Hromadné převedení kalibrovaných mapových listů (*.jpg + *.map) do Mobacu
v menu chose edit - Preferences - General Preferences

Zatrhni ,,Crop 4 calibration point when loading"
(ořezává bílý okraj map )
použij: Batchbuilder

1 chose files to process
Jdi do zdrojového adresáře a klikni na libovolný .map soubor a pokračuj open.
2 Specify Presesing

Pokračuj dle obrázku
3 Write....
Vytvoř mapový zdroj pro MOBAC
Di do MOBAC mapsource Directory a vytvoř nový soubor .xml
Pohlídej si řádky s názvem a cestou:
v menu chose edit - Preferences - General Preferences
Zatrhni ,,Crop 4 calibration point when loading"
(ořezává bílý okraj map )
použij: Batchbuilder
1 chose files to process
Jdi do zdrojového adresáře a klikni na libovolný .map soubor a pokračuj open.
2 Specify Presesing
Pokračuj dle obrázku
3 Write....
Vytvoř mapový zdroj pro MOBAC
Di do MOBAC mapsource Directory a vytvoř nový soubor .xml
Pohlídej si řádky s názvem a cestou:
Code Select
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Example custom map definition that uses an existing OSMTracker atlas.
Atlases that very similar to OSMTracker like AndNav, BackCountry Navigator,
Maverick and OSMAND are also supported.
Quad-key based map sources as they are created by MapCruncher are also supported.
They can be selected via <sourceType> entry.
Supported file formats are PNG, JPG and GIF files.
This file work with MOBAC 1.9.3 and higher
<!-- Map source name as it appears in the map sources list. -->
Source type specifies the directory structure and file name
inside the zip files (since MOBAC 1.9.3).
Possible values: DIR_ZOOM_X_Y, DIR_ZOOM_Y_X or QUADKEY
DIR_ZOOM_X_Y: directory structure "zoom/x/y.png"
Other file extensions like "jpg", "gif" or "png.andnav2", ""
are also supported.
DIR_ZOOM_Y_X: directory structure "zoom/y/x.png" "zoom/y/x.jpg"
Other file extensions like "jpg", "gif" or "png.andnav2", ""
are also supported.
QUADKEY: plain files with quad-key file name with extension:
regular expression for the file name: [0123]+.(png|gif|jpg)
Directory in which the existing atlas is located.
The inner directory structure and file names are depending on the sourceType.
Optional: supported since MOBAC 1.9.2
If set to true it inverts the y coordinate so that it starts south (min=0) and increases
towards north (max=2^zoom -1)
If not set or false default scheme is used: start north and increase towards south