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Topics - tcat

Troubles & Questions / Spam
March 15, 2012, 17:51:22
I've been receiving SEVERAL (at least 50) emails from "" just today announcing map updates.  They are all identical.  I marked them as spam, but they still accumulate in my Spam folder.  Not a big deal, just wondering if they are coming from here.  It says:

Hi everybody,

we just uploaded the new vector maps for Locus.

The maps are now provided as zipped files. This has two main advantages. You need less time to update and download your map and our server needs less CPU to offer the downloads. That's what everybody would call a perfect "win-win"-situation!

However, have fun with your updated OSM vector maps!
Troubles & Questions / Vector Map downloading
February 03, 2012, 23:52:11
I'm trying to download "Texas" from Vector Maps, and keep getting an error message after the 5 second pause, and click the skip button:

"You do not have permission for this request /mapsvector/actual/americas_united_states/"

I tried on my PC and from my Galaxy Player.  On the android it just bounces back to the map list.  So far this app looks fantastic, and happy to donate once I test a few things out.