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Messages - voldapet

@john_percy Honestly, the position for captions remains in the theme very likely from my testing of this attribute. As I recall, "position" without an ID has minimal effect. It basically changes the defining point for the text box (the minimum rectangle around the text).
The following users thanked this post: john_percy
as mentioned above LoMaps V4 uses official Mapsforge renderer and it's needed to remove all tags that are not supported by Mapsforge.

I downloaded your theme and fixed some small issues like 'priority' in rule tag, 'repeat' can not be used for symbol, 'color' for symbol and 'country' attribute used for subways. I commented the subways section so please replace it with the symbol you want to use for subways
(the "fixed" theme in the attachment)
The following users thanked this post: Menion, TrulloF
Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
April 23, 2023, 07:59:04
@michaelbechtold There are already Czech R. and Slovakia LoMaps available as V4 in the Locus store (version 2023.03.23). The rest will be released probably during the next week.

bridge=viaduct - added
The following users thanked this post: michaelbechtold
Dobrý den,
děkujeme za zprávu. Chyba je v samotných OSM datech, kdy náměstí je definované, aby bylo zobrazené "výše" než ostatní budovy. Požádali jsme mapery o opravu/kontrolu.

S díky
The following users thanked this post: kubalib
Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
April 06, 2023, 21:48:29
Thank you for explaining the OS symbolism and access. I need to consider whether to use it for LoMaps

Point 14
No problem

Point 15
I'm sorry, but I really don't think this should be rendered by themes...
The following users thanked this post: karlchick
Internal themes for LoMaps are tested/developed directly in Locus. Previously I used to manually copy the theme .xml via Total Commander to the device and restore the theme in the app. It's not bad, but it's not ideal. As you probably know, LoMaps will finally be in V4 and will use the default Mapsforge renderer. When we started working on LoMaps V4, I had two thoughts about how to improve the theme development process:
- usage of variables in the theme
- quick refresh the theme on a mobile device.   

For this reason we prepared a simple python tool that solves mentioned issues. It basically copies and refresh the theme on the device in one click - available at 

The process of generation of theme file is the following:
1. Base template
On the input is theme template that contains variables and definitions for custom actions. This is basically a mapsforge theme but some colors or widths are defined using variables
2. Template config
It assigns values to theme variables
3. Generation of result theme file
The theme generator combines template variables to generate the final theme file
4. Copy the theme to the device and refresh the theme

There are several requirements (intall adb, python and some other python modules) and it may be complicated to run the script at this moment. Moreover it also automatically generates a theme for POIs so it is quite focused on internal LoMaps themes and is not as configurable as it could be.
But if anybody would like to use it to develop alternative themes, it is possible to make the generator more generic. Maybe it would be enough to prepare the settings to generate also POI themes and maybe a better installation...

Please let me know if anyone is interested and I can tweak it a bit. 
The following users thanked this post: Menion
Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
March 24, 2023, 16:18:29
Point 8
OK - surface tags added based on OAM definition. But changed zoom-level to ZL=9

Point 9
I can understand but:
1. for this reason there is hill-shading feature
2. the question is whether this is a shortage and what about the areas in the lowlands ;-)
However, how are contours displayed on the official OS map? Do you know if any OS map at a scale smaller than 1:100k contains contours?

Point 12
Thank you for the explanation. I checked the generation of the `lm_residential` fields and I must say that it is not ideal for your use-case. We use `lm_residential` mainly as a light background to highlight urban areas in small zooms. 
We don't mind if the geometry is simplified - rather that is the goal. `lm_residential` areas really contain the original `landuse=residential` areas but are affected by simplification. One more note - some areas are missing because the lm_residentail areas were quite outdated. 

So I added the `landuse=residential` into tag-mapping file because it isn't really ideal.

I also a little bit improved the generation of `lm_residential` areas - see the screenshot from testing LoMap

Could I kindly ask you for an example of the route without name?

The following users thanked this post: karlchick
Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
March 03, 2023, 11:38:50

Thank you for the detailed description. To your points:
I created a new PR that summarizes your suggestions. Please check if acceptable. BTW: repo is public so feel free to participate and create your own pull requests  ;) .

Point 1
- make sense, added
BTW: are there any standard symbols or styles that indicate designation in the UK maps?

Point 2
- added but I'm not sure if tags access_land, public_cycleway, green_lane will be used ...

Point 3
- I would like to avoid using '*' for such elements. I have therefore selected the most important / most used types

Point 4
- the LoMaps V3 was generated as 512x512 tiles and zoom or area is really "shifted" in comparison of 256x256 V4 tiles. There were minor changes in `zoom-appear` attribute for some elements. But it was mainly for zoom-levels 9 - 10 (I think). Do you have some specific requests to change the zoom-appear for certain elements?

Point 5
Well, everything is possible. But there are so-called JohnThorn maps in Locus Store. These maps combine OSM data with OS open data. John Thorn created powerful tools to combine the data but the theme would be (IMHO) a little bit better. What about contacting John and discussing with him a better theme?

Point 6
To be honest I don't know the exact reason for `foot=ft_yes` and `bicycle_bic_yes` but it was very likely because bug in tag matching in Mapsforge as menion already mentioned. This problem is solved (currently only in Locus and waiting for the new official release of mapsforge.)
The following users thanked this post: Menion
Ano, stylovani podle hodnoty atributu umozni vytvorit takove "mapy" z importovaneho SHP. Verze se stylovanim podle hodnoty atributu by mohla byt k dispozici behem brezna...
The following users thanked this post: 4pavol
Troubles & Questions / Re: UK OS maps not showing
November 14, 2022, 18:23:35
@hendo It seems that you have discovered an issue in our store related to OS maps in version 2021. The issue should be fixed now. Please remove your not working OS maps (look for them in the Store -> REMOVE button) and download version 2021 again.
Sorry for the complication
Thanks, Petr
The following users thanked this post: Menion
Maps / Re: Kompass offline maps
October 12, 2022, 15:26:42
Unfortunately, KOMPASS maps have been removed from the Locus Store due to some technical complications and our contract with KOMPASS needs to be also revised. We are currently negotiating a new cooperation with KOMPASS and will do our best to bring KOMPASS maps back to the store in the coming months.

Thank you, Petr
The following users thanked this post: JackRussel
I'm very sorry but our cooperation with Rother Bergverlag was terminated and Rother routes are no longer available in Locus Store.
I can suggest to try a Locus route planner to plan your own routes :)

Thank you
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
the offline LoMap maps are updated about every 2 - 3 months.
Thanks, Petr
The following users thanked this post: bendy303
pokoud nevadí WMS služba, tak:
- Menu - Map mng. - WMS/WMTS
- PLUS tlačítko
- Vyhledat službu Správní a katastrální hranice ČR
- Přidat službu a vybrat vrstvu "Hranice Okresu"

The following users thanked this post: Květy
Information / Re: [TRANSLATION]
April 23, 2021, 21:50:36
@Frivold - thank you. Several Locus Store strings are missing in Crowdin and were translated separately - using Google Translator ehm... Anyway, the string changed to  Punkter
The following users thanked this post: Frivold