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Topics - neserg

Hi, menion!
When trying to download LARGE map (but less than 2Gb) I get a message "out of memory".
On the SD-card there is enough space.
Do you use a memory buffer for downloading?
Under review / A lot of wishes
March 21, 2011, 16:39:20
Hi, menion!

First of all, thank you for this great app!
I've just started using of program, so i'm apologise for possible neewby questions.
Scope - mostly biking/hiking/long walk in the woods

Let's start:

0. Translate "Basic Info", settings for sensors and some others into other language
1. More defaul icons, especially forks and turns for markings forest paths on the map
2. Saving (exporting) current recorded track without stopping of record (button on record track mode panel) [done]
3. Ability of splitting current recorded track into GPX segments (button on record track mode panel)
4. Ability of overlay on map configurable data fields (for all application's variables) with configurable font, color, transparency
5. Trip copmuter - a separate screen with freely configurable data fields for all possible application's variables
6. Configurable screen with data plot of altitude/speed/acceleration for current recorded track [in dev]
7. One button for quick switching between screens: map/data manager/trip computer/data plot/guiding
8. User configurable top panel info box
9. Add left panel with configurable buttons
10. User-defined order of buttons on left/right panels [done, undocumented]
11. Hide panels with retention of tongue
12. Guiding mode panel with buttons for: stop guiding, skip current and go to next point, configure parameters of guiding, ...
13. Not only manualy created path, but also following to any imported GPX track (with configurable warnings about deviation on X meters) [done]
14. Counting steps and calories during travel (specially for ladies:)
15. SMS exchange beetwin 2 devices with Locus: "I'm here", "See you there", ...
16. Time sync from GPS (if not supported by Adroid itself)
17. Button on right/left panel for quick shot and automatic creating of waypoint for current track [done]
18. Abibity of track recording include waypoints for exporting to KML
19. Creation of a route by direct pointing, like: 3000m straight on, then turn left at 30 degrees (or azimuth 330), then again direct 250m and so on...
20. Widget for Android

Enough for today...
Thanks in advance for at least part of the implementation :)