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Topics - balloni55

bei klick auf "Webseite" oder den GC-Link in der geöffneten Cachebeschreibung (Test und PRO) öffnet sich bei mir immer das Importfenster :o
ich hätte eigentlich erwartet, dass sich die Cache-webseite im Browser öffnet um ev. versteckte Wegpunkte anschauen zu können.
Mach ich was falsch (Einstellung?) oder bin ich total auf dem Holzweg?
i open a geocache and select one, more or all waipoints, the additional waypoints are displayed on map. :)
After that i deselect all waypoints, the additional waypoints disapeare on map. :)
Now i close locus and reopen it, at that moment the additional waypoints are displayed again :o
With long click on "data" and "remove temporary map items" i can solve it for the moment.
This behavior is in pro and test version.
see video
files .jpg, .txt, .mp3, .pdf, .avi attached to POI or TrackPOI open well  :)
If i export POI/TrackPOI and import it again .jpg, .txt,.mp3 furtermore work well
- avi-player open with message "cannot play video" :(
- pdf-viewer open for a short time and close  :(
Troubles & Questions / geocache tabs behavior
May 05, 2014, 19:35:39
hello menion
if i open a cachelisting and "guide on" to the listing coords and later i go back, the last opened tab open again, thats perfect :)
but if i "guide on" to a waypoint and later go back, always the "basic" tab open :(
This is not very handy.
For example: i reach  WP1, so next step is  select WP2 to see the task and to "guide on" this target.
But in test and pro allways the basic tab is opend and not the last used WP-tab and so first i have to slide to the WP tab.
In the video you see up to sec. 35 guiding to the cachecoords with returning to last opened tab :), after that the different  behavior guiding to a WP
In folder  locus/data/media/photo the taken photos of POI´s are stored.
If i take a look to this photos, i find one interesting, but i didn´t know where i took it
Question: how can i find the POI in which this photo is used ?

some photos have no koords!
Hello menion,
the infowindow is always displayed right down of the selected point.
Depending of the position of the selected point the infowindow is sometimes outside the screen.
Is it possible for you to swap it horizontal/vertical/diagonal depending "where is place"

Seit Update auf die neue Version von Tapatalk habe ich das Problem, egal welche Option ich unter "Ladeverhalten" einstelle  dass beim Versuch den Beitrag zu öffnen auf den ersten Beitrag des Threads gesprungen wird und nicht auf den ausgewählten neuen :(
siehe Anlage
Kann dieses Verhalten jemand bestätigen? oder hab ich eine Einstellung falsch gesetzt oder übersehen?
Wenn jemand von der alte Version (altes icon) noch ne .apk hat würde ich mich über die Zusendung freuen ;)
I found no way to drop a TB which is in my inventory

Troubles & Questions / ^wrong icon "Archive"
March 31, 2014, 09:14:20
Hello menion
"Archive" icon is the same as "Write note"

Wishlist / please close "Whishlist"
March 26, 2014, 08:47:54
Hello Menion,
i think it will be a good time to close the whishlist on this board and forward it to
some users do not know this new side and others do not know where is the best place to ask ???
And you save time always pointing on this new side ;)
wird ja die Topokarte angeboten.
Die einzelnen Tiles sehen dann z.B. so aus
Bis jetzt konnte ich mit MOBAC und diesem Aufruf
die Karte auch erstellen. :)
Seit neuestem zeigt MOBAC jedoch Kacheln der "Outdooractive Sommer"  :( die eigentlich so aufgerufen werden
Wie kann ich das wieder ändern um Topokarten in MOBAC erstellen zu können?

Hat jemand diese TOPO-Karte als Onlinekarte für Locus? und zeigt sich dort auch dieses Verhalten?
Wishlist / GC option wishes
March 10, 2014, 10:50:24
please add an option to search for "GC........" code in "sort by window" geocaching options
add the logoptions "temporary disable cache/enable cache" to Field notes/Log your visit
Tools / BBQScreen - Display device screen on PC
February 20, 2014, 14:15:35
sometimes it is usefull to present your device screen for your audience on pc-monitor/beamer.
I found a suitable solution for rooted phones, the speed with usb or wifi is nearly realtime.
You are able to operate on device as usual, or with keyboard and mouse on pc.
Sorry,the quality of the created videoclip is not the best, but i think you see the necessary steps and funktion.

Required program for pc:   requirement: minimum WIN7
together with  free android app:
for general funktion test, it works 1 minute after each start.
If it works and you enjoy it:

At first connection my WIN7 firewall blocked the traffic and the device was not recogniced, i have to enter the IP by hand to connect till i changed the rules
WIN7/system/windows-firewall/advanced settings/incoming rules/"BBQ screenclient"/properties/general/allow connection
than the app is recogniced and i was able to connect by one click.

With my "SGS2 Android 4.0.3 IceCreamSandwich" the menue/home/return buttons are not displayed on pc, so i use this app to generate the softkeys for pc use:

Troubles & Questions / GC Offlinizer
January 26, 2014, 17:48:49
after a long time last weekend  i started the "GC Offlinizer" to update 1000Traditional Geocaches with wifi.
I get several error messages and i thought it depend on bad groundspeak server.
So i tried it oncemore today, but i get these error messages again :o
Independent of this error messages the prozess moves up to 100% with the result "1 fault"
At the end it was very laborious to close  over 50 faultwindows by hand one by one.
I think it would be better, to close all faultwindows with one click an an additional message apeares "50 caches not updated"

Troubles & Questions / move POI
January 11, 2014, 17:16:03
Hello menion,
there is a little problem when i try to move a POI from one folder to another and there exist a POI with the same name.
In popupwindow i have 3 possibilities, but no possibility to cancel this action and if i click on "skip" the POI i want to move is deleted!

Troubles & Questions / POI questions
January 01, 2014, 19:05:31
1.   POI/Attachement – Azimut
I do not understand the azimut value 50°/15°, both photos are shot from same position looking west (270°).

2.   Export question and wish
Exporting a POI with attached photo as .kmz and selected checkbox "Insert a formatted description" the POI and photo is displayed in GE well. :)
Exporting the same POI without selecting this checkbox, the size (1,4MB) of the .kmz is the same, but the photo is not displayed in GE. For what is the photo exported? Please can you explain the function of this checkbox.

Wish/question, is it possible to implement a checkbox in export dialog "compress photosize for web"?
I think for web 100KB/photo is good enough, otherwise the folder size grows unnecessary if more POI´s exported at once.

3.   Photo-POI
When I delete an opened POI, a checkbox is visible "Delete also files (photo) in memory". :)
If I want to delete more POI´s at once, this checkbox is not available and only the POI is deleted. :(

December 07, 2013, 15:33:34
Hello tommi
congratulations for 1000 posts in the forum ;D
i´m sure your "karma" grows up more and more 8)
nice weeked
Troubles & Questions / vote system
December 01, 2013, 19:28:03
Hello locus team,
why i can not vote on this thread :(
on other threads i am able to vote :D
Hi guys,
what do you think about collecting whishes of usable features for new "Navigation BETA" function? ;D
So menion and his team knows what we want ;)

8) 8) KICK OFF 8) 8)
Automatic restart of navigation after recalculation.
Example: on your route is a diversion and you have to leave the calculated route, currently navigation stop and change to guiding.
Navigation quickstart after route creation.
Example: currently you have to store the route or select "guide on" an close it, to start navigation.
Suitable icons, not only the green car:
Example: depending on creation modus of the route, a hiker, a biker or a car points the position.
Realistic time calculation basing on movement type
Example: hike 5Km/h, bike15 Km/h, car 60 Km/h, car fast 100 Km/h

I am looking forward to your additional helpful suggestions :) or alternative solution proposals
Troubles & Questions / Share&Export
November 30, 2013, 19:47:54
Hello menion
In manual ,,Export map content" you discribe
QuoteExport all current visible points and tracks on mapscreen
The export includes all loaded poi´s and tracks and not only the currently visible on screen of the device.
Do I misunderstand "mapscreen" in description, or is it a bug? :-[