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Messages - Agus

Quote from: Michal on January 06, 2025, 17:28:21
Quote from: Agus on January 06, 2025, 16:49:45Jak vybrat jinou aplikaci fotoaparátu v odborném nastavení? Nemohu ji najít.
V expertním nastavení úplně dole.

Přejdu do nastavení pro experty a nevidím ho.
Quote from: Michal on January 06, 2025, 14:19:48
Quote from: Květy on December 21, 2024, 18:35:321. Co je vaším cílem? Ať vím(e), k jakým bodům foto nahrávat. Asi nechcete zanášet server fotkami autobusových zastávek a podobně. (nebo se snad mýlím?)
Dobrý den, naším cílem je především pomoc ostatním při pobytu v přírodě. Takže nejužitečnější jsou fotky přístřešků, zda fungují a jak jsou velké (v tomto případě pomáhají také fotky zastávek busu/vlaku, zda poskytnou přístřeší v případě nepřízně počasí), studánek, zda mají vodu, a v neposlední řadě zajímavých míst, která stojí za to navštívit. U informačních tabulí pomůže jejich fotografie zblízka, aby byly čitelné, u přírodních nebo kulturních zajímavostí také různé zajímavé detaily.
Quote2. Když v Locusu u přidání fotografie vyberu "take a foto", otevře se mi taková zjednodušená foto aplikace. Je možné nějak vyvolat plnohodnotný fotoaparát? (Locus 4.27.1 Gold)
- Locus Map využívá systémovou aplikaci pro kameru, nicméně očesanou o různá dílčí nastavení. Nicméně v expertním nastavení můžete zvolit i jinou foto aplikaci.

Jak vybrat jinou aplikaci fotoaparátu v odborném nastavení? Nemohu ji najít.
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Tapiola
November 17, 2024, 04:55:16
Hello Tapio. There is a type of icon that does not show your theme. They are interesting for cyclists and hikers.
Best regards.

Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 04, 2024, 19:54:49
In the new data manager when importing a route containing points it does not appear in which folder to place the points.

In the current data manager it does appear the way to choose in which folders will be the routes and points.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
October 04, 2024, 05:02:49
Hi @menion . When planning a route, the alternatives are displayed in the same colour. It would be interesting to see them in a different colour to differentiate them better.

Best regards.
I would also like to change the default value. In my case I consider the elevation values to be high with a threshold of 5 metres. I always edit them with a threshold of 10 metres.
The analyser can be used to determine the distance between two selected points. For example from your position to the next stop or any other point.
Quote from: Menion on March 15, 2024, 13:14:51@Agus
Estimated time > this is complicated. This method was created in times when BRouter time estimates were unreliable. So this is completely independent of the router and considers only a distance and elevation of the route to compute estimates. It also inserts breaks to snack, launch etc. For a long time, I've been thinking about two options:
- completely remove this method, because LoRouter & BRouter times are good enough
- keep it and improve it to support full customization. I know this will probably be more wanted here on the forum, but it is a lot of work and as I wrote, time estimates are now much better than years before.

Thank you for your response.
It is confusing to see two different estimated times on the same route.
Keeping it and improving it is a good idea. I use this website in case it helps.
Quote from: Menion on March 14, 2024, 14:39:30General notes
There are more modifications, mainly to keep the bottom panel hidden when re-routing or restoring the previous plan. "Inverse route" added into menu + bunch of other various improvements. Thanks a lot for your opinions!

Beta version MapGooglePlay_4.21.1.5 RC_1125_beta published!

thanks for pointing to the missing times when using BRouter. The issue was that BRouter used the old system over GPX files. I've changed it to use an identical system to the internal LoRouter. Even way types & surfaces are visible now  ;)

Hello Menion. Thanks for all the news.

What parameters does LoRouter use in the estimated time? I am referring to the LoHiking profile.

Why are the estimated times different?
(See screenshots)
Quote from: Menion on March 11, 2024, 09:25:15@Agus
missing estimates with BRouter > values very valid for you? This was changed because of this. Do you have enabled "Include navigation points"?

Sorry for not responding sooner. For me they are valid but I think GraphHopper's estimated times are more correct than LoRouter . The navigation points are included.
The latest Beta version does not show the estimated time when I use BRouter.

Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 05, 2024, 03:33:35I bought & connected a WS07 sensor - works well - thanks @menion. Nicely integrated with LM - thanks. The only issue so far is when you rename the sensor, the keyboard hides the textbox.

before tapping inside the text box to edit the name
You cannot view this attachment.

text box hidden behind keyboard after tapping to edit the name
You cannot view this attachment.

Is the sensor data saved in the statistics after a recording?
Or is it only visible during the route?
Wishlist / Re: 3D map
January 22, 2024, 14:32:28
Quote from: Menion on January 22, 2024, 14:23:52iOS does not slow down the Android version, fortunately. We are still (only) two guys on the whole Android world and own 3D maps is not in our possibilities. iOS version will use MapLibre library for maps, so there is a huge chance, it will have 3D maps quite easily (at least compared to Android).

Oruxmaps uses its 3D based on Mapbox. Allows you to download a part of the map for offline use. It is understood that Locus Map has other priorities than adding a 3D map
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.20.+ ( 11/2023 )
December 01, 2023, 11:35:33
Quote from: Menion on December 01, 2023, 10:42:24Locus Map 4.20.1 published.

Available over Google Play or the Drive directory. I've made a bunch of various fixes, so hope it helps. & @AgusOrux
Unfortunately, I'm unable to simulate your issues. If the new version does not help, I'll need a full bug report right after the crash happens by this method. Thanks.

In the new version of Locus, the following has been fixed
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.20.+ ( 11/2023 )
November 30, 2023, 18:41:30
Locus closes when I search for locations and directions online and move the map.