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Topics - madimax

Maps / online maps IGN trouble
April 17, 2023, 13:59:05
I order IGN online map and I get it available on my smartphone (Android)

But if I want to get it on my Chromebook (Asus), I get an error popup message : see attached file

Locusmaps on Android smartphone and Chromebook get thes same login/password.

What must I do to get IGN online on my Chromebook ?

Thank's in advance for your help.
Hardware / locusmaps watch
April 15, 2023, 12:21:32
where can we find some technical info about the choice of a cheap watch which works correctly with Locus Maps ?
thank's in advance for your reply.
Regards - Emmanuel
Troubles & Questions / error messge import map
September 13, 2022, 09:17:08

Each time I start Locuspro I get a pop up screen telling me that he can't select a deleted map (map that I had previously loaded and then deleted) ! (see attached screeenshot.You cannot view this attachment.

How can I clean this ?

Thank's in adavance
bets regards.
Hi, I get a long trace drawn manually (with an unknow software : see attached file) and I want to modify with "automatic mode" of "route planning"(with GRAPHhopper API) : how can I do it easily in Locus Pro ? (and how to  verify the parts which are not correct in "automatic mode ")?
Thank's for your help  ;)
I was in Italy last week and I made a gpx trace in "auto mode".(see attached file)
The trace is correct but the altitude was incorrect : do you see any reason ? (the total positive elevation is about 30 times too high ... , as if it was generated in feet and not in meter ??)
Thank's for your return
Other features / Import Opentopomap ?
January 20, 2019, 17:55:01
I try to find how to use Opentopomap in Locuspro, but I don't find how to do it : could you help me about this ? (I find different topics about it, but do not find !!!)
Thank's in advance for your reply.
Troubles & Questions / about Track editor
March 26, 2018, 15:47:55
Hi, 2 questions about track edition

  • what is the map used for "map editor" : MAPQWEST, OSRM ....?
  • how to disable it in a part of the track if we don't agree with the automatic track it proposes ?
thank's for your reply
How can we get access in the trace window of Locus to the URL "" which is available in the attached GPX file (metadata field) ?
This will allow to get direct access in Locus to additionnal information about the trace.
Thank's in adavance for your reply

Troubles & Questions / "orientation filter"
March 19, 2017, 19:33:42
I don't get the "orientation filter" in the Basic settings of Sensors : why ?
I get a french V 3.22.2 version.
I get a device with hardware compass
thnk's for your help.