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Messages - Henk van der Spek

Information / Re: Update of the forum
August 19, 2022, 16:07:51
Good job and Tapatalk is "loading" here and allready showing posts.
Troubles & Questions / Re: OSMGo
August 17, 2022, 17:49:38
In Classic 3.62 long press on the right sidebar and then "change panel" . Next the + button for link to app. OSM GO is in the list.
Troubles & Questions / Re: OSMGo
August 14, 2022, 07:58:00
I have a collection called " markers". Don't know where I found it. On the manual there is a description to make one or more by yourself.
There are a lot of icon collections in the locus store.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn moto g82 5G met Tapatalk

Thanks for the tip. World map was missing/not functioning on my new phone. Now I have the version up to zoom 10 80% running smoothly. And I had to set it within Locus as the preferred pre loading map and ditch the older ones.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn moto g82 5G met Tapatalk

For hike and bike you have at low speed enough time to see the name sign in the field for confirmation. For cars it is useless for me.  The first thing I kill in Google Maps.
Have you ever driven a car through a busy Italian city with your Navi reading out long street names in a language you do not understand? :)

Verstuurd vanaf mijn moto g82 5G met Tapatalk

Sort of a dead end for me Tapio. I read the forum on my phone with Tapatalk and then the download fails. Switching to the browser on my phone I get a download, being an image with a QR code imprinted in the left corner. Which offcourse I cannot scan with that same phone.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn moto g82 5G met Tapatalk

Wir sind fast da. Wie du selbst hier oben beschrieben hattest. Gehe auf Info Bearbeiten und wähle ein andere Ordner aus, speichern und fertig. Und sorry. Ich war mit meinem Kopf bei exportieren. Zu lange Hikes hier und zuviel Sonne.
Ah sorry , ich meinte nicht im Kartenbild aber in das Track Übersicht wo alle Tracks untereinander gelistet sind.
Lang drucken auf die Track und dann ganz unten über die Symbole: kopieren nach oder verschieben nach auswählen.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn moto g82 5G met Tapatalk

Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on June 22, 2022, 08:31:08
The OSM GO app is great, thanks.
But it's not a simple solution for ordinary users. If the database of points is to be useful, it must be easily edited. For example: opening hours, changing the name of the shop, etc. This is a big and difficult task for the Locus team.
Some data are bad and others are completely missing even though they are in OSM data. As an example, I mention the "orchestra" in the chateau park. It is a big historic building, but it is not in points.
Are you really suggesting that Locus users create a perfect poi dB for use in locus only? I prefer optimizing OSM because it is worldwide.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn moto g82 5G met Tapatalk

Ok John, we have a winner here. My maps were about one year old. Now with the latest Slovakia map I see the E3 labels, also in multi. Thanks.
And they are also visible with the Tiramisu theme. Thanks Magellan.
Ok John but right I cannot get it done. Seen the color coding you are using 'hiking and wintersport', right? I refreshed the theme also. I will try later when we get there. By the way, on my wife's Android 11 phone I did see the E3 marking at that spot.