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Topics - KnightAzul


I have the latest Locus Map Pro version 3.49.1 and was wondering when/if the dark mode will be available?

(Sorry if this is a repeat topic: I hijacked: to ask the same question as it seemed related)


I have a Samsung A41 with Android 10 (October 2020 patch level) and Locus Pro 3.39.1 installed.
When I select "POI Alert" and in the "NOTIFICATION" section I try to "Select Sound" then Locus seems to crash internally and the system app "SecSoundPicker" reports a crash. Locus takes me directly back to map screen after that and no sound is configured for the POI Alerts.

Please let me know if you need any more information.

Thanks for any help!

I have been using custom maps for years with Locus Maps Pro with the same settings, but since v3.38 onwards I am getting "unknown problem" and no map shows on the screen. I have cleared the map cache and it does not help. My custom maps defined in providers.xml worked fine right up until v3.37.2, and I have not changed anything:

   <provider id="10020" type="0" visible="true" required="true" background="-1">

If I roll back to version v3.37.2 it works again.
Thanks for any help!


The navigation "out of route" notification sound has the option to set "Text to speech" but I am not able to configure any text here.

A general test text can be set for "Text to speech" in the menu Language & units -> Text-to-speech -> Test phrase. Is this where I should be setting the text for the "out of route" notification sound? And does the general test text configured here apply for any other notification sounds?

It would seem more logical to put the option to configure the text under the navigation "out of route" menu.


I have enabled both GPS position acquired (1 beep) and GPS lost (5 beeps) notification sounds in the GPS & sensors settings. But the GPS lost notification sound does not seem to be working as expected.

Sometimes I notice that once the GPS position has been acquired I get the GPS position acquired notification sound, then after some time, I hear the GPS position acquired notification sound again. However, inbetween I did not get the GPS lost notification sound. This does not happen all the time. On other occasions I do get the GPS lost notification sound.

Some possible explanations:

* The GPS position was lost, I didn't get the GPS position lost notification sound, and now I am getting the GPS position acquired notification sound. This would be a bug.

* The GPS position acquired notification sound depends on the accuracy of the GPS rather than the GPS position actually being lost. If the GPS accuracy falls below a threshold then the GPS is not registered as lost, and when the accuracy improves I get the GPS position acquired notification sound again

* There is a timer before triggering the GPS lost notification sound, and my GPS is reconnecting before that timer has expired

Thanks for any explanation!


Under settings -> Navigation -> Navigation data source , I have selected GraphHopper. In the configuration options for GraphHopper for car there is an option which seems to be quite confusing about what is actually does:

Checkbox: Avoid highways
Description: Avoid roads with limited access (highways)

For me this does not make sense. A highway is not a road limited access, infact, just the opposite! Could someone explain to me what this checkbox really means?

Many thanks,
Could anyone tell me where has the confirm on exit option gone, which was under the miscellaneous section of the settings? I can't find it anywhere in settings, and would like to unset that option.
Thanks for any help!

After starting the Locus app the last GPS fix field (on the GPS screen) is always empty. This is even after exiting out of the app with a successful GPS fix, just for a few seconds, and then opening it again. It would be better to remember the last GPS fix on exiting the app, and use this on starting the app again?

The result right now is that every time that I go into the Locus app and ask for a GPS fix (icon at the bottom left) it moves the map to the same position (no idea why that same position in particular - I don't remember ever setting this position as being something special - but I guess corresponds to an empty last GPS fix field), no where near where I am, until it gets a GPS fix.

I have the latest Pro version 3.18.6 from Google Play installed.

Thanks for any help!
Troubles & Questions / Network Enabled popup
October 01, 2012, 12:30:42
I have just upgraded Locus Pro from version 1.something to the latest version: 2.6.3. I noticed that on startup two things happen which did not happen before:

1) It seems that every time starting there is some popup window being shown very briefly before the main application starts up. It disappears too quickly for me to be able to read it. What is this?

2) On startup I get the "Network enabled" popup which I guess means that positioning by network is enabled and then when I exit I get the "Network disabled" popup. Is this affecting any general Android setting?
