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Topics - brotbuexe

Nachdem ich das Wandern wiederentdeckte habe ich mir paar Boehm Wanderkarten besorgt:

Die aber jedesmal auszubreiten unterwegs ist mühsam. Also wie ins Smartphone kriegen.
Mein aktueller, wie ich finde simpler Weg:


Die Karten mit nem Scanner, A3 oder A4 bei 600x600 als tif Dateien eingescannt. Hier muss man bei der Methode nichtmal groß aufpassen das die sauber ausgerichtet sind. Sicherlich ist die 600er Auflösung übertrieben...


Das Programm starten und per Drag&Drop alle gescannten Teile der Karte in das Programm kippen.
Nach kurzer Zeit hat es wie von Zauberhand ein großes Bild draus gemacht. Das dreht sogar die Bilder wenn einzelne verkehrt rum sind.
Das als Tif exportieren.


Das Programm kostet 10 Pfund.
Damit das große Tif laden über die Funktion von Referenzpunkten in Google Earth kalibrieren:
Dann aus dem Programm per Export nach SQLite eine Karte mit den gewünschten Zoomstufen erstellen per "File Write Map for Mobile Device"

Fertig. Hatte mir das aufwändiger vorgestellt.

Nächste Aufgabe ist dann aus mehreren Böhmkarten die sich mit unterschiedlichen Maßstäben überlappen dann eine gesamte zoombare Karte zu machen, damit man nicht wechseln muss. Das geht auch mit dem letzten Tool + Mobac.
When I use guiding, none of the "xxx to next waypoint" works for me, all shows "Unknown" all the time.
Can anyone confirm this?
Especially "distance to next waypoint" should show anything without moving?


I tried to use Ivona as TTS voice for guiding but I have problems on my device.
I can set it up in settings but then it does get broken somehow.
The device is a Defy with CM10, its a little slow with Locus.
I can set it up in global and guiding / notification settings


It does work for one or two minutes. I hear one or two guiding informations. Then nothing more.
When I open the settings I get this:


First I had three languages en-uk, en-us and de-de. I already uninstalled Ivona and all languages and only installed en-us.
No change. Pico works, google tts is not installed. My other devices works with Ivona.
I can click check data and select Ivona, then all starts over again, it does work only for short time.

Any ideas? It don't need it that often...
Maps / [Overlay] Google Traffic Overlay
August 01, 2013, 17:55:43
Original from jusc: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3032

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <provider id="11701" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
      <mode>Google Traffic</mode>
      <attribution><![CDATA[(c)2011 Google - Map data (c)2011 Tele Atlas]]></attribution>
      <extraHeader><![CDATA[User-Agent#Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1]]></extraHeader>

You should go into map manager, click on icon right from this overlay and use "set valid for" to make sure you get the current data.
Maps / [Overlay] Google Weather Icon Overlay
August 01, 2013, 17:07:18
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <provider id="11704" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
      <mode>Google Weather Icons</mode>
      <attribution><![CDATA[(c)2011 Google - Map data (c)2011 Tele Atlas]]></attribution>
      <extraHeader><![CDATA[User-Agent#Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1]]></extraHeader>


Layers for Clouds, Precipitation, Rain and Snow.

Unpack the xml in the zip to locus/mapsOnline/custom. Close Locus, Reopen Locus, you will have "OpenWeatherMap" entries.
To get actual tiles you should set the "valid for" for the layers in the maps selector.

Thanks for your good themes.

What I still miss is a theme that looks good on highres smartphones like the galaxy note.
I know we have "resolution of maps", but this just multiples all the pixels.
And the text size setting is only for Texts.

We need a theme that does not show that much stuff on the same zoom levels it does show on normal res phones.
And the ways etc should be bigger on that zoom levels.

I could help with searching the correct icons from and ... portation/, but the xml stuff is a little bit too complicated for me.

I don't know if it is possible to "convert" existing themes with some search and replace...

Hope some of the theme gurus could make one.
Solution: Found the issue. Had a "providers_backup.xml" in the custom folder. Didn't know Locus reads "providers*.xml". :)

As I realized that the Name and URL of the Lonvia has changed, I tried to update the providers.xml, but I don't get it to work.

Without the providers.xml I have the 4 Lonvia Overlays unter "Overlays". So it looks like they are already included.
Or is there any caching in Locus that happens to still show online maps that are not included?

With my attached providers.xml, I have only 2 of my added "Waymarked Trails" under "Waymarked Trails layers".
The other two are still under "Overlays" listed as "Lonvia...".

Why is this? I tried to change the IDs, doesnt work.

As a side note, I see "Hike&Bike Hillshade" with a downloadable=no and "HikeBikeMap Hillshade overlay" with downloadable=yes in Locus under Overlays. Isn't it the same or does it use different URLs?
Some guy made "rel2gpx".
You can get it from
It gives the ability to export Relations also known as tracks (Hiking oder Biking related) from OSM maps to GPX to use them in Locus for guiding.

Its more for advanced users, because you have to get Perl running and some modules.
You have to get a .osm Map of the area the relations you want are included. For example you can get them from (get the osm.bz2 and unpack the bz2).
Make sure your osm is not too big. I couldn't get a 2,5GB osm work. I used only osm files with about 120MB so far.


perl -w -i c:pathmap.osm -r bicycle -g

-r bicycle = for bicylce relations
-r hiking = for hiking relations
-g = create gpx files.

This creates gpx files for all route relations with type bicycle in the current folder.
If you want to import more then one oder two of the gpx, just zip them in one zip file and import just the zip in locus.

Because the original version have some issues with utf8 encoding (at least for me on Windows), segmentation of tracks (import in locus generates new tracks for every segment of a track) and the naming of the tracks inside the gpx and then inside of locus (only using the relation id as a name of the segments), I made some changes.

The changed version you can get from:
Mit rel2gpx kann man aus OSM Karten die Radroutenrelationen rausziehen und als GPX exportieren.
Die kann man dann gut in Locus fürs Offline Guiding nutzen.

rel2gpx gibts // Meine angepasste Version siehe unten.

Ich habe das mal für Bundesländerkarten von Geofabrik gemacht (Stand 04.05.13):

Die Dateien finden sich unter

Die Zip über den Import in Locus importieren.

Bis auf BB/MV/SN habe ich alle Tracks die exportiert worden in die Zips gepackt. Entweder vor dem Import die kleinen unnützen Tracks rauswerfen, oder später, oder auch nicht. :)

Die Radrouten fangen jeweiles mit dem Kürzel des Bundeslandes an, damit man weiss wo man ist. Dann kommt das, wenn vergeben, Kürzel des Radweges, und der Name sowie die Nummer der Relation in OSM.

Falls jemand andere Bundesländer (Länder) mag und zu faul zum Perl installieren ist, einfach Bescheid geben.
Ich habe das mal mit der Deutschlandkarte versucht aber das wurde nie fertig, wohl Speicherproblem dann. Deshalb lieber kleinere OSMs nehmen.

Ich selbst nutze das dann unterwegs in Kombination mit dem Cyclerouteoverlay // Der Overlay zeigt mir auf der Karte die Kürzel an, die ich dann in der Trackliste in Locus recht einfach finde. Sollte aber auch mit den Vektorkarten und passendem Theme gehen. Dann den Track laden und Guide on...
What could be wrong with this file?
It keeps staying at "Importing" with high cpu load.
It's from
Vielleicht lohnt es sich mal die WMS Server die es so in Deutschland gibt (insbesondere die der Landesvermessungsämter) zu sammeln. Teilweise kommt man ja anders nicht ohne Kosten an die Topo Karten ran und einige Luftbilder sind aktuellere als Google und Co.

Für Sachsen:

Interessante Teile:
DOP RGB (Luftbilder) ... wmsservice
DTK (Topografische Landkarte in 4 verschiedenen Maßstäben) ... wmsservice
TOP.sachsen (noch eine topografische Landkarte, zoombar) ... wmsservice

Beschreibung: ... enste.html
URLs der WMS Dienste: ... e/register (Jeweils den Link in der Tabelle kopieren und in Locus unter WMS Hinzufügen, dann den passenden Layer selektieren)

Wie es bei einem Staatsbetrieb ist, hat man alles schön versteckt. Einige der Dienste die in der Beschreibungsliste drin stehen, erscheinen dann nicht in der URL-Liste (dort dann über die Beschreibung zum GeoMIS Katalog gehen und dort die URL holen).

Historische topografische Karten: ... 6ea8ddc112

Eine ganze Datenbank weiterer Dienste findet sich unter: (falls jemand was interessantes dort drin entdeckt...)
Maps / Vector Maps with Cycle routes
May 27, 2012, 19:49:20
Just found this on the mapsforge developer googlegroup.

#14 have two layers, a nice looking hill shade (sometimes a little extrem) and a contour line layer.
Terms of Use:

if it does not exist, create a /sdcard/locus/mapsOnline/custom/provider.xml and insert this text:
If it already exist edit it and just insert the <provider*> ... </provider> stuff inside the <providers> ... </providers> xml tags.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<provider id="11234" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
<name>OSM - layers</name>
<mode>OMS hill shade layer</mode>
<attribution>overlay tiles come from, Terms of Use:</attribution>
<provider id="11235" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
<name>OSM - layers</name>
<mode>OMS contour layer</mode>
<attribution>overlay tiles come from, Terms of Use:</attribution>

Now you have new maps you can use as overlays in 2.3.X (Main menu / Functions / Map overlays), you can add this function to the right toolbar for quicker use...
For the hill shade, if its too dark, just play with the opacity slider.

If you download them, you should never redownload them, because they will not change.

They also have their own background map (its not that different from the other osm maps):
<provider id="11233" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
<attribution>overlay tiles come from, Terms of Use:</attribution>
You can use Mobac to download map tiles and create whole maps or just layer maps for offline use on locus.
So you don't have to use your phone...
Its Java so it runs on a lot of platforms.

For Locus you should use "RMaps SQLite" as output format.

You can use a lot of custom providers.
Like the layers from the maps forum.

Mobac caches the Tiles in its own Databases (see tilestore directory in mobac folder) named by the <name> Tag you use.
You can, if you use the same <name> tag also create multilayer maps with that maps without to have to reload already downloaded tiles.

Custom maps provider configuration for tileservers are a lot like they are configured in Locus.
To create simple layer map, use a custom map source like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Cycleroutes Overlay</name>

Put it as Mapname.xml in Mapsources subdirectory in Mobac program dir.
This will create transparent maps that only have Cycling routes.

If you download layers like cycleroutes, you would get download errors because of the fact that tiles that don't have anything to show (no route on them) didn't exist. Just mark the "Ignore download errors" in the atlas creation dialog when you started the creation...

Example for a multilayer map:
A Cyclemap with hillshade integrated

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <name>Cyclemap with double Hills and contours (Ger)</name>
            <name>OSM Cycle Map</name>

With Locus 2.3.X you could and should create the layers as separate maps, because you can overlay the maps in Locus. So you can use the hillshade map on different base maps on the fly in locus without recreation.

If you need more map sources you could install Locus Map Tweak on Android and then get the urls from the providers.xml in /sdcard/locus/mapsOnline/custom.

And you could use a sqlite as a map source. So you could use already (from within locus) downloaded maps.
That way you could recreate smaller maps for example or remove some zoom levels...
See the end of the readme for more information ... mMapSource ... source.xml
Maps / Different Quality of Hill Shade layers
May 02, 2012, 19:04:23
See Screenshot:
Location: Elbsandsteingebirge, Saxony, East Germany
Coordinates: N 55°55.760' E 14°04.688'
Zoomlevel 14
Left Side Wanderreitkarte Hillshade (also have contour) layer
Right Side OpenMapSurfer Hillshade layer
Bottom HikeBikeMap Hillshade layer

The OMS Layer looks quite good, but the terms of use reads not so good
OSM have a classic map version without labes, and labels in different languages (if available in the osm data) as layers.

As locus already have the map included, the Tile Usage policy should also apply to this Overlay:

The map with id 10501 is the baselayer without the labels. For a list of available language codes: Just copy a provider, change the ID to a number that don't already exist, change the url part to the language code you want.

if it does not exist, create a /sdcard/locus/mapsOnline/custom/provider.xml and insert this text:
If it already exist edit it and just insert the <provider*> ... </provider> stuff inside the <providers> ... </providers> xml tags.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<provider id="10501" type="0" visible="true" required="true" background="-1">
<mode>Classic without labels</mode>
<attribution>OSM without labels come from, Terms of Use:</attribution>
<provider id="10502" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
<name>OSM - layers</name>
<mode>OSM labels de</mode>
<attribution>OSM Labels come from, Terms of Use:</attribution>
<provider id="10503" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
<name>OSM - layers</name>
<mode>OSM labels en</mode>
<attribution>OSM Labels come from, Terms of Use:</attribution>

Now you have a new base map under "OSM" and new maps under "OSM - layers" you can use as overlays in 2.3.X (Main menu / Functions / Map overlays), you can add this function to the right toolbar for quicker use...
Sorry, I can't stop. :) have a nice looking hillshade with included contour lines, and a topo layer they use on top of a simple base layer.

As locus already have the map included, the Tile Usage policy should also apply to this Overlay:

Don't download tiles from zoomlevel 16 and higher!

if it does not exist, create a /sdcard/locus/mapsOnline/custom/provider.xml and insert this text:
If it already exist edit it and just insert the <provider*> ... </provider> stuff inside the <providers> ... </providers> xml tags.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<provider id="10231" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
<name>OSM - layers</name>
<mode>Wanderreit topo overlay</mode>
<attribution>Topo overlay tiles come from, Terms of Use:</attribution>
<provider id="10232" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
<name>OSM - layers</name>
<mode>Wanderreit hill shade overlay</mode>
<attribution>Hill shade overlay tiles come from, Terms of Use:</attribution>

Now you have new maps you can use as overlays in 2.3.X (Main menu / Functions / Map overlays), you can add this function to the right toolbar for quicker use...

For the hill shade layer, if you download them, you should never redownload them, because they will not change.
#19 have a great looking hill shade (better than the hikebikemap shade), and piste routes are also a overlay.

The server with the hill shade is really slow and sometimes locus show "Unknown problem". So don't download anything for now, only use it for online viewing...

As locus already have the map included, the Tile Usage policy should also apply to this Overlay:

if it does not exist, create a /sdcard/locus/mapsOnline/custom/provider.xml and insert this text:
If it already exist edit it and just insert the <provider*> ... </provider> stuff inside the <providers> ... </providers> xml tags.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<provider id="10229" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
<name>OSM - layers</name>
<mode>OpenPiste landshade overlay</mode>
<attribution>Landshade overlay tiles come from, Terms of Use:</attribution>
<provider id="10230" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
<name>OSM - layers</name>
<mode>OpenPiste piste overlay</mode>
<attribution>Piste overlay tiles come from, Terms of Use:</attribution>

If you already use the vector map with "Hiking" Theme, you don't need the piste overlay, its already in there.
Maps / [MAP Overlay] Seamarks tiles
May 01, 2012, 14:21:32
On they use a overlay to show seamarks.

I only found a Information about how to embed the map: ... ile-Server
As locus already have the map included, the Tile Usage policy should also apply to this Overlay:

if it does not exist, create a /sdcard/locus/mapsOnline/custom/provider.xml and insert this text:
If it already exist edit it and just insert the <provider*> ... </provider> stuff inside the <providers> ... </providers> xml tags.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<provider id="10228" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
<name>OSM - layers</name>
<mode>OpenSeaMap Seamarks overlay</mode>
<attribution>Seamarks overlay tiles come from, Terms of Use:</attribution>

If you already use the OpenSeaMap, you don't need this overlay. The seamarks are already included in this map in locus.

Edit: fixed min zoom level from 0 to 9.