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Topics - bendy303

I have both versions of Locus, the Classic and the Pro

I dont want to waste space, so I want them both to share the same downloaded vector files.

The setup wizard in Classic detects the pro installation, but it is terribly written text, and there is no suggestions at all which folder should be chosen.

I have no idea, and none I chose seem to work.

I chose:

Android > media >
Android > media >
Android > media > > maps
Android > media > > mapsVector
Android > media > > maps
Android > media > > mapsVector

NONE of these directories were accepted.

Please tell me a clear instructions to get both apps working. I am on holiday and I don't have time for mucking around with badly written documentation

I have android 14, and its a new phone, the Motorola Edge 50 Fusion, fresh install of both apps



I didn't update my android, so it's not that.  Locus all of a sudden forced me to choose an alternate storage location with a pop up,  and now I have lost all my settings and routes. I restored the routes with cloud sync but now all my icons are gone. My offline maps see also gone.
Troubles & Questions / undo for web planner?
November 27, 2021, 04:15:41
Can't seem to find the undo for editing a route on the web version.....

sometimes I will accidently move a point incorrectly and the whole route is recalculated.......

I just want to edit part of a route and it screws it all up....and the delete point option is no help.;..

where is the undo?


Hi, as per my subject line.

I did some edits on Open Street Map to reflect new trails......

when will the offline vector map (which I assume is using OSM data) get updated?

