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Topics - big

I'm using locus 3.70.13 an all of a sudden some buttons are gone from the menus of GC details menu, like navigate->Google maps or some plugin buttons from the share menu.
Any explanation for this? 😳
I did reinstall my solver plugin already, that brought back the button, but all data of the plugin is gone... 😞
I'm using this:
to show little icons on the map for caches. There were indications for D/T rating and size.
Since the last update, I only see the overlay for the D rating, others are gone... (see pict)
Any ideas?

Cheers, big.

Gesendet von meinem SM-N930F mit Tapatalk


following: when I open a cache listing and open one of the additional way points (one without coordinates), I can enter new coordinates (like GPS). Then, when saving the change, the way point is not updated in the list of way points in this cache listing (so, no distance information, no possibility to show the way point on the map (the "eye botton" is disabled)).
When closing the cache listing and reopen it, the way point is fine and can be made visible.
This is some kind of cumbersome and is a "new bug"... ;-)

Cheers, big
I just noticed, that the time, when I created a draft (fieldnote) is missing (actually, for all my logs since 30 Sept 18!).
When I look at the list of field notes in the FieldNotes plugin, the time is always 18:00 (for logs from the US east coast) and 12:00 for logs in MEST. Assuming, the time is 0 (or the like).
Unfortunately, all my 200+ log from the 3 weeks US trip have all the same date (on and I cannot see the order (within a day, of course) :-(

Did anyone noticed this?

Using Locus FieldNotes AddOn v and Locus Pro v3.33.2

Funny thing: the missing time appears all of a sudden on 20 sept 18, and I did not update any peace of software on my phone...

Cheers, bigchen

since some changes on the GC page, the pocket queries cannot be loaded anymore. More precise: it is not possible to login to the GC page. It shows a yellow error box saying:
zS$', code 11105

The Geocachng4Locus plugin had the same problem, but was updated so that it works again.
Is an update planned for Locus as well?


Cheers, big.

Vielleicht hat jemand ja das gleiche Verhalten wie ich und kann es mir erklären...
Nach jedem Update aus dem play store startet Locus nicht, sondern fordert mich auf, neu zu starten. Warum?
OK, ich habe ein note 3 mit einem note 7 Rom, Android 6 und habe die SD Karte schreibbar gemacht, da mein Locus Ordner im root Verzeichnis liegt (wie früher... ). Aber warum kann Locus nach der Installation diesen Ordner nicht mehr finden?

Danke und Gruß, big

Gesendet von meinem SM-N930F mit Tapatalk


Seit dem letzten Update ist der Kreis, der die GPS Abweichung darstellt, so dunkel.
Kann man irgendwo die Transparenz dieses Kreises einstellen?

Danke, big.

Gesendet von meinem SM-N930F mit Tapatalk

For some weeks now, GC logs, that I upload to, are time shifted by + 8 hours.

Could it be, that a false time zone is used?

Cheers, big

Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk


Did someone noticed that the navigation commands for roundabouts have a false "offset"? When I have to leave at the first exit, it tells me "-2", the 2nd exit is zero...

The navigation icon is correct, shows the right number...

Cheers, big.

Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk


Lately during our holidays I noticed that Locus eats up almost all volume of my Flatrate. I assume, that the HTML pane and the pictures tab of the GC POIs is the bad guy.
I noticed, that each time I opened a GC listings web view or picture tab, the content is reloaded. Is this true? Or is there a cache that prevents reloading?

If not, such a cache would save a lot of data volume, specially for GC listings with extended content...


Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk


All of a sudden, my German voice switched to English when using brouter navigation commands.
Did someone noticed?

All my tts settings are defaulted to German and switching back and forth doesn't help.


Cheers,  big.

Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk


actually there is no way to stop actions, that try to lookup network resources, like the geocaching page. The progress bar is visible and Locus is unusable until it succeeds or it times out. It would be a big help if these operations would be aboard-able, like it is possible when the navigation tries to lookup the GPS signal. Hitting on "wait..." button terminates the action.


Cheers, Lutz.
Wishlist / Display of distances
November 22, 2013, 21:38:25

when I use the navigation, the distance is always shown in meters (depending on my metrics settings, of course...). But when I have a loooong way to travel, gui elements are to small to fit the long numbers...

Maybe it would be better to show 1354 m as 1.3 km. Looks nicer and is better readable.


Cheers, Lutz.

My suggestion:
It would be nice if I could store different settings for different usage profiles, for example:
- when I use navigation in the car, I would have some settings activated: automatic zoom, no lock screen, turning map, etc.
- when I'm looking for a cache, some other settings might be active: no turning map, no auto-zoom, etc.

So, I would like to be able to define a set of settings depending on the actual action Locus is performing. When I navigate, the navigation set is activated (by hand, better automatic), When I use Locus for caching, another set of settings will become active (manual, automatic would be difficult...).

What are you thinking?

Cheers, Lutz.

is there an easy way to enter coordinates by copy-and-paste from a GC listing? Mostly, the coordinates are given as one string, containing lon and lat specification.

It would be nice to have one input field pasting these copied coordinates to. Locus may parse them into the internal format.

(...I remember a nice dialog within CacheWolf handling coordinates from the old Windows days... That was Java as well, maybe there is some code to inherit... ;) ...)

Cheers, big

today, I tried to use the navigation feature. The navigation to a point gave me a temporary track, that I tried to follow. I activated the guide, but that some kind of did not work... he always focused on a point on the track, that we just passed. At the end, I tried the reverse navigation, that worked fine. Strange.
Also, I saw that the little arrows on the track were pointing in the reverse direction: from my target to the actual position....


Cheers, big.

First of all, I would like to thank you for this great piece of software! This is nearly perfect for the outdoor activities for geocacing.

But... today, I encountered a problem while changing a way-point for a geocache. First, I created a new way-point from the cache description. Lateron, I tried to change the coordinates, but they did not change. Within the editor, everything was fine, but after closing the cache description nothing changed.


cheers, big.