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Topics - stehtimschilf


HI Forum

I know I can use personal maps (e.g. maps in a jpg/png) by converting them int to the sqlitedb-format or load a picture and calibtrate it by the on-board map calibrator.

But either way, the data amount on my device is doubled (.sqlitedb file and/or .kml contain the original picture).

Displaying the picture in the default picture app uses way less battery as displaying the map in the locus app. On a 5 week trek battery power is something you have the save - even though you carry a solar panel around.

There are a lot of "calibration file" formats which contain basically just some reference points. So my question is: is it possible to use locus just with a image file and a calibration file? e.g.:
- myMap.jpg (image file)
- (calibtration file)

I've checked the file formats which are supported for the personal maps, but I think there is no format which just uses a bitmap and a calibration format.

I bought for this purpose the pro version to use the on-board map calibrator - but as mentioned: it converts the image to a kml file.

Any idea how to solve this "problem"? Of course I could carry along some spare microSDXC ...
