy už se cca 14 dní generují a ještě dalších 14 dní se nejspíš budou generovat. Takže v druhé půli února by měly být k dispozici.
Quote from: john_percy on January 28, 2014, 09:17:13
A layer of -1 will always (I think) be covered by a "normal" layer of 0.
That's correct. Mapsforge render data according to layer value. So all elements in layer=-1 are render earlier/under then elements in layer=0. In this case the order in render theme has no effect.

I only guess because I don't have your theme, but can you check the rules for "wood" areas? Forest areas in internal themes are transparent and this is probably the reason why you can not see the tunnel with your theme.  Locus vector maps (from locus store) does not change the layer tag but I think that OpenAndroMaps has some additional logic and change the layer tag for tunnels during generation of the map.
please see following links which can be useful for the beginning:
- official description of render api

- you can start with default mapsforge theme from their repository:

- Locus has list some special  tags which are not included in official API. The list of possible tags for locus:

Your steps seem to be OK. Maybe some differences:
For generation vector maps we use: 
Osmosis 0.40.1  (please note: I read some some post that map-writer does not work properly with higher osmosis versions)
Mapwriter-plugin 0.3.1 build from sources

We use also parameter  bbox=minLat,minLon,maxLat,maxLon in generation command but it wouldn't be necessary because PBF file contains bounding box info.
However as menioin wrote "completing reading" can takes couple hours - depends on size of  your mergered pbf file. In attachment is small merged pbf file which you can use for testing your osmosis/mapsforge configuration.

maybe one additional point. If you download the SRTM data locus is able to hillshade the map. See
Quote from: menion on January 12, 2014, 20:32:43
another good idea with "one way road". You guys never stop surprise me :)
If I remember correctly one-way roads were the reason we (you) implemented the "repeat-gap"  :-)

v podstatě naprostá většina dotazů souvisí s Mapsforge a ne s Locusm. Pokusím se odpovědět, ale doporučuji navštívit,!forum/mapsforge-dev

1. Opravdu neumí a ani neplánujeme úpravu
2. Při rendrování se testují hranice jednotlivých elementů text vs ikona. Pokud by mělo dojít k překryvu (např text bude v jiném zoom větší), tak se text pravděpodobně nevykreslí. Píšu pravděpodobně, protože detekce kolizí je Mapsforge poněkud komplikovaná.
3. doporučuji použít DDMS V případě problémů Locus vypisuje chybové logy a lze tak problém v tématu dohledat.
4. Jak jsem uvedl minule...mapsforge vygeneruje do mapy pouze ty elementy, které mají nastaven "klíč - hodnota" v tag-mapping.xml
Pouze klíče "ref", "name" a "housenumber"  se do mapy přidají automaticky a jejich hodnoty nemusí být definovány v tag-mapping.xml. Toto je vlastnost map-writer pluginu a nejsem si jist jestli je možné ji nějak rozšířit. To je spíš dotaz na Mapsforge komunitu.

Wishlist / Re: Map legend shortcut vor vector maps
January 12, 2014, 10:20:03
Quote from: Christian on January 11, 2014, 12:00:19
but the link doesn't exist :(
And i guess the device has to be online to display the legend. ..?
Link is available only for Locus vector maps downloaded from store
And yes device has to be online