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Messages - big


Vielleicht hat jemand ja das gleiche Verhalten wie ich und kann es mir erklären...
Nach jedem Update aus dem play store startet Locus nicht, sondern fordert mich auf, neu zu starten. Warum?
OK, ich habe ein note 3 mit einem note 7 Rom, Android 6 und habe die SD Karte schreibbar gemacht, da mein Locus Ordner im root Verzeichnis liegt (wie früher... ). Aber warum kann Locus nach der Installation diesen Ordner nicht mehr finden?

Danke und Gruß, big

Gesendet von meinem SM-N930F mit Tapatalk


Seit dem letzten Update ist der Kreis, der die GPS Abweichung darstellt, so dunkel.
Kann man irgendwo die Transparenz dieses Kreises einstellen?

Danke, big.

Gesendet von meinem SM-N930F mit Tapatalk

Hi, again....

Now, I did some further testing. I created a fieldnotes.txt file as an export from Locus Fieldnotes plugin.
This is the contents:

GC6G8M2,2016-11-24T08:10Z,Found it,"# 7879, 24.11.2016, 09:10  Online Log. Später mehr...  Danke für den Cache!  Gruß, bigchen."

As you can see, I found it 08:10 UTC, 9:10 MEZ.
Now I uploaded the log using the Fieldnotes Plugin via Locus as fieldnotes and I imported it using the upload function from
This is the result (first entry from the web site upload, second one from Locus upload):

So, I got a time diff from about 8 hours when sending logs with Locus.

Anyone any idea? If I can do some more testing, just tell me.... ;-)

I also tired to change my time zone in my profile, but this only adjusted the times shown in the field notes list.

Thanks for taking care!

Cheers, big.
...followup question: how much disk space is reserved for this cache? And is it cleaned automatically?

Thanks! I will give it a try...

... Works perfect, I should have known earlier...
Quote from: menion on November 21, 2016, 08:37:57
Good day big,
suggest not to look on times, visible in this "field notes" list. They are at least "incorrect".

What I really do when I test this feature, is checking of logged times in downloaded GPX file.

Here should be correct times. So in case of "date only", there needs to be exactly same time as when you log over web page, where is no setting for a time, only a date. In case of unchecked "date only", there should be time in UTC-8 .
Hi menion,

But when I use the uploaded field notes, I get the false day when I open the log page.

And: why did this worked perfectly some weeks ago? What changed in the mean time? And: are there options in Locus to make field notes upload work again?

Now, using the field notes, we really have to look carefully to the "real" date and cannot trust the file note upload anymore...

Thank you for taking care...

Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk

Hi Menion,

so, what I did was the following: on 20.11.2016, 11:23 (Berlin time) I created two logs with Locus and uploaded them to as field notes. Now, the two field notes ( look look this:

So, the first field note (created with date-only option unchecked) has a time offset of +8 hours.
The second one (created with checked date-only option) has a time offset of +18 hours (minutes are truncated, due to checked option, I believe) and is even for the following day.

Now, this difference in time for the first field note is the diff between MEZ and PST, I guess, but the second diff? And, is it not possible to adjust this?
Interestingly, this problem raised about 2 weeks ago, until then, it worked pretty good.

I hope, you can explain and/or solve it...


Cheers, big.

Hi menion,

Thanks for the reply.  I've tested it wit the following results for uploading field notes.  I did two logs on 20.11.2016, 11:23 (Berlin time) with the following result (second with date-only option checked):

Zur Brücke   20 November 2016 19:13:00     Write Note   Compose Log | Delete Note
   Waypoint Type Zur Brücke   21 November 2016 05:00:00     Didn't find it   Compose Log | Delete Note

So, no precise hit...

I remember a setting from the log dialog to specify the time zone (witch did not worked properly either...

Cheers, big.
For some weeks now, GC logs, that I upload to, are time shifted by + 8 hours.

Could it be, that a false time zone is used?

Cheers, big

Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk


Did someone noticed that the navigation commands for roundabouts have a false "offset"? When I have to leave at the first exit, it tells me "-2", the 2nd exit is zero...

The navigation icon is correct, shows the right number...

Cheers, big.

Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk


Lately during our holidays I noticed that Locus eats up almost all volume of my Flatrate. I assume, that the HTML pane and the pictures tab of the GC POIs is the bad guy.
I noticed, that each time I opened a GC listings web view or picture tab, the content is reloaded. Is this true? Or is there a cache that prevents reloading?

If not, such a cache would save a lot of data volume, specially for GC listings with extended content...


Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk

... Thanks menion! You got it!
I thought locus would choose system default...
Now it works. Funny although that it changed over night from German to English. And this on both devices we have...

Cheers,  big

Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk


All of a sudden, my German voice switched to English when using brouter navigation commands.
Did someone noticed?

All my tts settings are defaulted to German and switching back and forth doesn't help.


Cheers,  big.

Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk

Wishlist / Re: Display of distances
November 23, 2013, 19:25:42
Thanks for your quick respond! And yes, this setting does it like expected!
Must have come with an update without my notice...!

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit Tapatalk

Thanks! Looking forward to have it!

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit Tapatalk