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Topics - Forsberg

Themes - Vector maps / theme - where to find?
September 13, 2024, 15:38:15
I think use great theme maps. Their look is clean, easy to understand and just neat. Is there any theme based on the look of
Unfortunately locus does not allow them as online provider so I thought about giving such look for vector maps?

To be clear I mean a "touristic" theme.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Brouter route quality
September 11, 2024, 12:25:58

I use LM Classic thus version 3. I use BRouter as well however either its route logic is terrible or the route profile.

I am trying to achieve:

- biking profile, mostly a normal bike not some mountain type to jump over the rocks
- to have some logic in it

So far I tried in-built profiles and some custom on BRouter-online but their results are quite bad.

1. Why does it lead some cumbersome way? How to avoid such stupid route calculation like here on the picture? How does it think that it is better to drive like this?

2. Locus/Broute - reroute calculation in case of detour is a mess. It can break like showing some wrong recalculation or it insist going back instead of recalculate it from the point I am now at the moment.

3. I used "trekking" calc for a route from Zlate Hory to Biskupska kopa.

I trusted it and it lead me by complete rocks and steep like 15 degree which obviously is hardly for any bike.
Why didn't it follow the most logic way - road and maybe in the last moment some walk in harder terrain?

I am tired how navigation in Locus/Brouter works, is there any good biking profile which could be smart, logic enough that it could make routes in a better way and make Locus recalculate a route from the actual point than saying I need to back?

is there a way to avoid so many directions guides in navigation? Look at the screens below. In many cases the road was straight - I don't need to be reminded to go straight at every each crossroad. It should say to change the course only if I need to turn left/right or so. In Google maps u don't receive notification for each crossroad you pass by.

Also if there is a small change of road (look at the picture B) then this shouldn't be taken into account, as I go straight anyway - it is a bike, not a car so such small stuff can be omitted.

Is there a way to limit this only to these directions where I actually change direction in real?

not sure if this is a bug or perhaps just LM Classic limitation without hope of fixing but on my Note 10+ phone (which was a high end league) LM can lag if a map rotation is enabled (map rotates according to the compass). I bet the frame rates drop at half, surely below 15 frames.
With disabled rotation it is much smoother.
Is it because a vector maps rotates and LM Classic engine is slow?