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Messages - janaton

Web portal & sync / Re: sync Full upload
April 23, 2021, 10:11:48
Hello Hartmut,
please, use to request support. Attach the email address that you use in Locus Store. Thanks

Kind regards,
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
April 15, 2021, 16:20:15
@lor74cas issue with broken elevation calculation should be solved (in some rare scenarios there were missing elevation for bridges). Thanks for pointing this out.
Hello Vinterblad,
please, could you share one of the planned routes with us (feel free to ignore some distance around start and destination to keep your privacy)? It is hard to investigate without further details. Thank you very much.

Kind regards,
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
April 08, 2021, 17:00:56
1) Altitude always in metres - thanks for opening this topic. I have already changed this so you can check it in web planner.
2) Profile icon - thanks for the clarification. I added this on my list
3) Srtm files - I am receiving elevation data from the routing server and I don't know what is used internally for the calculation. I have asked @Radim V so probably he can give you more accurate answer
4) Different elevation gain stats - there must be somehting really wrong. I have tried it to reproduce and I was not able to see more than 1 meter difference (rounding issue between browser and backend). Could you share particular example of track where this is happening? Thanks a lot
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
April 07, 2021, 13:01:57
1) Clean all btn confirmation - Yes, it makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.
2) Use metres only for elevation gain/loss - We will consider it. Please, what is the motivation for you (precision, ..)?
3) Logged in but icon still anonymous - I do not understand. Please, could you give me more info: Thx
4) Elevation chart for saved tracks - sure, it is in progress and should be there soon.
5) Hiding top bar - Good idea, we will consider it but for now more important tasks are on the list :)
6) More accurate altimetetry calculation - this is more related to the routing itselft. Please, ask here:

1) Switching profiles - Your use case makes sense. We do not plan to change the current behavior but we will try to find some way to enable recalculating all segments using particular profile

@Andrew Heard
1) Brouter UX - sure, this is also one of our inspiration source. Please, if you want to add some idea for implementation, there is newly created space for it. Please, add it there and collect votes :). -
2) No preview - web planner is generating thumbnail only when saving planned route to your library. Preview image is synced from your device and used on the web. If preview is missing, it is missing and "No preview" is displayed

1) Ideas - great, most of them is already collected here - so you can vote to help us prioritize :)
2) Increase development effort - believe me that there is quite a lot of development happening. Unfortunatelly, not everything is easily visible in the UI. Regarding webplanner BETA - yes, you are right that we have a lot of to improve here. On the other hand web planner is only one piece of puzzle of premium GOLD plan ...

1) Showing multiple tracks - yes, it is planned. Thanks a lot for creating idea on helpdesk
2) Preview image - this was intended to be consistent with the app. We could consider optionally hiding it and saving some space. If you would really like this implemented, please, create idea for it so it can be discussed and collect votes (so we can give it a priority).Thx
3) Embedded WP - thx
4) Blue color of own tracks - yes, it is confusing. But honestly, it is really hard to find some universal color which won't clash with some color in the map and will have good contrast with the map.
5) Edit of tracks - sure, this will be possible. It is on our list but no yet implemented. The best way to put more priority on this is to create idea and collect votes  -

@Žajdík Josef
1) Statistics of longer routes - This should be solved once collapsing of waypoints is implemented
2) Elevation/Slope - good idea. Could you please create idea for it so it can collect votes?
3) Customized profile - this is something we would like to add but I do not see it comming in the nearest feature.
4) Change of planning profile - Already on our list and should be implemented soon
5) Missing solar power plants in the map - thanks. I will forward ti to the LoMaps author.

1) Missing elevation gain and loss - this was already added so you can check it ;)
2) Detail of online LoMaps - I am not author of it. I will forward this to him. Generally, it would be best to ask in dedicated thread - Thanks :)

1) Difference between online and offlien LoMaps - Ideally it should be the same map but there are a little different  source data that are used for rendering so some differences will be there. But I am not the creator of maps. Better to ask in dedicated thread for more detailed answer -
2) Holes in the map - known issue which was already reported to the provider of source data. We are waiting for the solution. Until then we can, unfortunately, do nothing about it :/

1) Elevation chart missing for saved tracks - yes, it is not a bug. This was not implemented, yet. This is one of my top priorities tasks so it should be available soon :).

@Viajero Perdido
Thanks :)
1) Start location - if you give browser permission to use your location then start location should be near you. Anyway we are thinking about improvement here (I - saving your last location to browser memory and using when you reload browser or II - automatically figuring out approximate location based on IP address).
2) Search - We had some issues there. Please, try now, it should work (finding "Edmonton"). But keep in mind that search gives preference  to results near your current location. So if you are searching "Edmonton" from Europe then you will need to write almost whole name to have it in results ..
3) Usage of webfonts - yes, that's true. I see it as a standard practice. Don't you have problem also on other webs?
4) Displaying geocaches in the overlay - I am almost sure that "using" Groundspeak data won't be possible. But I guess your use case is to see your points on the map (e.g. imported geocaches). This is planned feature and should come in next few months.

Thanks a lot!
1) Excluding navigation hints - yes, it makes sense. I have this on my list but it is not high priority for us right now. ETA could be months. To give it more priority, please, create idea and collect votes for it :) -

 @michaelbechtold Thank you for your feedback. I am already looking into your synced data that I have on the server. I can see a lot of points uploaded but no tracks so I am just guessing that synchronization process did not start sending tracks, yet. That is the reason why you can not see any tracks in the web planner.

Regarding battery drain - yes, there is constant http communication and also a lot of operation to the local LM database so I would not be surprised by more power consumption ... but I am not Android developer so rather wait for @menion for his opinion. It is fore sure possible something not optimal is happening there ...   
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 24, 2021, 10:39:07
1) Waypoint remove (X) button needs confirmation - I am not sure here. IMO it is not so easy to remove waypoint accidentally and confirmation dialog could be really annoying
2) Changing profiles - yes, this is definitely missing feature and I am really sorry that it was not part of V1. I plan to add it really soon and it will most probably work as onclick on routing profile icon.

1) Synchronization of userdefined folders/groups - this is absolutely something we should consider. Right now it is not on the readmap but I agree that it makes absolutely sense to support this. I am creating ticket for it
2) Hiding top navigation bar - again great idea! I am not sure about auto-hiding it but I get your point. I am also creating ticket for it
3) Deleting waypoint from the map - and again great suggestion. I didn't realize that planning with collapsed sidebar could happen a lot (you miss calculated stats, ...). I will create ticket for it but I am not sure that clicking on waypoint should trigger delete. I would rather add "Delete" as contextual action. What do you think?

1) Switching profiles no triggering recalculation - yes, this is intended behavior. You can mix routing profiles during planning of one route ;)

Please, be aware that I can not promise any ETA for suggested improvements right now. We have a lot of items in our backlog and we will proceed according to priorities which are changing constantly.
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 23, 2021, 15:43:23
1) Editable filename of GPX export - thanks for the explanation. Yes, it makes sense. I have created ticket for it.
2) List of reported issues/features that are planned - yes, I will try to do it ... but I am little bit lazy in this kind of work. So hopefully, till the end of this week ;)
3) Pricing - this is the decision made by team and several calculations. I am not the one that should explain it ... but we tried to keep prices as low as we could to be certain that we are able to pay our monthly expenses. So, it is very tricky to compare prices only with respect to functionality ... and ignoring the cost of infra.

@gps2003 Subscriribing to "Gold services" - Oh, we are really sorry. According to our plan there should have been available pre-release version in Beta channel with working subscription since Friday ... but unfortunately we are having difficulties pass Google Play validation process. Hopefully, it will be released soon. Right now there is no way how to subscribe, sorry fro the inconvenience. Please, watch dedicated discussion here for the latest updates:
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 18, 2021, 12:25:06
Hi everyone. Thank you very much for your feedback. It is much appreciated :)

Web Planner just got some nice improvements and fixes based on your feedback
You can check this new version on Thanks for checking and additional feedback.

  • Elevation chart for planner (comming soon also for My Library)
  • Sharing your saved track from My Library using URL (only for Gold premium subscribers - subscription will be possible soon)
  • Several smaller bug fixes and improvements ..
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 18, 2021, 12:09:34
1) UX issues with higher waypoint count - Yes, we know about this issue and we will improve this in V2.
2) Issue with walking profile - thanks for pointing this out! I have passed this issue on college which is responsible for routing profiles.

I am not sure if I understand you correctly. You can change direction of planned route by clickin "Reverse direction" button that is located below waypoints. If you want to plan one way using one profile (e.g. walking) and then reverse route and use another profile for way back (e.g. bike) the it is not possible right now. We are working on functionality to change routing profile of the segment. But you will have to wait for V2

Thanks a lot for the detailed description and examples. I am not able to give you answer right now because more time is needed investigate and also ask other members of team (I am not really expert on GPX).

1) Not editable filename -> Is it really issue? You can easily rename file once downloaded ... For sure I could add logic to generate name (current time, start and destination - can be tricky one) but I didn't see any big benefit doing so.
2) Which waypoints to export - this is a good point. I have created ticket for it and once there is some time I will discuss this with others.
@ADiet Yes, it is very likely. We are still doing some adjustments and testing here (as noted in my previous post Sorry for the inconvenience. We should be ready soon. I will definitely notify you here ;)
!!! Announcement valid until further notice !!!

In this week we will test (internally) our subscription system which will cause unavailability of services requiring active subscription (synchronization, accessing MyLibrary in web planner, saving planned route to MyLibrary, ...). We will try to keep this testing period as short as possible. Thank you for your undestanding
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 02, 2021, 10:46:13
!!! Announcement valid until further notice !!!

In this week we will test (internally) our subscription system which will cause unavailability of services requiring active subscription (synchronization, accessing MyLibrary in web planner, saving planned route to MyLibrary, ...). We will try to keep this testing period as short as possible. Thank you for your undestanding
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 02, 2021, 10:35:27
@Žajdík Josef
Thx a lot! It is definitely a bug. I will have a look ASAP

1) Dedicated scroll - We are aware of this problem. We already have collapse/expand of middle points functionality in our plan. Unfortunately, because of limited time&resources we have this on our list for V2.
2) Solution mentioned in previous point should also solve this problem
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
February 27, 2021, 10:02:01
@Žajdík Josef
Yes, GPX import is planned for V2.

@Andrew Heard

1) Straight lines routing - you can do this now using "manual routing" profile (see attachment)
2) Edit waypoint name - thx, this is a good suggestion. I will add it to my task list.