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Topics - kristianmatthews

I have been using locus for geocaching and am very impressed so far and menion responded quickly to a bug I had found in the downloading of maps around points.
I am just getting into using locus when I run and have set up a custom dashboard based on JoeLocs Dream.

I am wondering if anyone else has run into a situation where the dashboard looks correct in the editor, but upon using it on the main screen the locations of all the objects are shifted (in my case everything is shifted up on my screen from where it is in the editor by a 1/2 inch)
I have worked around this by inserting an extra blank row to line it back up on the main screen.

Also, is there an option to show Average Moving Pace or Current Pace?
I know malesmurf used pace in a custom screen design, but I cannot find that option in the choices for a type inside the dashboard.
(Pace=minutes/mi and is used by runners to see how fast they are going instead of speed)
If pace is an option, is there a way to show these other details in the information saved with the track like it does for speed, distance, time?

If anyone has any experience with the dashboard being shifted slightly on their screen, or knows if I am missing an option somewhere to show pace, please let me know. Thanks. Kris