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Messages - Henk van der Spek

Other features / Re: Record a Coaster ride?
March 31, 2012, 18:42:45
Last month I recorded every ski-ing day, quite satisfactory. My recording profile settings were: 100 meter or 60 seconds, giving me for exemple nicely 480 points over a total of 47 kilometers in 4 hours and 26 minutes (including lifts).
I suggest you give Joe his "never ask me again button" because I want to keep the Centering requester. When I want to check my trip for tomorrow, which is actually on another vector map I have to scroll five minutes in Western direction before I see any map at all (instead of an empty screen). That's why I prefer to start from the center of that map (i.e. the province).

Sidenote: I love the :"nearest map" info through the Quick Map Switch. It is a bit confusing that it has the same Icon as the Map Manager but the functionality is quite different (and very usefull for my small country with 14 small vectormaps).
You are welcome. And I have only 5 categories and four are empty since I am still learning how to use them.
And Defy has a lot of memory, anyway happy here.
A BIG thumbs-up for the speed gain of 2.1.1. on my MotoDefy (with Eclair 2.1).

Impressive: the Locus startup is wayt faster and the map loading of Vectormaps too! Speed had worsened since 1.16; last slow one was 2.01. Mind you, it was mainly at startup and then with Vector Maps. The zooming and the scrolling was with hickups.

Final note: installing version 2.1.1. over 2.01 and then opening the Market from within Locus, did not let me do that. Some warning like: Sorry, could not open etc. I could go back to the program. After a restart of my phone, all was fine.