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Topics - poutnikl

Some time ago, there have been implemented syntax

assign parameter = 0/1 # %parameter%

for chosen set of parameters of my embedded car/bike/hiking profiles.


It works well even for external BRouter profiles.

The problem is, Locus does not detect the parameter, if it's value is defined

assign parameter = false

instead of

assign parameter = 0

Would it be possible to extent Locus profile parsing analysis to Brouter values true/false, that were implemented later?

Current implementations of the new car profiles by Arndt, based on very good kinematic model, prefers true/false for logical values, even if Boolean type is not implemented yet.

BTW, I recommend these car profiles, instead of mine.

See also

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 9, via Tapatalk
I have recently written and tested the  Linux port of Windows batch sedbatch.bat, used for mass generation of my BRouter profiles from respective templates.

It creates very interesting possibility to create profiles directly on an Android device, using termux, a great Linux terminal emulator for Android.
( It e.g. allows you to install and use the git command, python, ipython and more.)

It works with all bike/foot/car repositories,
additionally to Windows version optionally with develop GitHub branch as well.

Link to the script on GitHub:

Below is copied the current legend comment from the script:

# Ver 1.1 Fixed generation for Hiking-wet profiles ( by error identical to dry ones )
# Ver 1.2 Parameter "main" generates only main/major profiles
# Ver 1.2.1 Fixed names of Trekking-Dry/Wet profiles ( Was Poutnik instead of Trekking ])
# Ver 1.3.1 Added Shortest-P profile
# Ver 1.3.2 windows batch ported to Linux Bash
# Ver 1.4 Improved script parameter logic. Action paramaters are bike/car/foot, modifiers are master/develop and all/main
#         Implemented termux path specifics and profike copying
# automatically generates a bunch of Brouter profiles
# based on the bike/car/foot profile templates by Poutnik
# When launched,
#   1/  it create a working subfolder in a folder where the script resides
#   2/  it downloads latest bike/car/foot profile template from GitHub depository
#   3/  it generates end user profiles by automatic subtitution of parameters
#   4/  it packs them into a single ZIP archive and deletes the working subfolder content.
#   5/  it optionally copies profiles to the scriot folder
#          or from termux private space to Android storage.
# ******************************************************
#                     P R E R E Q U I S I T I E S
# ******************************************************
# 0 This bash script can be run
#   either on a desktop Linux
#   either on Android within Linux terminal emulator termux.
# Points 1-5 applies only if to be run on an Android device
# 1 Install termux ( Linux terminal emulator for Android )
#   Read links below for more
# 2 Run termux, what open Linux terminal emulator
# 3 Execute "termux-setup-storage"
#   if you want to grant termux permissions to write profile files out of its sandbox
#   to be able to copy profiles to Android storage.
#   It is recommendec not to copy directly to live profiles2 folder.
#   (run "apt update && apt upgrade" to make sure that this tool is available)
#   See  more at
# 4 Check if sed and wget commands are available.
#   If not, install them by "pkg install sed" resp. "pkg install wget"
# 5 Check and define withing the script code
#   your desired target folder for copying profiles.
# 6 If run on Linux, or on termux without jailbreak
#   ( the script is testing both )
#   the optional (aside of zip with profiles)
#   is redirected to the folder the scriot resides.
# 7 Both Linux and termux expects placing the sedbatch script
#    (subject of later renaming, remsins for historical reasons )
# 8 
# The expects particular command line parameters to do anything.
# "" without parameters lists this legend.
# "" can be provided by arbitrary sequence of keywords:
# bike car foot main all master develop copy nocopy           
# bike, car, foot are "action" keywords, generating respective profiles from a profile template
# all(default), main are  modifiers, setting scope of generated profiles ( all or the most important)
# master(default), develop are modifiers determining the github repository branch, where the profile template is located
# nocopy(default), copy, copies profiles to Android storage ( jailbroken termux )
# or to the script folder.
# Examples of usage'
# " bike" generates all profiles from bike trekking template
# and stores them in
# and generates the all profiles for all car, bike and foot transportation modes
# " main develop bike" generates only selected major profiles from bike trekking template
# from develop branch
# " copy main foot all bike develop main car"
# generates  major profiles for hiking, all profiles for bike trekking
# and selected profiles from car template develop branch.
# Additionally, profiles are copied to selected folder

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 via Tapatalk

This thread is meant as more proper place on ongoing helpdesk discussion.
Wiki pages k mým Brouter profilům, původní anglické a české přeložené pres Google Translate .

Quote from: JirkousOhledně Brotheru tedy založím nové vlákno, šlo mi v podstatě jen o to, zda existuje v češtině nějaký jednoduchý manuál jak si pomocí úpravy kodu profilu vytvořit navigaci dle vlastních představ. Zatím jsem totiž nenašel ani jeden profil, který by mi vyhovoval na nordic walking.

Čím je Nordic walking tak specifický, že se na něj nedají použít moje Hiking profily ? Hůlky to přece nemohou tak ovlivnit. Mohl bys uvést, co Ti nevyhovuje, že bych pro Tebe udělal úpravu ?

No, ono je problém něco najít i v angličtině, ale já jsem to nepotřeboval. V Developer guide souboru ( v datové složce Brouteru ), je popsaná jednoduchá syntaxe. Jak jí jednou rozumíš, tak žádný manuál nepotřebuješ. Takže spíše mít přeložený Developer guide   

Velice pomůže analýza jednoduchého standardního profilu, Třeba FastBike. Moje profily jsou mírně komplikovanější.

Hlavním základem, čím se profily liší, jsou hodnoty parametru Costfactor. Každá cesta se bere, že její délka je násobkem skutečné délky a příslušného Costfactor ( >=1 ), a pak hledá "nejkratší cestu".  Jak jednoduše nebo složitě je určená hodnota CostFactor je na autorovi profilu.

trasa A  highway=track  trackgrade=grade1 surface=asphalt může mít Costfactor=1.5
trasa B  highway=path  trackgrade=grade5 surface=grass může mít Costfactor=1.0

V tom případě 12 km B bere Brouter jako kratší než 10 km A  a vybere tedy B.
12 x 1,0 je menší než 10 x 1.5

Dále může Brouter počítat s různým efektivním zdržením,
např při zatáčení ( Turncost, pěšky nemá smysl), nebo jednorázově ( InitialCost, pro cesty i body  ).

Dále potom může na přidanou délku přepočítat převýšení.

Here you may find my very experimental Brouter Eco / FastEco / Fast car profiles, They should be used only as a fall back if no online routing is available for whatever reasons. Note that as Graphhopper implementation approaches  mature state, it should be probably preferred for the car. Or the off-line car navigation of the OSMAnd .

GitHub Car Profiles wiki with direct llinks to profiles

Current Car Test Template profile- may be used directly as profile, but expect alfa/beta quality of develop,ment version

github wiki about my Brouter Profiles

Be prepared the routing can be locally incorrect, due missing Brouter features to address local context of turning restrictions or lane  choosing.  Brouter car routing should be taken rather as a navigation guide for larger then local scale.

final profiles have implemented avoiding motorways flag,
the template also has flags avoiding tolls/toll roads and unpaved roads