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Messages - tramp20

Other features / Re: Download of online maps
April 10, 2012, 12:56:38
Hi menion,
thank you. I will try it later after understanding it.

I am always fascinated what your program can do (especially the not obvious functions) ;-)

PS: Did you finished your vector maps v0.4 of Austria? The links in the dropbox have disappeared.
Other features / Download of online maps
April 10, 2012, 12:24:12
I downloaded an online map with maps manager with the tab "Download". After the selected part of this map is completed, can I later download other parts (e.g. another zoom or a neighborhood region) of this map?
ich hatte mir ganz naiv vorgestellt, damit könnte man das GPS mit Unterbrechungen (um Akku zu sparen, OruxMaps macht so etwas ähnliches) verwenden. Leider fehlte dann bei einer Trackaufzeichnungen ab dem Zeitpunkt dieser Einstellung alles.
Vermutlich habe ich den Sinn nicht verstanden :-(
Wishlist / Re: Refreshing cache of online maps
March 26, 2012, 06:35:37
Troubles & Questions / Re: Joining Maps
March 24, 2012, 15:55:20
Quote from: "gynta"
Quote from: "tramp20"
Quote from: "Starman"...and place both swiss maps inside that directory...Locus would see them as one map.
this trick does not work for me:
Testing with pro 2.1.1 (17.03.2012)
creating 2 demomaps (munich and vienna) and place both maps inside an "outdoor" directory. -> works for me:

Thank you, I see :-(

but not on my display.
Are there special settings? I searched through all menus.

Edit: My maps are created online with Locus and of course not all tiles in all zoom steps are present for my neighborhood.
Could this disturb the map processing in Locus?
I now create two new maps with MOBAC and report tomorrow.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Joining Maps
March 24, 2012, 09:16:56
Quote from: "Starman"If your swiss maps are sqlite, I believe if you were to create the directory:


and place both swiss maps inside that directory, they would remain seperate, but Locus would see them as one map.

this trick does not work for me:
I have two (original online) maps from (Germany and Austria), placed them in /maps/outdoor, but Locus pro 2.1.1 and free see only the german map.
Quote from: "tommi62"Ich persönlich verwende das nicht sondern habe in der rechten Leiste einen Button um auf die letzten Karten zuzugreifen, taugt vielleicht auch für Dich als vorüberehender Workaround.

Etwas spät geworden für ein Danke.
Hi menion,
I understand this explanation.
Since the last permission fix I got no crash or FC.
Hi menion,
did you install a new "dirty" lisence check?

With v.2.1.1 I had the following problems after a boot to recovery modus with CMW:
2 times  Locus pro crashed immediately after starting. I had to re-install it.
Today Locus Pro has completely disappeared from the installed apps, one hour before the recovery modus boot it was there.

I had these problems never before :-(

And all other apps are of course ok.

Edit: after a new installation from the market I have the crash again:
exception class name: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
Source file
sorceclass java.lang.runtime
source method loadlibrary
line number 429

I can reproduce this after every boot to recovery mode.

After de- and reinstalling Locus Pro it is running again. Then I started it 10 times with no crash (with no unexpected close).
Then i booted to recovery and Locus did this force close again.
Instead of de-installing I did now a permsision fix with the ROM Manager with the following changes:

Changing permissions for: /data/data/ from 'rwxr-x--x' to 'rwxr-xr-x' (755)
Changing user ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing group ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing user ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing group ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing user ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing group ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing user ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing group ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing user ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing user ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing group ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing group ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing user ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing group ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing permissions for: /data/data/ from 'rw-------' to 'rwxrwx--x' (771)
Changing user ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing group ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing user ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing group ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing user ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'
Changing group ownership for: /data/data/ from '10011' to '10126'

Changing permissions for: /data/data/ from 'rwxr-x--x' to 'rwxr-xr-x' (755)
Changing permissions for: /data/data/ from 'rw-------' to 'rwxrwx--x' (771)

After that Locus Pro could start again :-) That is much easier as a new installation.

I have now installed Locus free in addition to test this app if the pro will FC again.
Other features / Re: Locus Shop
March 15, 2012, 08:59:00
Hi menion,
will you include later maps of in your shop?
Quote from: "menion"Till Friday release, you may check this version. It's normal Pro, also confirmed on server so all should work correctly.
fix: crash when loading SRTM and Geoid files without internet connection


Thank you.
I had a crash this morning starting download of geoid files WITH internet connection.

With the new version this crash has gone and Lucky Patcher is also ignored.
Quote from: "menion"not exactly simple check but something like this. I was trying really hard. I also rooted my phone because of this to test changes LP do with my files but even if I know what he do, I cannot find correct place. weird. So this is my small fight against piracy on android ...

and last settings help on this, if this is settings before locus 2.1.0

Good morning,
Locus pro is running again :-)

But you cannot do this in this way. I (we) have bought your program and have the right to use it with all features.
I (we) have the right to install all possible programs on my smartphone, you cannot censure this.
If a user (NOT I!!) will write this on the market with a bad valuation :-(

If someone has really patched Locus you should see this "in" your program (hash...) and block it.

You should at least show a warning. I spent now many hours to find the reason why Locus pro does not longer work as full version.

Only for me:
If you test only for the does deleting this file help me in my case until you have found a better and correct solution?
Quote from: "menion"hehe I know I can't ... I was just risk because I don't have idea how many people use it. LuckyPatcher use really terrible system for cracking, so this is my fight against it. And no, it do not help. You need to un-install patcher and then completely reinstall locus ;)

Do you really only test if LP is installed?
That is really  too simple for your programming talent :-)
But you know this better!

I will test your suggestion tomorrow, it is too late for me.

Can I at least reimport the last settings ?
Quote from: "menion"usually this problem is caused by LuckyPatcher, did you use it? If so, this program is thanks to root access, changing Locus *.dex file directly

I have installed LuckyPatcher but NEVER used it with Locus Pro because I bought your program.
If I find how to PM you I will send my Google account address if you can verify this.

You cannot block your program only if a user has installed another program you do not like :-)
You should find another solution for license check.

As a temporary solution: is it enough to deinstall LuckyPatcher?
Hi menion,
sorry but the same problem again: it is only the free version.
There must be a bug on your side (?).
I made a restore from my TitaniumBackup (only the v2.0.1) and I got the full pro version again.

Please look at this.

If AdFree is the cause: I will not deinstall this program except testing for you.