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Messages - Zaliek

Implemented / Re: POI Duplicate Cleanup
February 12, 2011, 00:06:19
I gave this a try today and it works great! It matches by name but it might be good to have the option to match by coordinates too. Another possibility is to match by coordinates first, then match any duplicates by name.
Implemented / Re: Show POI Name On Hover
February 12, 2011, 00:02:06
Quote from: "menion"Fine, you're welcome ...

second point ... yes, icons are drawn in same order as are in imported or added into category. Text for icons are drawn in same time as icon. So, from this you can imagine that drawing of icons and texts seems to be really random. But i don't know any simple solution to this. Sorting items by coordinates for every draw seems to be too expensive step. You have to count that too much points under cursor is not good for displaying names :)

what about size and color of texts? I received one email yesterday, where I was asked if exist any possibility to change this. But I don't want to fill Locus settings with too much items. I would like to have one universal size and color for these texts ...

on my 800x480px display, all looks really good, so what on yours?

thanks for answer....
The overlap isn't really that big of a deal. The only way I could think of solving that is to render the text in it's own layer, after all the icons are rendered. I don't know how much work that would involve though. Most of my programming experience is with javascript and visual basic. I've never worked with android's SDK.

My screen is the same size as yours and the text looks fine.

More options is always better. If you feel that things are getting too cluttered, you could put UI options in a sub menu like several other developers have done in their apps.

The option to switch between "No names displayed", "names displayed on hover", and "display all names" seems like a logical option set.
After a recent update the problem seems to have fixed itself. I'll let you know if it shows up again.
Implemented / Re: Show POI Name On Hover
February 08, 2011, 23:28:40
Looks good! Thanks for the fast fix. :mrgreen:

One issue though. In areas that are densely populated with icons sometimes the text shows up over nearby icons and sometimes under them. It seems pretty random. It might have something to do with the order they are rendered on the map, some being on a higher level than others.
Implemented / Re: Show POI Name On Hover
February 08, 2011, 00:17:44
Thanks for making the change!
I'd recommend one slight adjustment though, the POI name on the map still gets truncated way too soon. Seems to be at 11 characters. I'm thinking optimum would be at 25 characters as that would cover the majority of POI names without being too long.

Thanks for all your hard work, keep it up!
This is annoying when geo-caching as I'll be using the compass, then need to go back to the info page for that POI to look at something. If I hit the back button it goes back to the map. If I hit the home icon in the upper right corner it also goes back to the map.
Ideally the back button should go back to the previous screen instead of the map. If that can't be done, maybe you can turn the POI title on the compass screen into a button that would take you to the info screen.

Thanks for your time. Hope to see a solution soon!
Implemented / Show POI Name On Hover
February 02, 2011, 22:38:15
Having all of the POIs with their names showing at the same time clutters up my map too much. It would be cool if there was an option to show the POI name when you hover over it with the crosshair.

Also when you tap a point the name is always cut off in the menu that shows up. You maybe could change the text to read "Info" and Show the POI title next to the icon instead? Just an idea anyways.

Thanks for your time. :)
Implemented / POI Duplicate Cleanup
February 01, 2011, 19:17:56
I'm loving your app so far. I've been looking for an app that works as well as this does.

I need a way to de-duplicate points upon import or a tool to use after import. When I generate geocache lists I often get duplicates that are already stored in Locus.

Additionally an option to delete a POI in the edit menu from the map would be great.

Thanks for the great app, I'd most certainly purchase if I could!

EDIT: Removed comment about map zoom, I'm a dummy and didn't read the manual!