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Hi There,

first of all: a real cool application. I am a developer too and so i know how much work such piece of software is!

Some ideas to improve the Geocaching-Addon. I used c:geo before and misses some features, which whould be nice and not so complicated i think:

- Search Caches directly with the GC - Code (or: make it possible to "open" a geocaching link "" with your app, to load the Cache directly, similar to c:geo)
- implement an Option to fetch more Logs of an Cache
- implement an Option to show images from the cache-description

thnaks a lot
Hi There,

have i huge problem with the GeoCaching Addon. I buy Locus, to us it for Geocaching and i like the addon realy, but the problem is: you can't change any waypoint in a geocache.

Try this:
Load a Geocache (by searching the Area for Example)
Open the Description
Take an existing Waypoint
Change the Name of the Waypoint or the location
Save the Change

> The Changing doesn't effekt the waypoint. There are still the old values present. Creating new waypoints work without any problems. Issue doensn't take place with "normal" waypoints (create an Waypoint somewhere on the Map, without any related Geocache)

Hope this issue will be fixes soon.
Thanks a lot!