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Hardware / Much more precise GPS Positioning
June 12, 2024, 21:30:23
Hello again,

Back with a lot of updates according to this topic.
In the last year I developed 2 versions of compact GPS receivers, which could be used for hiking purpose, on different cost and precision level. Main effort was the software programming but also the housing, antenna option and power supply were in focus.
Both solutions are now working stable and my favourite, with more precision, bigger antenna, sealed housing and akku is equipped with a battery, which allows days of hiking. All of that is for sure flexible and could be changed.
Both are tested hundreds of kilometres and working absolutely stable. The next stages could be optimised easily in terms of size and costs.
You will find pictures attached.

What is your impression?
Any intersest to bring it into a store?

Thanks and cheers


Hello again,

Back with a lot of updates according to this topic.
In the last year I developed 2 versions, which could be used for hiking purpose, on different cost and precision level. Main effort was the software programming but also the housing, antenna option and power supply were in focus.
Both solutions are now working stable and my favourite, with more precision, bigger antenna, sealed housing and akku is equipped with a battery, which allows days of hiking. All of that is for sure flexible and could be changed.
Both are tested hundreds of kilometres and working absolutely stable. The next stages could be optimised easily in terms of size and costs.
You will find pictures attached.

What is your impression?
Any chance to bring it into your store?

Thanks and cheers


Also help desk

my interest is, to get a more precise GNSS position for the track recording as it is done by the usage of the mobile phone internal GNSS receiver. Background is, that during my hiking tour, specially in mountain, valley and forest regions, the tracking of the position and related altitude is not as precise as I want to have it. One good example is, if you are standing close to the edge of a deep hollow and the measuring point jumps between bottom and top, the result is a altitude calculation, which is far from real.

In a first step, I bought a GNSS receiver from Adrusimple, which allows together with an RTK helix antenna very precise measurements, if the programming is done well, which I worked out over several weeks. I'm using this equipment since month now and I'm really happy with the related results. But: The costs are really high, about 300€ and not really an option for maybe other interested user.

So in the second step, I tried to reduce the cost by using catalog single components and a cheaper U-Blox M9N GNSS chip. After a lot of testing and programming, the new receiver delivers nearly the same positioning quality as the former one. I will now do some further optimizations on the housing and tests in mountain regions. 
If you like, I will keep you informed and show some comparison measurements with simple mobile phone logging afterwards.

I'm looking forward to get some feedback from you side, if you have same experience and maybe interest to get further information details.



ich bin auf der Suche nach Gleichgesinnten, die auch nicht zufrieden mit der Qualität der GPS-Positionsdaten Ihres Mobil-Telefons sind, bspw. bei der Nutzung von Locus als Outdoor App.

Ich habe mich daher intensiver damit beschäftigt und nun nach einigen Monaten einen externes Modul entwickelt, welches deutlich bessere Daten liefert.

Ich wäre jetzt für mich damit zufrieden, allerdings könnte ich mir auch vorstellen, es für die breitere "Masse" zu optimieren. Voraussetzung wäre natürlich ein generelles Interesse.

Also: Meine erste Frage wäre daher: Besteht überhaupt der Bedarf, oder sind alle mit der aktuellen Präzision, die ihr Handy liefert, zufrieden?

Alles weitere Fragen würden sich den Rückmeldungen anschließen, wie Details, Kosten, etc.

Ich würde mich über Euer Feedback freuen.

Danke und Gruß
