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Messages - voldapet

Troubles & Questions / Re: MVUM redux
January 29, 2024, 07:38:08
I understand your point, but WMS is technically different from tiled online maps and cannot be used as a "source" for an online map.
Troubles & Questions / Re: MVUM redux
January 27, 2024, 09:13:40
I'm sorry but it's not possible to use WMS map as a source for Locus Online Maps
Troubles & Questions / Re: MVUM redux
January 22, 2024, 14:42:21
I quickly checked the map services you sent me and it seems that data are distributed only in vector format
"Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF"

These formats are not supported by Locus. So the best solution IMHO is the QGIS and export to .mbtiles format
Maps / Re: New vector maps for Locus - feedback
January 18, 2024, 10:50:05
Well, amenity=bicycle_park is included in the online/offline POI, but I understand and added it to the tag-mapping file.
Maps / Re: New vector maps for Locus - feedback
December 21, 2023, 13:00:12
- building will be from ZL 14 and the importatnt ones from ZL13
- landuse=retail from ZL 13
Maps / Re: New vector maps for Locus - feedback
December 13, 2023, 12:22:32
place=locality from z15 - changed
buildings - which buildings are important?
landuse=retail - does it have any effect for zl=10?  I mean - these areas are often quite small and the user cannot recognize them in zl=10
Maps / Re: New vector maps for Locus - feedback
December 12, 2023, 08:41:01
OK, it's changed...
this is more question on Mapsforge team Anyway, as I know, it's impossible to write a rule the way you intend. The wildcard '*' can be used to "replace" an entire key or value. It cannot be used as a wildcard for part of a key or value

Dobrý den,

Vrstevnice - u Vás v mapě je vidím, ale LoMaps používají pravděpodobně větší krok vrstevnic (20m) než Nicméně doporučoval bych aktualizaci na novější verzi LoMap mapy, v posledních verzích používáme přesnější výškový model (viz přiložený screenshot)

Názvy vrcholků - toto je komplikovanější problém. Momentálně nemáme k dispozici systém, který by určoval významnost vrcholku a upřednostňoval významné vrcholky. Jedinou možností by tedy bylo připravit nastavení tématu, aby uživatel mohl skrýt názvy vrcholků. Nicméně do té velmi specifické nastavení a mimo Český ráj by tento problém neměl v takovém rozsahu nastat.
Maps / Re: New vector maps for Locus - feedback
December 11, 2023, 11:19:27
The highway=service and highway=unclassified will be available from ZL=12. What about the highway=track - is it necessary to show them from zl=12?
Would you please prepare a very simple theme (only a couple of rules) with an explanation what should happen and what really happens? Thanks
Maps / Re: Remove layer tag from LoMaps?
November 24, 2023, 09:29:23
QuoteThe biggest issue for me is the miss-processing bu the map rendering engine for "no" and "yes" values that are common to many different keys.
I'm not sure if I understand it correctly but I guess it's related to this issue and this is already fixed

QuoteAnother improvement could be if the rendering engine could process multiple categories, e.g. cat="os-25k|os-dyn", it would greatly reduce the size of theme file.
@Menion Could I kindly ask you to check how difficult it would be to implement?
Maps / Re: Remove layer tag from LoMaps?
November 22, 2023, 09:10:27
I can understand what you want to achieve. But the question is if it is really vital.

There are 2 million directional features in OSM, but only 1.5% are combined with an aspect or saddle. Only 2% of the saddle elements also have a direction marker. The situation is better for viewpoints - 11% of viewpoints have a directional marker. I'm just wondering if this is really necessary...
Maps / Re: Remove layer tag from LoMaps?
November 21, 2023, 10:45:41
@karlchick I'm sorry, but the map does not include natural=saddle. Maybe there is some OSM element with a combination mountain_pass=yes and natural=saddle but natural=saddle (alone) is not available in the test map even in the latest version.

>I also wonder if adding direction tag, if it could be provided for viewpoints too...
Why not but could I ask you how you work with this tag in your theme, please?
Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
November 20, 2023, 21:28:46
elements with lm_highway=* don't contains tag tidal=*
Please see the list of processed tags in my previous post