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Messages - Lukass

Wishlist / POI Alert in Notification Bar
May 17, 2013, 09:58:51
This is a shorter version of my post from CZ discussion on Locus forum(viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3058). Sorry for double topic, but nobody commented the CZ one, so I created a EN version as well.

Would it be possible to send any POI Alert to the Notification Bar? Not only the info that POI Alert was Enabled/Disabled how is it now, but the whole info about POI? Like POI name and distance to it? With some refresh after few seconds,maybe? The best would be the same way how it is with Track Recording. I know this feature isn't for everybody, so it would be optional(you could enable/disable it in menu).
It would be useful for people with Pebble watch and similar devices.
Thank you.

The same topic on GetSatisfaction: ... cation_bar
I created a corresponding post on GetSatisfaction: ... cation_bar
Ahoj, jsem dlouholetym uzivatelem Locusu Pro a vsechno  funguje k naprosty spokojenosti. Mel bych vsak jednu zadost ohledne funkce POI Alert. Bylo by mozne, aby se jakykoliv POI Alert zobrazil i na notifikacni liste? Jsem majitelem hodinek Pebble a ty maji moznost (s externim programkem) jakykoukoliv notifikaci z listy zobrazit i na displayi hodinek. Funguje to bezvadne u Track recording, kdy se mi v predem nastavenych intervalech zobrazuje info o tracku( vzdalenost, cas a pod.) Avsak pro POI Alert se mi zobrazi pouze ze funkce byla zapnuta/vypnuta, ale kdyz se priblizim k POI, vlastni Alert se zobrazi pouze na telefonu v Locusu. Samozrejme ze tato funkce neni pro kazdeho, bylo by to pouze volitelne, zda ji chci posilat na notification bar nebo ne...Idealni by byla zprava ve tvaru: Locus POI Alert - Nazev POI...a momentalni vzdalenost od POI. Jeste lip kdyby se notifikace obnovovala treba kazdych 5-10 vterin. Verim, ze by to pro kouzelnika Meniona nemel byt problem a urcite by ji ocenili i dalsi majitele hodinek Pebble a podobnych...Dekuji za kladne vyrizeni :-)

Dekuji za odpovedi a preju hodne zdaru s touto super aplikaci.
Maps / Re: [MAPS] - Vector maps
October 10, 2011, 14:28:31
Oh, bugger, you are right...I didn't update for few days.. Everything is OK now, you are genius !!! Thank you again, it's a real difference to have 1GB file or 70MB :-)
Maps / Re: [MAPS] - Vector maps
October 10, 2011, 14:14:08
Hi guys, is there any chance of splitting the australia-oceania map into several peices?? The only map I need is New Zealand, but the file is almost 1GB, which is quite unpracticall. I bought the Vector map downloader plugin, but the file is the same as the one in the second post of this forum...Please, could someone split it for me? Or give me a quick guide how I can do it myself?? Thanks in andvance, keep on the good work...
Tak sem nakonec svoji frustraci z nefunkciho kompasu vyresil prechodem na MIUI ROM...
Muzu potvrdit nefunkcnost kompasu v Locusu. Mam Galaxy S (I9000) a posledni verzi CM7 (RC1). Predtim jsem vyzkousel par ROMek, ve vsech Locus fungoval perfektne. Na CM7 funguje GPS, ale kompas ne. Dale nefunguje v aplikaci c:geo a Google Maps, ale funguje v aplikacich Compass, Smart Compass a Sensor Test/Plot. Nejzajimavejsi je, ze po nabootovani telefonu se v Locusu kompas nepohne vubec, ale po spusteni a vypnuti kterehokoliv vyse uvedenych programu zacne fungovat i v Locusu, az na to ze funguje podle udaju z akcelerometru...Je to obrovska skoda, Locus je pro me nenahraditelna aplikace, ale nezbyva mi nez doufat ze to genialni programator Menion odhali a opravi :-)