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Topics - Alexander Hrncir

Troubles & Questions / Locus Mock-GPS App
January 23, 2017, 00:27:24
Hi, I bought a Bluetooth gps and I want to use it on tours. I want to use Locus and Runtastic (to track my route) at the same time.  Now the problem is I can't use the external GPS on two apps.  I can set the BT-GPS in Locus Map OR in the app called Bluetooth GPS, while setting the app as mock-gps app in developer settings. First I tried using external GPS via "Bluetooth GPS" (app). This way it worked great in Runtastic and for example Google Maps. In Locus Map it found my position too, but I had to hit the center button all the time to follow my position. A point which is marking and following my position is missing. Then I uninstalled "Bluetooth GPS ", because I saw you can set Locus as mock-GPS app. I connected external GPS in Locus settings, but GPS works only in Locus, not Runtastic or Google maps.  Ergo sum: I can't use Locus and another app both together properly.  Isnt Locus able to be a mock-GPS app? Can I do something that Locus is working properly when I use another appointment as Mock-GPS? Any other solution? Thanks,

as the topic says...

i dont use locus often at the moment (since it is so cold), but sometimes the sidebar is (with the + to add more quick icons) is gone and simultanous the GPS is deactivated. for BOTH, the GPS and the sidebar I dont find options in the settings to turn it off or show the sidebar (or add more icons). thats a pretty bad combination, since I have the GPS turn on/off icon in the sidebar - it seems like this is the only way to turn gps on.....

please help
Troubles & Questions / Geocaching4Locus trouble(?)
January 01, 2017, 17:41:18
When viewing geocache informations, it shows the Geocache page from when clicking on Listing. also there is no option to view the logs... is there something wrong or am I missing something? new changes?

Problem is, downloading caches, even with offlinizer is, wont save Listing-informations nor Logs... Locus is now of much more less use for geocachers...
I am searching for an overlay or a theme.. I dont know, I am really new to this and just tried many themes in the last 2 times, but in every theme I am missing something or its too much.

I got now the maps from openandromaps and openmaps and I'd like to add an overlay with hiking routes. (For openmaps I'd like to have an overlay for federal borders too)

After researching I found this topic:;board=43.0 and the guy posted this website: .

The appearance of the hiking trails is pretty much, what I am seeking for. I'd like to have the color of a trail and also the symbol (also the number of a hiking route would be very nice, but not necesseraly).

Does anybody know a theme, which includes this and I can use on the basic map from andromaps or openmaps? Or is there a not so much complicate way to integrates single elements (like hiking routs, borders, etc.) into a vector map?

regards and sorry, if I am a pain in the neck =)
Maps / please help converting...
December 20, 2015, 22:10:17

I know this is maybe the wrong place, but I tried today the whole day to get osmosis started, but its simple not possible on windows 10.. one error occurred after another...

I would really like to use the OSM map offline in Locus, without downloading tiles for weeks and months, because of the damn limit by OSM....

I know there are many pros in this forum and I am requesting your aid in this matter, converting me the austrian map from .pbf to .map and make it possible for me to share it (Dropbox or whatever). I would be very thankful


Thank you

as the title says. If I click on facebook on the picture with the track, I end up on the locus page ( I know Locus will need a kind of partner, who makes it possible to share tracks online on a homepage, but is it already possible or is it planned or am I the only one, crying in the forest? =) The feature would be very welcome for me, atm I run runtastic next to locus, to have this feature.

Thanks and regards. Alex

Da das Einstellen des Standardverzeichnisses (root directory) aufgrund von Android 4.4.2 doch immer wieder Thema ist, habe ich hierzu auch ein Tutorial erstellt und poste es hier vorab:
Wie der Titel sagt. Kann ich beliebig Tutorials zu Locus Pro erstellen oder bekomme ich da Probleme bzgl. diverser Rechte etc.? Ich habe keine Werbung oder irgendwas drauf, womit ich Geld machen könnte... geht mir echt nur um die Weitergabe von Information über die App.

as the title says... live map is activated but nothing happens (it worked well few hours ago). pretty unlucky, because I wanted to make a tutorial right now.. no good promotion if nothing works.