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Topics - voldapet

As you probably know, Locus used a custom implementation of the Mapsforge vector map rendering for LoMaps vector maps. There were several attributes that the original Mapsforge did not support.

As of May 2023, LoMaps is being released as Mapsforge V4 and the old V3 themes cannot be used for the new LoMaps V4. The new theme must be prepared to work with the new LoMaps V4.
We have prepared a simple script to help transform an existing Locus V3 theme into a Mapsforge V4 theme 

Script and simple doc are available at

Please note that the script does not convert the entire theme 1:1.
Manual work will still be required, but should save time when editing attributes.
The new Locus Map 4 comes with the new online maps in the old Hike&Bike LoMaps theme and online POI service.
We'd like to ask you for feedback, reporting for example wrong artifacts, line thickness, icon size, POI loading, text labels, etc. Thanks

How to display:
- Install the latest Alpha version
- Menu > Map Manager > Online > Asamm > LoMaps
- Map screen content > Enable LoPoins (online)
- Map screen content > Disable LoPoins beta (if you use any offline LoMap map)

Known issues:
- some text captions (especially rivers) are cut off.
Other features / LoMaps, offline addresses
March 08, 2016, 12:07:50
Hello Guys,

Topic about problems with offline address search.
Prerequisites for offline addresses:

  • Installed Locus Map 3.17.0 and higher
  • Download any LoMaps from Locus Store
  • LoMaps contain offline addresses database, POIs  and also map itself

Standard Address search

  • Menu > Search > Address & Place > Top right menu > Search Address offline.
  • Select country (map) to search > write City, street, house number ...

Reverse geocoding

  • Long tap somewhere on  map  and Locus shows pop-up window with address. You can try to turn off the internet connection to be sure that address is loaded from offline database

How to report:

  • In case that you fine some missing place, mistakes – please check the OSM data first (if you can). There are often mistakes in OSM data itself
  • Try to post here detailed information: coordinates, names, you can also add the link to OSM element like
chtěl bych vás požádat o účast na  online experimentu a dotazníku, který řeším na katedře Geoinformatiky ČVUT.
Experiment je zaměřen na webové mapy a vyhledávání v mapách. Je anonymní a zabere 5-10 minut vašeho času. Pro vykonání navštivte webovou stránku:

Chtěl bych Vás prosím také požádat o přeposlání mezi vaše přátele, rodinu či pracovní kolegy. Cílem je získat co nejširší skupinu účastníků – především z hlediska věku, vzdělání nebo zkušeností s PC.

Zdraví Petr Voldán
Maps / Japan GSI Maps support
November 14, 2013, 08:22:45
menion already mentioned it but I also have to say THANK YOU ta-ka for help with GSI maps. It's unbelievable how you helped us. Really outstanding! Ohh... I don't want to make angry the rest of you so thank you to everybody for your help with improving of Locus :) 
Latest test version contains new GSI maps and we appreciate every idea which map should be in official release. There are some layers that aren't so important. For example two standard maps: "2012 Standard map" and "Standard map".  "2012 Standard map" looks better for levels 16-18 then "Standard Map" but levels 13-14 seems worse.  "Less is more" and for this reason I don't want to add all layers into official release.  I'd like to:
- Leave one of the Standard map (or mix them together)
- Remove Relief, blank map, Brown and green Shading
- Combine MapQuest satellite maps (for levels 0-15/16) with GSI orthophoto maps, because GSI ortophoto starts in zoom-levels 15/16
- Still not sure if we need all Ortophoto maps?

Hoverwer is it possible to say which map is the best for hiking, cycling – what about to combine Pale colour map with monotone shading?

Thank you for suggestions
Dobrý den,
Hledáme zájemce, kteří by se chtěli ve středu nebo čtvrtek (18. a 19. září) zúčastnit testu uživatelského rozhraní aplikace Locus Map. Naším cílem je získat podklady pro další zlepšování designu a funkčnosti aplikace Locus.

Průzkum bude probíhat na fakultě stavební ČVUT: Thákurova 7, Praha 6 Dejvice. Přibližná délka bude 45 – 60 min a odměnou za vaši ochotu bude 150 Kč.

V případě Vašeho zájmu, odpovězte prosím na email a navrhněte čas, který Vám bude nejvíce vyhovovat.

Pěkný den přeje
Petr Voldán
Locus  ve verzi 2.8.0  nabízí nové vektorové mapy s předpřipravenými interními styly pro turistiku, cyklistiku, navigaci a obecné (běžné použití). Nové styly pracují jen s novými mapami, které jsou dostupné přes Locus store - viz //
Přepínání stylů je oproti starým verzím zjednodušeno. Dlouhý stisk na názvu mapy vyvolá informační okno k dané mapě, kde lze jednoduše vybrat preferovaný styl – viz přiložený obrázek.
Mapy jsou ve formě beta testování a proto budeme rádi za vaše komentáře jak mapy zlepšit, doplnit, jestli máte nějaké problémy apod.

Maps / New vector maps for Locus - feedback
December 08, 2012, 16:32:32
Locus comes in version 2.8.0 with new vector maps with prepared themes for Hiking, Cycling, Driving and for city. Maps are available via Locus store. Switching styles is also simplified in new version – long press on name of the map in Map manager causes changing of map style (see attached image).
Maps are in some kind of beta version and for this reason we'll appreciate any comments, issues, suggestions or ideas how to improve styles and maps.

already known issues:
- blue ocean is missing (for some regions)  
- somewhere are coastlines thick red lines
- ghost contourlines

Thank you