Sometimes a small amount of work can geenrate a new user who might otehrwise have gone to anotehr app..
especially with a feature that a lot of otehr apps have, and that is understandable....
But....we dont want to be left behind with other key features...
Like this idea
ive got a local horse riding group, a lot of them are my clients, they all use an app thats a bit like Strava for horseriding, it has no decent mapping so they all take paper maps with them with trailhhighlighted, but they wont change to locus a) because tehre are a lot of iphone users b) the locus track recording wont seperate out and provide statistics for different types of riding ( canter, gallop, trott etc)
im hoping that V2 data manager might be able to extra functionality in what data fields the routes/tracks have
especially with a feature that a lot of otehr apps have, and that is understandable....
But....we dont want to be left behind with other key features...
Like this idea
ive got a local horse riding group, a lot of them are my clients, they all use an app thats a bit like Strava for horseriding, it has no decent mapping so they all take paper maps with them with trailhhighlighted, but they wont change to locus a) because tehre are a lot of iphone users b) the locus track recording wont seperate out and provide statistics for different types of riding ( canter, gallop, trott etc)
im hoping that V2 data manager might be able to extra functionality in what data fields the routes/tracks have