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Messages - voldapet

The offline LoMaps in LM4 are the same as used to be in LM3. The incorrect priority or wrap of text labels is a quite an old issue - still not ideal. The size of the text should represent the priority of the POIs - we can discuss it, but probably in a separate topic :)

The online LoMaps are updated continuously, let say about every 10 days. The offline every 2 - 3 months
The following users thanked this post: lor74cas, freischneider
The map is downloaded directly from the Swisstopo map server and you get the latest version of map.
There was the wrong version name in the store (already renamed)
The following users thanked this post: flyingman_ch
yes, we'll offer these maps also for free. At this moment are Swisstopo maps charged in the store. We'll change these items in the store to be free from 1.3.2021 and we'll also prepare the new version of Locus app (during March/April) that should offer other Swisstopo maps - eq. satellite map.
Thanks, Petr
The following users thanked this post: flyingman_ch
@Andrew - are you sure that you use the latest, please?
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
The new Locus Map 4 comes with the new online maps in the old Hike&Bike LoMaps theme and online POI service.
We'd like to ask you for feedback, reporting for example wrong artifacts, line thickness, icon size, POI loading, text labels, etc. Thanks

How to display:
- Install the latest Alpha version
- Menu > Map Manager > Online > Asamm > LoMaps
- Map screen content > Enable LoPoins (online)
- Map screen content > Disable LoPoins beta (if you use any offline LoMap map)

Known issues:
- some text captions (especially rivers) are cut off.
The following users thanked this post: Menion
#51 a LoMaps budou opravdu téměř identické a z pohledu lesních cest budou předpokládám zcela identické. Pokud někde LoMaps pokulhávají, tak můžu doporučit Základní Mapy ČR. Primárně online mapy, ale je možné je stáhnou i pro offline. Defaultně nejsou v nabídce online map a je nutné je ručně přidat Menu - Mapy - Online - PLUS - Přidat online mapy - Základní mapy ČR - Přidat
A závěrem můžu doporučit vrhnout se na mapování pro OSM a chybějící cesty zmapovat, přidat do OSM a tím pádem budou i v LoMaps.Více na
The following users thanked this post: wlashack
As I know the residential area is used for larger ares to depict zones where are residentila building. But it doesn't represent single residential building.
LoMaps has own mechanism to display residential areas and for this suburb is the residential already rendered. For this reason aren't these 3 polygons visible. Please report the new OSM note if you know that these 3 areas should be tagged as building - more about OSM notes

I'm sorry but it's not possible to display the route_ref value in the LoPoints. However thank you for an idea for further improvements
The following users thanked this post: mictie
your issue is very likely caused by wrong settings of map provider. The issue is well described at
The following users thanked this post: 2012
@balloni55 The Germany (Complete) really doesn't contain the offline addresses and for this reason has DB file lower size then current Germany South LoMap
The following users thanked this post: balloni55
the V4 themes with stylemenu are supported. Maybe the best solution - would you please share/send me the theme. I'll check it.
BR Petr
The following users thanked this post: 93ToyTruck
ahh pardon ze chybejici reakci.
@wlashack - oficialni stanovisko je takove, ze ikonky ve Locusich internich tematech projdou v nejblizsi dobe revizi a velmi pravdepodobne dojde k jejich zvetseni ci zvyrazneni. Drobne vylepseni je uz v posledni bete, kdy ikonky maji vetsi okraje a vystupuji vic z mapy.  Nicmene neexistuje nastaveni, jak je jednoduse zmenit. Velikost ikon v mape, lze ovlivnit jedine tematem

@Harwey - bohuzel, velikost navigacnich ikon lze ovlivnit skutecne jen spolecne s velikosti ikon pro body
The following users thanked this post: wlashack
no problem you can replace the default hgt files with your custom data.
However we already use the mentioned source (sonny) for hgt files that can be downloaded from store (except Italy and Spain).  So when you download the elevation data for example for Austria then you get exactly the same data as you can manually download from mentioned webpage.
It seems that Italy and Spain are quite new and we'll add them also into the store.
The following users thanked this post: Tapio
@Viajero Perdido
This issue is not related with app but with the map. I checked the code and also the Mexico LoMaps (POI DB) itself and the issue is already fixed or improved in LoMaps (as menion wrote).  I guess that official Mapsforge V4 generator does not handle missing local names.
The following users thanked this post: Viajero Perdido
@Viajero Perdido: problems with Restaurant vs Name in POI label will be solved in next version of LoMaps. I generated for you custom Vietnam osm.db file. You can download it at:

The following users thanked this post: Viajero Perdido
unfortunately public transport lines are not available in Locus LoMaps. We've already thought about it but still it's not implemented.
The following users thanked this post: erwinmitg