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Messages - balloni55

Hello menion
hope you´ll find some helpfull info in attached log file

first i´ve tried to import two different geocaches by link
next i´ve tried to import a geocache by GC code
QuoteDoes this happen for all the links you've tried or just this single cache?
yes for all

QuoteDoes a live map or downloading of caches work without a problem for you?

Download by GC-code dosn´t work as also reporteted by other user
Hallo Johann
schon erstaunlich was ChatGPT da beschreibt

Beim ersten drüberlesen passt fast alles, einzig bei der beschriebenen Methode wie die kalibrierte kmz in Locus importiert werden soll habe ich meine Zweifel.
ich kopiere diese erstellte Datei nach Locus/mapItems.

Zum "Anpassen"
orientiere dich nicht an den Ecken, da dort meist keine "kartensichere" Punkte zu sehen sind.
Schau nach Straßenkreuzungen, Flussläufen, Stromleitungen und sonst klar erkennbaren Kanten und Landschaftsverläufen.

Viel Erfolg
Gruß Wolfgang
Hallo Johan
ich erstelle/kalibriere aus der Bilddatei (jpg/png/tif) eine kml/kmz mit GoogleEarth am PC und zeige diese in Locus als Aktives Element an
Gruß Wolfgang
#46 no improvement ?!
also the import of a geocache with the GC code and locus GC tools does not work
Hello menion
I have been testing different settings over the last few days and have noticed the following.
For me the problem occurs both with
OAM and TOTM theme
as well as with
Lomap and hike§bike theme
when the map rotation is activated.

If I set the map orientation to north up, the problem does not occur.

Example: hiking biking ZL16-18
I start locus with the map orientation set to north up then memory of 180 +-20MB is used no matter how long locus runs.
If I switch on map rotation, the amount of memory used increases. After half an hour approx. 400MB.
If I switch back to map orientation north, the used memory volume remains in this range

maybe this info will help you
Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 17, 2024, 17:04:06Has anyone else experienced this?
with i have had also some FC problems
but with these problems are gone
Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 10, 2024, 18:41:51working for everyone else?
AFA.4 work for me

#50 confirm solved
Hello menion
unfortunately nothing has changed for me after 1.5 hours 1GB is occupied
Hello menion
when gps is off and i start "guide to" a POI locus FC :-[
Hello menion
QuoteXCover 4 is from my point of view, the most problematic device I know for now, sorry  :). I may only suggest attaching photos before writing logs...
that it still works well I will not buy a new one ;)

since I know the solution in this case I will do it this way, thanks for your effort

QuoteOpening a link > hope, you did not miss FTF because of this. Anyway, it works for me. Does it make a difference if Locus Map runs before you tap on this link?
no, don't worry, there is still the Livemap
It makes no difference whether locus is already running or has just been started via this link.

In the meantime I have noticed that the import with the "GC code" and the GCtools does not work either
open a geocache by link for import didn´t work
click link > locus open > GC tool window is visible for a short time > no listing window open :-\  only mapscreen
#33 confirm solved, thanks

#16 the label add/take photo is furthermore hidden behind the keyboard and if i scroll up the window the label disapeares
Troubles & Questions / Re: Set custom camera app
April 25, 2024, 18:56:38
@Marek Scholtz
thanks for your explanation, now it is clear why I did not find this setting
Troubles & Questions / Re: Set custom camera app
April 25, 2024, 09:50:52
please advice me where i can insert the pagage name of the camera app