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Messages - KaHeMu

Quote from: ivolino on April 13, 2014, 09:03:07
I just discovered that I loose my dashboard every time I close Locus. This wasn't like this before. When I click return to close Locus, first I close my Dashboard and then I still have to click two times to close Locus. It should be possible to close Locus without closing the Dashboard.
I don't want to active my Dashboard every time I open Locus.

Same meaning as ivolino wrote.

At the helpdesk there is a new/old wish for working with Locus.
Perhaps another people would vote for such a behavior.

Troubles & Questions / Re: Compute Route
March 19, 2014, 17:05:48
Did you compute your route with online routing, i.e. Mapquest or Google, or with offline routing with Brouter?
Which type of routing have you had selected?

Wenn c:geo alle deine Wünsche erfüllt, weshalb suchst du es, c:geo, dann noch in Locus? C:geo ist ein spezielles Geocaching-Programm, während dieses Hobby nur ein Teil der Leistungen von Locus ist. Die Stärke von Locus liegt gerade im Offline-Betrieb und leistet bei vielen Outdoor-Beschäftigungen Hilfe. Dafür erfordert es natürlich auch etwas Einarbeitungszeit.

Wishlist / Re: GC option wishes
March 11, 2014, 10:35:37
Thank you for clarification but I'm certain I used this in former version with positive results.

Wishlist / Re: GC option wishes
March 10, 2014, 19:58:32
Unfortunately it isn't better. I think you mixed up 'sort by smthg.' and 'search of smthg.'.
For searching there is button next to the right side, you know. And there you can search for GC CODE already!

Sorry if I'm on the wrong path.
Wishlist / Re: GC option wishes
March 10, 2014, 19:01:03
Would you like to search something in sort window or add parameter "GC- Code" to sort list?
Hi stedenon,
da gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten:
a) Punkt auswählen und an der dann erscheinenden Leiste links den Info- Punkt auswählen

b) den Track in den Eigenschaften abhängig von der Geschwindigkeit einfärben lassen.
Das ist doch sicher schnell ausprobiert.

Quote from: Sibe on March 05, 2014, 12:43:52
Hallo zusammen,


Bei Bedarf können diese dann auf die interne SD-Karte (in den mapsVector-Ordner von Locus) verschoben werden und man erspart sich ein neuerliches Herunterladen.

Das ist nicht erforderlich, denn in Locus kann man beliebige Ordner zusätzlich als maps Ordner definieren. (Mapmanager > 3-Punkte-Menü > Karten hinzufügen)

Quote from: menion on March 04, 2014, 16:30:10
@Raddino: I'm unable to simulate issue with attributes and also missing favorite points. Are you updating over G4L and also caches stored in folder or some temporary?

@gynta: thanks for the video. I'm aware of this problem with multi-line texts. Unfortunately I use one small library for these lists, so I'll rather wait till author fix it, then waste of time on it by myself.

@balloni: nice list, thanks

1) I really hate long-clicks. You never know this possibility is there or not, so I do not want to use it. Anyway your point is clear, so I'll try to improve it in any way

2) hmm you're right. So button "Add attachment" also in this "edit" mode? Maybe yes

3) I'll really rather create some poll to check what most users think

In which manner you will do this?


4) current behaviour is exactly same as in old screen. Anyway I rewrote whole list of waypoints. Functionality remain same, it just looks more clear now, I hope ...

Like functionality in points or tracks list you have to select items and do things with 3-point-button. This is the way we normally expect in similar situations.


6) what means "don't work"? For me it works nice. After tap on "Update cacheL in bottom menu (Geoaching4Locus), cache screen udpate itself and immediately show changes. What happen to you?

For me it doesn't work, too, means nothing happens.

Edit: Sorry, after button 'actualize cache' (or similar) message 'actualize cache' pops up. But no feature in cache description and no logs are updated.


7) thanks, I know, fixed

8) you mean if you use "Offlinizer", so the one big image of tree do not fit to screen? I think it's a correct. Because imagine you should have there one big image and one small, then you will zoom in, to see that small one. And smaller images are more common then big I think
In former versions you could zoom out up to image fits.
Dass ich mit Excel arbeitete ist nun schon eine Weile her, aber wenn ich mich recht erinnere, konnte man irgendwo einstellen, ob der Export mit ';' oder ',' zur Feldertrennung benutzt wird.
Außerdem wird sicher die Reihenfolge der Felder eine Rolle spielen, schließlich sind in einer csv-Datei keine Bezeichner für die Felder vorhanden. POI Editor wird da ein festes Format erwarten.

Quote from: Bucky Kid on March 02, 2014, 07:38:29
I found two minor bugs in track creating mode:
1. Bottom map controls toolbar isnt autohiden

Same with top bar.