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Topics - ringen00

I've been inline skating the roads in my area now quite a while and come to the conclusion that I'd urgently would need a reliable system to avoid rough road surfaces when planning a route with locus.
I therefore now created two folders (under tracks) to collect good and bad road surface tracks. To 'collect' them I see no other way than to roll them first (more or less :-) ).
Before planning a new route for inline skating I now just have to make the tracks from the folder 'bad surface' visible and am now able to see every 'bad road' on the map just by looking at the colour of the track (I've chosen red crosses). The Start and Stop icons of the tracks are a bit unnecessary though...

- Do you see any other options for my purpose? Maybe with a map overlay?

The voice guidance in navigation mode (bicycle) always fades to zero after some time. First it starts that the voice only reaches 'in 50 meters', later 'in 50', and finally there is no voice guidance at all! Sometimes it recovers later even from a former hopeless state though...
I'm experiencing this only in bicycle mode. Calculation is done via BRouter.
I created the route with locus (partly calculation with BRouter, partly changing points and recalculation with BRouter).
Cyanogen OS 11.0  KitKat 4.4.4
Newest version of locus
Newest version of Locus...
Troubles & Questions / Camera crashes
April 15, 2017, 16:34:06
3.23.1 Cyanogen OS 4.4.4
Camera crashes when trying to take a picture for the parking position waypoint.
Hi all!
Tried to make live tracking of locus work with the new method if live tracking with GPSies - no success so far.
Used everything that I found in Backitude/GPSies ....
Any ideas?
Hi all!
I need some good ideas
for a new smartphone that would fit to the options in locus (e.g. altimeter etc.)

Right now I'm still 'using' a Samsung SGS2 !!!

Memory and RAM are low (already had to kick many apps!);
Samsung was ugly filled with bloatware;
-> pure Google/CyanogenMod?;

I'd be pretty thankful if you could recommend one or the other device
because I really have a hard time finding myself through the jungle
of phones right now!

Regards!  :-*
Hallo miteinander!

Brauche dringend einen Smartphone-Tipp
und dachte, da ich Locus gerne im Einsatz habe,
dass ich hier bestimmt das eine oder andere Gerät
ans Herz gelegt bekomme. . . 

Derzeit: Samsung SGS2
Speicher und RAM zu knapp (Apps schon aufs Nötigste reduziert);
Samsung nervte mich mit Bloatware;
Auch wegen Updates deshalb: -> reines Google/CyanogenMod?;

- Ob es für Locus geeignet ist :)
- Outdoor-Version??
- Root
- (Akku gerne austauschbar)
- Speicherplatz erweiterbar (USB OTG)

Also wie sieht's aus?!

Gibt es das? Ein Gerät was für den Einsatz mit Locus besonders geeignet ist?  :D

Danke!  :)
I'm using tasker to start recording tracks.
Since quite some time the auto save feature seems to be broken. I use it to automatically upload to GPSies after saving the track.


Can someone please confirm my observations?
As I remember there was some sort of upload threshold until no action it's initialized. How was it defined?

Regards ringen00
Is it possible that the augmented reality feature is not really precise?
I've been watching a chain of peeks and all seemed to be a little to much on the right side...
Is there a way to sort of calibrate the sensors?
Regards ringen00
I'm having lot's of POI with URL's, Phone etc. entries.
Since the update I cannot edit them! I cannot create new entries with "special"fields either.
I'm trying to let Tasker automatically change the automatic Android display rotation to "on" every time locus is running.
This works only in the beginning of the task.

Unfortunately the display rotation switches back to "off" once locus is fully loaded!

I'm using this Tasker profile already successfully with other apps (e.g. browser or gallery) so I wonder that it won't work with locus...? ! ?
I already tried to let locus run as system service -> no success!

Regards Nik :-)

Hi all!

So far I definitely have been using Live Tracking with Google Drive successfully  :D
[I've been using this tutorial for setting it up: ... oogle_docs]

Now I receive the information that all gadgets will be deleted in the week of 22.07.2013 !!!

That means not less than that the Map Gadget will be deleted too and I will no longer be able to get a graphic view of my uploaded data.

Regarding the info on Googles Support Site ( ... pic=15165#)
it looks like there should be a way to enable the 'lost' Google Map Gadget in another way!

Please help me in this!
I definitely feel unable to find out how I should do this on my own!
A 'fixed' tutorial on this issue would be most appreciated!  :)

Thanks ringen00