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Topics - rt

Hi, after 2 years of using Locus Pro on a Samsung Galaxy S5 I dropped the phone killing the screen. Had to replace it, chose Galaxy S7.

Exported Locus backup on the old phone, imported on new one.
My old phone had main Locus folder on internal flash, this is also where I kept the more frequently used maps; some extra maps were on external sdcard (internal flash was faster but smaller).
My new phone only has internal flash (big enough for now).

This is where the trouble begins. Locus is slower on the new phone. The UI and map redraws feel more sluggish, there are visible delays.

This comes completely unexpected, if anything I'd have hoped the newer phone would be faster:
- faster CPU,
- faster flash,
- twice the RAM, more caching opportunities,
- the only thing that I think could have a negative impact would be higher resolution, more screen estate to redraw.

And the phone certainly feels faster overall, just not in Locus where it is slower.

Just to make sure I haven't gone crazy I also checked against my wife's phone who still has an S5 and yeah, it's faster.

Can anything be done with this situation?

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