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Messages - Khaytsus

Quote from: "jurajs"you can define the contourline steps in phyghtmap easily... and for amount the meters you want to.
but ! you have to have in mind also that source elevation data is not continuos, therefore it does not make any sense to use lower values than 10 meters. I personally use 20 meter steps for contour lines for 2 reasons. 1) 20 or 25 steps are mostly used out there and its still detailed enough 2) to avoid enormous data generated by pyghtmap for contourlines in the map itself  (comparing to 10m step)
I've never managed to make the maps myself, I've tried several times.  :/
Quote from: "kech61"Hi beboitb,

The Maps for


are ready for download at

Please report if they are usefull
Thank you for including US regions, but I have a question.  I see a terrain contour line or two..  Maybe every 100 meters?  Not sure.  Is this a parameter that can be set to how many meters between contours there are?  There's a place I ride my bike that's up and down the side of a hill for example, tough climbs and fun descents, yet there's not a contour at all to show it because it's not a long distance up or down.  If you want, links below to examples, the track shown doesn't show quite as much deviation up and down as it is in reality I suppose either.

Thank you!

KY/Ohio Vector Map from your site: ... -57-39.png

My Topo raster map ... -57-57.png
Hey, what happened to the distance when guiding without GPS on?  I haven't tried with GPS on, but used to be if I picked a waypoint and had Guiding on, it showed both distance and bearing.  I'm only seeing bearing.  Is this new to 2.6.0, and can I turn it back on somewhere?  This is important to me, hope it's just a setting somewhere I'm missing?  Just checked 2.5.6 and I'm seeing it there, but not on 2.6.0.  Screenshot below.  Thanks!

Okay, weird, now I updated to 2.6.0 on my other phone (running CM7) and I see the normal heading/distance, so I'm messing around some more to see if I can figure out what's going on.

Okay, I'm an idiot, but I know this was turned on before...  Had to turn on "Draw distance" in Guiding in settings.  I use this all the time, so.. weird.

I feel I'm pretty stupid here, but I can't understand how to really get started here..  Is it possible to get the information on the metadata I'd need to get Kentucky, USA building?  I'll do the building of the data myself.  I'm just confused on what data to get to get started.
Quote from: "menion"sorry for this. I discovered this issue few days ago, so now it's fixed but you have to wait for next release (probably finally next week)
Cool, glad you're aware and have fixed it.  :)
I have a bit of an odd situation..  Recently I started being unable to import a zipped GPX file into an existing category of my local geocaches.  I tried importing it into a new category, and it works fine.  Tried updating that new category, that also works fine!  But importing into the category I've always used always fails around 17 records.  It won't be a big deal if I just have to create a new category, but I have several solved puzzles I have yet to find in the list and a few of caches marked as DNF etc in the existing one, but seems like a bit of an odd bug going on here.

E/DataImportGpx( 4800): parseGpx(,
E/DataImportGpx( 4800): java.lang.NullPointerException
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E/FileImport( 4800): parseGeoData(FayetteMaster.gpx)
E/FileImport( 4800): java.lang.NullPointerException
E/FileImport( 4800):    at
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Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
January 11, 2012, 13:15:19
Quote from: "phoneguy100"Hi all.

I am a BIG fan of Locus and have started GeoCaching and this addon looks superb.

My problem is that I do have a tendency to be cautious putting usernames and passwords into apps that then reference none connected websites.  I have read that advises no android app is given your username and password to and so I am a little cautious.
Because they want you to buy their useless $10 app instead ;)  And I'll also note that their app requires this as well, they have no OAUTH mechanism in their API that I've noticed, so unlike things like Facebook, Twitter etc that you login to a webpage to authorize an app, you put your credentials directly in the app, be it this app, other Geocaching apps, or the "official" app.

Locus + Geocaching Addon puts the "official" app to shame.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
January 05, 2012, 22:50:49
Quote from: "dibrial"With newly imported caches I do see an update cache button. With previously imported caches I don't see the button.
Do you mean the update doesn't show up, or clicking update cache doesn't work at all?
I haven't been able to test the button, because the cache is not updated nor logged.
I too see an "Update cache" but only on ones I've loaded from the add-on.  It would be nice if this would work for caches imported via Pocket Queries as well.
Other features / Re: Voice NAVIGATION
January 05, 2012, 15:00:57
Quote from: "menion"and do you have correctly set units in settings? I did some changes there so they're maybe set incorrectly, just to feet
Duh, you added more since I first tried it, you're right, it's set to ft.  Last I looked it only had maybe 5-6 entries?  Thank you :)
Other features / Re: Voice NAVIGATION
January 05, 2012, 14:15:28
Quote from: "menion"fine, I added new settings into settings ... (screenshot) ... possible?

so now, if feet/miles will be enabled and also TTS, distance will be said in feet ...

also please check as you wrote more carefully wrong distances, I'll for sure test it. Maybe you can record during ride NMEA messages. Then I'll be able to play whole track as I sit next to you. So good for testing on some places ...
Hey Menion, I noticed today that there are a few spots where it shows feet when IMO it should show miles.  The points list and guiding.  I think generally most apps if the distance >528 feet they show .1 miles, etc, but right now Locus is showing thousands of feet, etc...   I can look around to see if there are any more places it does this today.  :)
Other features / Re: TODO list
January 05, 2012, 14:09:12
Quote from: "menion"hmm perfect, this leads here ...
Noooooooooooooooo, please, don't use Uservoice.  It's so limiting, at least in my experience.  Every time I look at something in uservoice, I have 5-10 votes which means I either give away all of my votes on just a few things and can't do anything else until those are implemented or removed, or you give it a few votes across a bunch of stuff which also doesn't really give a very good indication of how interesting the features are.

Maybe it'll be fine if you give people a large number of votes, not sure what the number is..  Most I've seen is 10, others, 5.  You can basically say "I really want two things" with that, and that's it.
Wouldn't those corrected coordinates be a waypoint, not altering the original coordinates?  I don't know how GSAK does it, but I know when I solve a puzzle I simply make a new waypoint for it.

I wish Locus could leave such waypoints enabled and not have to turn them back on after an exit, but that's another thing..
Other features / Re: Voice NAVIGATION
December 20, 2011, 17:28:46
Quote from: "menion"fine, I added new settings into settings ... (screenshot) ... possible?

so now, if feet/miles will be enabled and also TTS, distance will be said in feet ...

also please check as you wrote more carefully wrong distances, I'll for sure test it. Maybe you can record during ride NMEA messages. Then I'll be able to play whole track as I sit next to you. So good for testing on some places ...
Anyone told you that you're awesome recently?  ;)  Can't wait to see the new version, and if I have funny business with it, I'll record NMEA and get with you to figure it out.  :)
Other features / Re: Voice NAVIGATION
December 20, 2011, 15:57:09
Quote from: "menion"hi,
  problem with distance is weird ... I'll tell you in basic, how my system works.

new location comes from GPS, I then update location on map and start compute of new location on route. Locus compute nearest point projected on route and distance from this point to next cross. Lets say you ride 50km/h and you're now 510 metres to cross. I reduce distance to cross by one second of ride (to remove some GPS delay), so it's 460m and I'm then searching for closest text to say. Closest are 400 and 500m, so I take 500 in this case. Before I start search for text to say, I convert metres to yards if needed, so I just compute 460 * 1.09361 and search text for this.

you say "Either way, could you make the TTS measurements and annoucements match the distance units" but as I wrote, I'm already taking "metres" and "yards" units, so this should work correctly
Could you possibly change it to say the distance in feet?  Feet is a more common unit of measure vs yards, and most other navigation will say miles and feet as distances, .25 miles, 1000 feet, etc..  I'll have to pay more attention to see exactly where I'm getting voice prompts and figure out if there's a distance "issue".  It could be delays in generating the voice etc, dunno.
Other features / Re: Voice NAVIGATION
December 19, 2011, 01:13:01
Quote from: "Khaytsus"Menion,

I just got a chance finally to try TTS today..  Works pretty good, but a few suggestions...  Since it's TTS, can you make it say "feet" to match the units shown?  :)  We're not limited to "yards" when using TTS like when using TomTom voices.

Also, small bug..  if I choose a TomTom voice for example, it gives a small notification of the change worked and the voice menu closes.  For TTS, it just gives the notification and the menu remains open, which made me think it didn't work, although it did.

EDIT:  One more thing I've noticed..  Stuttering, so to speak.  Turn left in.. turn left.. turn left..  turn left in 30 yards.  I dunno why it's doing it, as I'm just approaching a normal left turn at a normal speed, no funny left-left-left type of turn or anything..  I've seen it on several occasions, and I've noticed it happen on the stock PICO TTS as well as SVOX so I think Locus must be sending that data to it repeatedly or something?

BTW, I am trialing SVOX as well.  I had the British voice on (I'm a sucker for the female british accent ;) ) but trying out the American voice today as well.  Haven't tried any other languages, so so far SVOX 3 is working okay.

Could you look into this sometimes?  It still seems to announce in yards, although I'm not quite sure it's right..  Maybe a delay or something, but it'll say "in 400 yards" when in reality it's more like 600 feet.  Either way, could you make the TTS measurements and annoucements match the distance units?  :)