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Topics - sejtam

Implemented / dashboard
September 23, 2011, 23:27:02
even when driving w/o navigating to a target, there should be an option to show the current speed
(maybe as another option for the top bar)

I also found that the rotation does not really work well when driving. It started out pointing me 'track up' but after
turning a few corners, it lost all idea of which direction it looked and thus showed anywhere but track up.

I played around with the sensor orientation filtering, but that did not really help.

This is on a Dell Streak running StreakDroid 1.8.1 (Froyo) and the latest build from today (Locus Pro 1.13.2

i also want am easy way to stop navigating. I can not find a simple way to achieve that
Various & Bin / track-up in geocaching mode (c:geo)
September 20, 2011, 12:11:07
When called from c:geo, could Locus allow switching between north-up and track-up mode? please?

Also, how can I make it use a downloaded map (eg Osmarender) when called from c:geo?
It seems to use OSM, but to download tiles from the net while I have downloaded teh area before

This is Free 1.13.1 on a Dell Streak running StreakDroid 1.8.1 (Froyo)