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Topics - TSellers

I have a points file with 55 entries in it. I made the mistake of adding text after the Point number. I should have only placed the number in the Icon & Name field, then the details about the point in the description.

I know I can edit the points in Locus on the Android device, but that is painfully slow and tedious. Is there a way I can open the file that contains the points after I transfer it to a Windows PC, and edit it with a Windows program before moving the edited file back to the Android device?
Troubles & Questions / Best way to generate report
October 01, 2014, 18:40:10
I have been working on a project compiling an inventory of wildlife exit gates in a National Park along the main highway which is fenced. When I create a new Point, I make notes about what maintenance work needs to be done to the gate, and I have attached a picture of every gate to the Point. Now it is time to generate a report, and I'm not sure the best way to go about it. I've exported the Points to a KML File and looked at it in Google Earth and can see the descriptions and a thumbnail, but not sure what to do about the pictures.

Any suggestions on the best way to generate a report from my data file in Locus would be appreciated.
I've been searching through the settings and cannot seem to figure out how to set UTM's to be my default format for when I create waypoints?

ALso while I'm on the topic, is there a way to create a shortcut for making a quick waypoint without having to drill down through the menu screens?

Regards, JMK
Troubles & Questions / Import Icons with .GPX file
September 16, 2012, 17:27:12
I created a .gpx file in my device and changed the icons to four different types for 18 points. I then moved the gpx file to my spouses devices. I thought I would just be able to copy it over, but I found I had to export and import the file to move it to another device, did I do that right?

Also my icons on the 2nd device were reset to the generic 'i' icon. Is there a way to copy a points file to another device and save the icons as well (for example using a different format)?
Troubles & Questions / Create 1km Grid Line Overlay
September 16, 2012, 06:23:27
I've been trying to figure out if I can overlay dynamic grid lines onto my screen?

Regards, J