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Messages - pprass

I have the map screen locked in landscape mode showing north up at all times, but when navigating to a destination and I arrive at that destination, the screen unlocks automatically and the map goes into "pointing in the direction that I am travelling to"? 
I can't find a setting to stop that automatic change from occurring!

Locus Map Classic V3.63.1 running on Samsung Galaxy Tab A (8.0", 2019)
Troubles & Questions / Re: Geocaching Filter
February 08, 2015, 22:45:17
Thankyou :D
Troubles & Questions / Geocaching Filter
February 07, 2015, 02:23:12
I have downloaded Pocket Queries into Locus via Dropbox - works well and even unzips them!  However when I want to see the caches on the map, I want to remove all my own caches and my found caches that are in the Pocket Queries. So I go to Filter > Geocaching and under "Settings" I click the various circles under the red circle for Parameters ie I want to exclude Found, Disabled, Archived and Own cache, so I clicked the circles under the red cricle - see photo.
I then go to the map, but I still see all of the caches - my own and my found.
Have I got the settings wrong?
Troubles & Questions / Re: Australian KMZ maps
February 07, 2015, 00:11:50
OK - thanks.  I'll download again and see if I get all of those files.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Australian KMZ maps
February 06, 2015, 22:44:04
Thanks for that, but I only have:
- si53-12 yorke peninsula spe...
- sj55-033 tallangatta.kmz - (please see attachment).
which are just 2 blocks and when I open them I just see that small part with lots of points and green lines - please see attachement.

Troubles & Questions / Re: Australian KMZ maps
February 06, 2015, 21:28:54
Quote from: pprass on February 06, 2015, 07:27:09
... It loaded it into the Data - Items section of Locus and are shown as fiollows:
- map index.kml
- si53-12 yorke peninsula spe...
- sj55-033 tallangatta.kmz

Yes - I looked in Data - Items and that is what I can see, but how do I get the map to show?
Troubles & Questions / Australian KMZ maps
February 06, 2015, 07:27:09
I need some help as I don't know what I am doing.
I downloaded the Overview Australian topo maps from the "Store".  It loaded it into the Data - Items section of Locus and are shown as fiollows:
- map index.kml
- si53-12 yorke peninsula spe...
- sj55-033 tallangatta.kmz
When I go to to the Vector map section, I don't see the map and I can't see how to view the map.
btw - I have all of my maps on a Removable SD card, so I thought that the map had downloaded on the Asus's Internal card, but still couldn't find it.
Can someone see what I am doing that is wrong or a step that is missing please?
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Maps / Re: Online Map Problems
April 08, 2014, 22:52:08
Maps / Online Map Problems
April 08, 2014, 05:23:19
I can't open MapQuest World - Classic and Satellite maps.  I get an "Internal server error" message across the map screen.  The Hybrid maps says "Loading" on the screen, but nothing happens. However the "Classic (open) map works!

Also I can no longer see Google maps or Bing maps.  How do I get them on the list again?

Any help would be appreciated.
