I have a bit of an odd situation.. Recently I started being unable to import a zipped GPX file into an existing category of my local geocaches. I tried importing it into a new category, and it works fine. Tried updating that new category, that also works fine! But importing into the category I've always used always fails around 17 records. It won't be a big deal if I just have to create a new category, but I have several solved puzzles I have yet to find in the list and a few of caches marked as DNF etc in the existing one, but seems like a bit of an odd bug going on here.
Code Select
E/DataImportGpx( 4800): parseGpx(org.kxml2.io.KXmlParser@45d781a8, menion.android.locus.core.gui.extension.dj@45d7e9b0)
E/DataImportGpx( 4800): java.lang.NullPointerException
E/DataImportGpx( 4800): at menion.android.a.k.a(L:210)
E/DataImportGpx( 4800): at menion.android.locus.core.f.aa.a(L:1123)
E/DataImportGpx( 4800): at menion.android.locus.core.gui.extension.di.p(L:875)
E/DataImportGpx( 4800): at menion.android.locus.core.gui.extension.dj.a(L:580)
E/DataImportGpx( 4800): at menion.android.a.b.a(L:440)
E/DataImportGpx( 4800): at menion.android.a.a.b(L:102)
E/DataImportGpx( 4800): at menion.android.a.a.a(L:50)
E/DataImportGpx( 4800): at menion.android.locus.core.gui.extension.dq.run(L:346)
E/DataImportGpx( 4800): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1096)
E/FileImport( 4800): parseGeoData(FayetteMaster.gpx)
E/FileImport( 4800): java.lang.NullPointerException
E/FileImport( 4800): at menion.android.a.k.a(L:210)
E/FileImport( 4800): at menion.android.locus.core.f.aa.a(L:1123)
E/FileImport( 4800): at menion.android.locus.core.gui.extension.di.p(L:875)
E/FileImport( 4800): at menion.android.locus.core.gui.extension.dj.b(L:538)
E/FileImport( 4800): at menion.android.a.b.a(L:477)
E/FileImport( 4800): at menion.android.a.a.b(L:102)
E/FileImport( 4800): at menion.android.a.a.a(L:50)
E/FileImport( 4800): at menion.android.locus.core.gui.extension.dq.run(L:346)
E/FileImport( 4800): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1096)