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Topics - Fykantrollet

Under review / Info boxes
October 28, 2011, 22:10:53
These two info-boxes that can appear in the top of the screen are very useful. But it seems I can only make them appear if following a previously recorded track. Is this the case? They are useful, so should be visible when following a predefined route or waypoint also.
Any reason not to?

Locus is a great software, but there is one thing that keeps on giving me trouble; sometimes the power draw of the application is extremely high. I estimate it to be at least 2 amps at worst. This estimation is based on that the battery graph shows as steep a negative curve as the positive curve is when charging with the wall charger, when I at the same time is charging with a .5A charger.

I have experimented a bit, and I think I have narrowed it down to when the guiding function is active. I can have distance rings on, time rings, custom screen and track recording active, even screen on and consumption seems normal (at worst slowly dropping). But when I activate guiding the power graph spikes downwards.

I can't imagine nobody else has this problem. Is there some setting that might remedy this? I'm thinking that Locus is maxing out the processors for some reason.

I am using Statkart Topo on a i9100 Android 2.3.4 Build KI4.

Thanks for any help!
Under review / Auto zoom based on distance to waypoint
September 14, 2011, 20:14:19

Changing zoom by speed is a nice feature. But for me when kayaking it is not exactly applicable.

What I would really like is for the zoom level to be set so that it is based on distance to next waypoint or a set number of waypoint ahead. What I mean is that if I select auto zoom to two waypoints ahead, the auto zoom will try to keep these two waypoints visible at all times.

It would also be good to be able to set the maximum zoom level when using this function.