I`m from Germany and i love your app! I use it mainly for Geocaching with HTC Desire!
In 2 weeks I wan`t to make a bikingtour and I want to Import a Track .gpx file
But it didn`t works. If I import the file, the app says "One Track importet" but it won`t show in any Category or in the Tracks. What do I wrong?
Ps.: In first time I did it, it has done. But after a restart the track was away.
I´ve tried tracks in other Apss and it works!
Sorry for bad English!
Greetz, Jan
I`m from Germany and i love your app! I use it mainly for Geocaching with HTC Desire!
In 2 weeks I wan`t to make a bikingtour and I want to Import a Track .gpx file
But it didn`t works. If I import the file, the app says "One Track importet" but it won`t show in any Category or in the Tracks. What do I wrong?
Ps.: In first time I did it, it has done. But after a restart the track was away.
I´ve tried tracks in other Apss and it works!
Sorry for bad English!
Greetz, Jan