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Messages - janaton

Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 23, 2021, 15:43:23
1) Editable filename of GPX export - thanks for the explanation. Yes, it makes sense. I have created ticket for it.
2) List of reported issues/features that are planned - yes, I will try to do it ... but I am little bit lazy in this kind of work. So hopefully, till the end of this week ;)
3) Pricing - this is the decision made by team and several calculations. I am not the one that should explain it ... but we tried to keep prices as low as we could to be certain that we are able to pay our monthly expenses. So, it is very tricky to compare prices only with respect to functionality ... and ignoring the cost of infra.

@gps2003 Subscriribing to "Gold services" - Oh, we are really sorry. According to our plan there should have been available pre-release version in Beta channel with working subscription since Friday ... but unfortunately we are having difficulties pass Google Play validation process. Hopefully, it will be released soon. Right now there is no way how to subscribe, sorry fro the inconvenience. Please, watch dedicated discussion here for the latest updates:
The following users thanked this post: lor74cas
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 18, 2021, 12:25:06
Hi everyone. Thank you very much for your feedback. It is much appreciated :)

Web Planner just got some nice improvements and fixes based on your feedback
You can check this new version on Thanks for checking and additional feedback.

  • Elevation chart for planner (comming soon also for My Library)
  • Sharing your saved track from My Library using URL (only for Gold premium subscribers - subscription will be possible soon)
  • Several smaller bug fixes and improvements ..
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 18, 2021, 12:09:34
1) UX issues with higher waypoint count - Yes, we know about this issue and we will improve this in V2.
2) Issue with walking profile - thanks for pointing this out! I have passed this issue on college which is responsible for routing profiles.

I am not sure if I understand you correctly. You can change direction of planned route by clickin "Reverse direction" button that is located below waypoints. If you want to plan one way using one profile (e.g. walking) and then reverse route and use another profile for way back (e.g. bike) the it is not possible right now. We are working on functionality to change routing profile of the segment. But you will have to wait for V2

Thanks a lot for the detailed description and examples. I am not able to give you answer right now because more time is needed investigate and also ask other members of team (I am not really expert on GPX).

1) Not editable filename -> Is it really issue? You can easily rename file once downloaded ... For sure I could add logic to generate name (current time, start and destination - can be tricky one) but I didn't see any big benefit doing so.
2) Which waypoints to export - this is a good point. I have created ticket for it and once there is some time I will discuss this with others.
The following users thanked this post: lor74cas
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
February 27, 2021, 10:02:01
@Žajdík Josef
Yes, GPX import is planned for V2.

@Andrew Heard

1) Straight lines routing - you can do this now using "manual routing" profile (see attachment)
2) Edit waypoint name - thx, this is a good suggestion. I will add it to my task list.
The following users thanked this post: lor74cas
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
February 21, 2021, 10:08:07
Hi everyone, fixes and new minor changes/improvements just deployed to Important changes:

  • FIX not closing SSO dialog after login
  • FIX map not rendered in Safari
  • ADD Czech translation should be almost complete (German is still in progress)
  • ADD Warning message shown in save dialog when data are not synced into cloud (missing folder)
  • ... and few minor UI improvements
The following users thanked this post: jajaballard
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
February 16, 2021, 13:45:44
@Žajdlík Josef
1) I have forwarded this to @voldapet which is the creator of new online LoMap. Dedicated discussion here:
2) Good point. I will discuss this with the rest of team.
3) Recalculating route segment - Yes, this is known limitation which should be solved soon (probably V2).
4) Custom profiles - we definitely want to introduce more advanced options. But this is currently in the phase of collecting ideas and will probably happen not as part of V2.

1) Track editing - Yes, you should be able to load your saved track from MyLibrary into web planner in order to modify current one or save it as new track. This will be implemented in V2. Advanced track editor is not planned (e.g. removing particular points, adding breaks, ...).
2) We are planning quite flexible system of displaying geo information on the map. But this is in "idea" stage. I understand your concern but I do not want to promise we will improve this by some "temporary solution"
3) Zoom - we end in zoom level 19 (the same as OSM). Out ouf curiosity - why do you need higher zoom?

1) I do not understand what hyperlink you would like to have here. We plan (V2) to display LoPoint details in dedicated tab (like MyLibrary).
The following users thanked this post: slarti76
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
February 14, 2021, 10:24:37
Thanks everyone for your time to give us valuable feedback. Most of your points are already on our roadmap. Currently, our priority is to release V1, fix/improve most critical findings and then summarize and prioritize our list for V2 (marking as v2 but we will deploy features continuously as they are tested and ready to use).

1) Additional types of map are planned but we have no ETA right now
2) Stat stone - this is a good idea. Not planned in the nearest future but we would like to cover this topic more generally and also introduce this not only to web but also into the app.
3) Related to previous point
4) Route points - V2
5) Elevation chart - V1(depending on time)/V2, in V2 other types of charts
6) I can not answer this - @menion?

1) Popup login - I am not sure if I understand correctly. SSO login screen and login dialog should automatically close after succesfull login. Is this working differently or you would prefer some "Logged in succesfully" message displayd?
2) Restoring last location - we have discussed this internally and we have mostly agreed that almost each time we plan route in different location thus remembering last location is not really a benefit. If there is enough votes we can add this as optional settings.
3) Reverse lookup - we know, this is not the best behavior and should be improved in V2
4) Search - again, we are not 100% happy with current behavior but we use external service and do not have much control here. I hope we can also improve this by deploying our own service (hopefully V2)
5) Shaping point - this is technical debt which should be improved as first things within V2
6) Changing profile - you can combine multiple routing profiles within one route, thus no automatic recalculation should happen on profile change. What is missing right now is possibility to change profile of already routed segment (start of V2)

Thanks for reporting! I will try to fix this ASAP but we have limited possibility of testing on iOS so for some time you will probably need to use Chrome :-/

1) Point deleting - should be implemented most probably as context action on right click
2) Nogo circle - not planned right now and we will need to discuss this internally (V2/V3)
3) Planner stats - we will definitely improve here in V2
4) Modifying track on web - this is definitely on of the first tasks for V2 ;-)
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Web portal & sync / Re: Locus Map - cloud/sync server
September 10, 2020, 10:34:03
Hi Andrew,
thanks for sharing your experience. Regarding the offline state, this is really good finding! I guess that it would make sense to disable "Sync button" + show some warning that you need connection for this operation. But let's wait for @menion, maybe this is already on the TODO list ;)

Another benefit of sync (other than backup) is actually possibility to keep multiple devices in sync. You just need to sign in with the same user on a different device (e.g. tablet or even emulator). All changes on both devices should be synced. If you modify same item in parallel then newest change wins. You can definitely test this scenario.

Be aware that right now, you have to pull new changes to your device manually ("Cloud sync" screen > "Quick sync"). We plan to add instant notifications about changes in cloud, soon. This notification should then automatically start sync which should keep your device fully synced with cloud without any extra effort.

Sharing data with other people using cloud is on our roadmap but not implemented right now. We need to finish web planner first which should be used to visualize your shared track (using dedicated url).
The following users thanked this post: jajaballard
Web portal & sync / Re: Locus Map - cloud/sync server
September 08, 2020, 15:02:54
Hi there,
I am main developer of the backend part of synchronization solution. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for participating in the first public test and his/her feedback (positive makes us happy, negative will be pushing us to improve as much as we can ;) ).

@tapio I fully understand your concern. All data are encrypted when transferred between client and server (https, REST API). We use Google Cloud Platform for all our services that are powering synchronization solution (storage encrypted internally by Google). We believe that security provided by Google is good enough. Additionally we try to do our best to have our code as much secure as possible (code review process, up to date libraries, vulnerability scans, ..). Still, no one can guarantee 100% security. Once you upload something to the internet it can be possibly hacked and exposed to third parties ... But again, our biggest concern is keeping your data safe - we are not selling it or sharing with third parties!

Client side encryption/decryption is not possible because we need to have access to it (e.g. web planner - access to your library from web browser, ability to plan track and sync to device, ..).

As already mentioned by Menion, selecting specific folders for sync is not possible (sync all or nothing). If you would like to participate in testing you could

  • Make backup, remove sensitive data and try sync, restore backup
  • Use Android emulator or another device with different DB. E.g. import points/tracks from public available GPX
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard