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Topics - Keksbande

Troubles & Questions / Crashes, crashes, crashes
October 10, 2024, 07:30:35
Since 4.26.1 was installed on my device Locus keeps crashing randomly when just moving around the map. Sometimes I can work a few minutes, but more often it crashes every few seconds.

Userid: 74bfed507.

There is no dedicated error message, just "Locus Map wurde beendet".

I would like to roll back to the previous version just for testing whether this would help. I really need Locus to work for the upcoming weekend. Where can I find the apk for the previous version?
I call the 3rd party feature "Geocaching/Import Lists".

Instead of the overview of all lists, which I could import, I get an endless waiting circle. See screenshot.

I have reduced the number of lists in my account, just to be on the safe side, but this did not change anything.

I cannot say for sure when it worked last, but I would say that about 2 weeks ago I could still use it successfully.

Could the problem be somehow connected to the changes in the pocket query API, which were published recently?

Locus Version 4.12.1
UserID 106d6ebd7

Add-ons & Co-apps / FieldNotes Pro
August 01, 2018, 17:33:45
I have purchased and used the FieldNotes Pro Add-on for quite a long time. As of today I suddenly only have the basic version of the addon and locus store tells me to purchase the pro version anew. Does anybody know what could be happening?

Greetings Keksbande
Seit heute bekomme ich bei jeder API-Aktion, die ich mit Locus gegen durchführe, eine Fehlermeldung "Netzwerk nicht verfügbar. Bitte überprüfen Sie ihre Verbindung". Die grundsätzliche Netzwerkverbindung des Handys ist definitv gegeben. Ich vermute ja fast, dass das Zugriffstoken abgelaufen ist, finde aber nirgends eine Möglichkeit das zu prüfen oder explizit zu verlängern.

Weiß jemand, was ich tun kann?